The aim of the conference is to bring together researchers who have carried out work on the history of Institut des hautes études cinématographiques (IDHEC), using a variety of approaches, while helping to identify and stimulate new work on issues that have yet to be fully addressed. Between its creation in 1943, on the foundations of the Centre artistique et technique des jeunes du cinéma (CATJC) established in Nice in 1941, and its merger-absorption by La Fémis in 1986, the IDHEC was a central institution in cinema education in France, whose history it accompanied. Yet the school has never been the subject of a monographic publication covering its entire history.
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In focus
The Institut des hautes études cinématographiques (IDHEC) in France: milestones for a plural history31/03/2025
Le colloque propose une réflexion sur l’héritage de Satie aux XXe et XXIe siècles, en favorisant la comparaison entre différents répertoires et expériences, dans une perspective pluridisciplinaire. Il sera également question de poser le problème en termes transdisciplinaires étant donné la propension de l’auteur à élargir les frontières sémantiques et esthétiques de la musique elle-même. Cette perspective élargie ne devra cependant pas exclure l’interrogation purement musicologique et sont attendues des contributions novatrices – surtout dans le domaine analytique – en vertu des compétences spécifiques exprimées par le partenariat avec les Conservatoires de Turin et Catane.
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The aim of this issue is to examine the relationship between public housing and the reproduction of social order in colonial and post-colonial contexts from an intersectional perspective through the lenses of class, gender, race and/or nationality. The aim is to examine spaces that are often considered separate – the colonies and the metropole – in the same analytical frame, in order to uncover circulation between the metropole and colonies, understand colonial legacies, and explore the effects of decolonization.
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On the occasion of (What’s The Story) Morning Glory’s 30th anniversary, this one-day conference aims to examine Oasis’s place in British popular culture and invites multidisciplinary contributions within the fields of English / British studies, literature, history, musicology, linguistics, and political science.
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This issue of Bellica journal aims to bring together articles dealing with the archaeology of conflicts in a broad chronological perspective ranging from the earliest periods of time to the 20th century. The goal of the collection is to reflect upon and to trace the development of a trend that began three decades ago in the field of archeology and which has witness unprecedented growth since then. The increase in the number of archaeological sites corresponds to a strong institutional and social demands. This is particularly the case when it comes to the conflicts of the twentieth century, but in fact the entire chronological spectrum is concerned by this new trend. The archaeology of conflicts has also greatly contributed to the development of war studies in the broadest sense of the term.
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For the past twenty years or so, the history of the circus has benefited from an undeniable scientific dynamism. While the circus is essentially an international art form, until now its history has mainly been written from a national perspective. The aim of this conference is to decompartmentalise these historiographies by inviting researchers in history and, more broadly, in the arts and the social sciences (performing arts, art history, sociology, anthropology, etc.), as well as those involved in the artistic and cultural world, to combine their approaches.
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Autumn 2025 marks the fortieth anniversary of the publication of the second volume of Gilles Deleuze’s diptych on cinema, The Time-Image. As the centenary of his birth draws to a close, this will be an opportunity to celebrate the philosopher and his importance for thinking about the seventh art, by collectively exploring the current uses of The Movement-Image and The Time-Image in film studies.
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This conference explores the multiple dimensions of desire in contemporary art worlds, examining its forms, tensions, and implications. It aims to rethink the role of desire as a driving force of creation, the artist’s condition in the face of inequalities and violence, the place of desire in artistic work, the norms that shape desired or excluded bodies, and the practices that seek to frame or regulate these dynamics. By engaging with these perspectives, the conference invites participants to reflect on the relevance of desire as an interpretative key and to envision new representations for art and its actors.
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Several studies in environmental history and the sociology of science have already shown how, regarding asbestos as other toxic substances, the narrative of the sudden “awareness” of their harmful effects was a fiction, actually and that a number of stakeholders were well aware of asbestos pathogenic effects as early as the early 20th century. The circulation and appropriation of this knowledge did not take place in linear fashion. Now, what are the possible trajectories of a toxic substance after it has been banned? This is the question this conference aims to answer.
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Is preaching consubstantial with crisis? Did the different religious traditions present in the Middle East come to grip with the notion of crisis during the contemporary period? This workshop examines the similarities and divergences between preaching endeavours by the different religious traditions and the transformations in religious discourse in the Middle East from the end of the 19th century onwards. Through a comparative and diachronic analysis, it aims to identify what "constitutes a crisis" for particular religious actors at a given moment in the contemporary history of the Middle East (e.g. military defeat, feelings of inferiority vis-à-vis Europe, demographic decline of a given religious group, secularisation of institutions, rise of atheism, etc.)
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From historiography to the epistemology of history, what are the "new problems, new approaches, new objects" - taking up and updating the postures of Pierre Nora and Jacques Le Goff - new periodizations, new geographical areas of architectural history? This symposium aims to clarify the complexity of these narratives, which are both plural and situated, in order to better understand the methodological questions they raise and the contemporary issues they illuminate. It will question these new data and make them resonate with approaches that claim to be postcolonial and/or environmental. It will examine the epistemological implications of the use of certain notions, such as the anthropocene, and their mobilization in the field of architectural research.
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Nomopolis journal will be devoting issue no. 3 to the mobility of indigenous peoples.This issue remains one of the areas to be explored within a growing body of indigenous research in the social sciences. Its importance is demonstrated by the decision of the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the rights of Indigenous Peoples to devote his latest report to the United Nations General Assembly to this issue. This is the first systematic global study of the situation of mobile indigenous peoples. However, this situation represents only one aspect of the broader issue of the relationship between mobility and indigenous peoples, which also raises questions about the situation of those for whom mobility is not a way of life.
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This issue of Volume ! the French journal of popular music studies will bring together studies on fans of music, singers and bands, and focus on several themes: a historical look at music fans; methodological reflections on the conditions of fan ethnographies; analyses of fan trajectories and careers.
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This special issue of Photographica aims to foster reflections on both the history of albums and the ways in which they can be read and studied. What are the different ways of understanding photo albums? Should they be considered as objects with a “social” or a “cultural biography” in the sense of the anthropologists Arjun Appadurai and Igor Kopytoff? In what ways do they represent one of the richest objects of investigation for the history of photography, and what do they reveal about photographic practices?
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In recent years, there has been an upsurge of interest in the religious beliefs and practices of immigrant populations in both popular and academic discourse. While this topic is most often addressed as part of larger conversations about multiculturalism and social cohesion within the broader society, scholars are increasingly turning their attention to religious identities as experienced by the immigrants themselves. This conference will take a “bottom up” approach to explore how religion has factored into the migrant trajectories, lived experience, and imaginaries of newcomers to the United States and Canada from the nineteenth century through to the present day.
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The transmission of scientific and academic knowledge on migration cannot be envisaged today without a plurality of research, socio-economic and civil society actors. This calls for a reflection on the ways in which research is carried out and presented in the light of the circulation of knowledge. It also raises the question of “transmission in migration”, i.e. everything that is transferred between different groups in society (migrants/descendants of migrants/non-migrants) at different levels. What are the legacies and discontinuities from a family and intergenerational perspective, from one migrant group to another, from one institutional practice to another? The aim is to examine the practices and uses, as well as the purposes, of the transmission of political, economic, cultural and social forms in “migrant worlds”.
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Currently perceived in a largely positive way, 'nearness' has become a trendy concept, which is also valued in architecture and urban planning : use of bio-based and geo-based materials, return to hand drawing, setting-up of agencies in rural areas, renewed interest in critical regionalism, etc. Far from being new, and also going with a dark side, this notion applied to architecture and urban planning deserve exploration over the long term (18th-21st centuries) in order to enrich and qualify current reflections and practices. The conference aim to bring into dialogue the work of researchers and testimonies from local actors in architecture and territorial planning.
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This congress aims to explore different forms of interaction and communication between representatives of the Padroados and the Congregation of Propaganda Fide in terms of antagonism, convergence and cooperation, starting from the creation of the dicastery in the seventeenth century to the end of the patronage system in the twentieth century, in territories under the control of the Iberian Padroados (America, Africa and Asia) and the Holy See.
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This international conference aims to explore the effects of transatlantic cultural circulations over the individual and collective experiences of women artists (18th-21st c.), in the various fields of creation (cinema, literature, visual arts, performing arts, music, architecture…).
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This international conference held in Chicago University in Paris, will gather political scientists, historians, legal scholars, students of international relations, sociologists and American Studies scholars to question the challenges to the state of U.S. democracy in the Era of Trumpism.
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Latest announcements
30/06/2025 - Montpellier
14/03/2025 - Clermont-Ferrand
13/03/2025 - Paris
27/02/2025 - Paris
18/02/2025 - Clermont-Ferrand
06/03/2025 - Yvré-l'Évêque
Regards croisés sur la valorisation et la médiation scientifique dans les entreprises et universités28/02/2025 - Villeneuve-d'Ascq
27/02/2025 - Aix-en-Provence
18/02/2025 - Paris
21/03/2025 - Malakoff
31/03/2025 - Sèvres
03/03/2025 - Wuppertal
16/03/2025 - Wrocław
28/02/2025 - Paris
14/02/2025 - Aubervilliers
18/02/2025 - Paris
13/03/2025 - Paris
19/02/2025 - Pessac
The Institut des hautes études cinématographiques (IDHEC) in France: milestones for a plural history31/03/2025 - Paris
30/04/2025 - Paris
Counter-Hegemonic Discourses in the Indian Ocean and in Africa: Thinking and Writing a Shared World?14/03/2025 - Saint-Denis
02/05/2025 - Saint-Étienne
27/02/2025 - Paris
17/02/2025 - Waterloo
12/04/2025 - Ouagadougou
22/02/2025 - Rennes
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30/04/2025 - Honfleur | Turin | Catania
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01/03/2025 - Lisbon
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28/02/2025 - Montreal
31/03/2025 - Mendrisio
31/03/2025 - Bratislava
15/02/2025 - Rennes
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14/02/2025 - Paris
07/04/2025 - Rennes
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10/02/2025 - Brussels
21/02/2025 - Aubervilliers | Amiens
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