HomeModeling cultures: the concept of power through material, artistic and musical inheritance throughout history

Modeling cultures: the concept of power through material, artistic and musical inheritance throughout history

Modelant cultures: el concepte de poder a través de l’herència material, artística i musical al llarg de la història

Moldeando culturas: el concepto de poder a través de la herencia material, artística y musical a lo largo de la historia

III Conference on Doctoral Studies in Art and Musicology

III Jornades d'Estudis Doctorals d'Art i de Musicologia

III Jornadas de Estudios Doctorales de Arte y de Musicología

*  *  *

Published on Thursday, June 23, 2022


The 3rd edition of the Conference on Doctoral Studies in Art and Musicology has the goal of providing an interdisciplinary vision in the field of Humanities. It aims at reflecting on the concept of power as a means of differentiation and prestige on all its levels, in thedifferent cultures and during the course of history; through the material, artistic and musical culture.



The 3rd edition of the Conference on Doctoral Studies in Art and Musicology has the goalof providing an interdisciplinary vision in the field of Humanities. It aims at reflecting onthe concept of power as a means of differentiation and prestige on all its levels, in thedifferent cultures and during the course of history; through the material, artistic andmusical culture.

The exercise of power, both personal and institutional, has worked in all societies as acreative and developmental basis and engine, as a way of making a difference betweenindividuals and determined collectives. Power is created from inequality and hierarchy,present elements in any culture and, in order for it to exist, they necessarily have to beexpressed and recognized by all the members of the involved collective. That’s why a keyfact for the legitimacy of power is its codification into concrete formulas that, quite often,can be found materialized in artistic, symbolic, mythological, urban, architectural, musical,festive or ritual representations.

This year’s conference intends to deepen in the analysis of specific cases from multipleperspectives of study. The goal is to show several types of formulas that show thedifferentiation, the authoritarianism and the prestige of power that we can use as examplesto deepen into the mechanisms of each society, from Antiquity until our present days.

The central concept that structures the theme of the conference are the following ones, accompanied by suggestions of possible topics:

  • The representation of power: implicit techniques and discourses in the artistic creation that represent the hierarchy of power.
  • The mythification of people through their idealized representation (from The death of Marat by David to the merchandising of Jacint Verdaguer).
  • References to the elements rooted in the imaginary of power as techniques of legitimation of the new figure of power (from Napoleon portrayed as Julius Cesar to Isabel Díaz Ayuso’s photoshoot as the Virgin).
  • Architectural power: buildings destined to show power or created by/for the elites, urban typologies, specialized space...
  • The dispute of power: political propaganda through art in military conflicts.

The symbolism of power: the association of different symbols to an element of the power structure.

  • The heraldry: shields, flags, mottos and other elements associated with family lineage and legitimation.
  • Iconography and rituals of political regimes as a method of imposition of power between society (from Louis XIV as the Sun in the court ballet to the symbolism of totalitarian rules and democracies).
  • The symbolic value of natural elements: animals, plants, materials...

Dogmatic power, mysticism and the funeral world

  • The staging of the ritual and ceremonialism of power.
  • The different forms of musical liturgy as legitimations of religious splits.
  • Mythology and dogmas.
  • The sacred building as a spatial representation of power.
  • Religious iconography and dressing of the clergy.
  • Characteristic and different types of burial between groups of unequal classes.
  • Types of funerary rites (Do they have a primitive nature? ¿Does an economical factor take part? etc.)
  • Characteristics of the space destined to burials and cults to the deceased.


  • To reflect on what power is, how and who practices it.
  • To identify in an artistic work or cultural product the influence of power practiced by an external figure.
  • To recognize the mechanisms of representation of power and reflect on their involvement.
  • To identify and analyze the association between form and idea that creates the cultural symbols of power.
  • To understand the functioning of the symbolic system in society and how these symbols, as social constructions, can be permuted and appropriated.
  • To see art and culture as the carriers of ideological, political and social meanings.
  • To understand and be aware of the relevance and function of culture in the legitimation of the established system and its socio-political hierarchies.

Who it is addressed to

Doctoral students involved in studies of different specializations within Humanities, such as Art History, Musicology, Archaeology, History, Anthropology, Literature and other disciplines that perform specific analysis in connection with the topic that this call for papers addresses.

How to send your abstract

The abstracts will be sent as a summary of between 250 and 350 words. If accepted, the speaker will have to develop his/her oral communication in a maximum of 20 minutes, plus 10 more minutes for questions and debate about his/her speech.

The communications will take place on December 15th and 16th, 2022 at the faculty of Arts and Humanities of the Autonomous University of Barcelona. Speakers can either participate in person or online.

The abstract must include:

  • A title
  • The name, contact data and institutional affiliation of the speaker
  • To what topic from the suggested it belongs to
  • The body of the summary between 250 and 350 words
  • From 3 to 5 key words that define the proposed topic
  • A brief curriculum of the speaker (max. 200 words)

The speakers will subsequently have the possibility of sending the content of their presentation written in the format of an article for its publication in the minutes book of the conference.

The abstracts must be sent to the email address doctorands.artimusicologia.uab@gmail.com before the closing of abstract’s reception

on September 16th, 2022.

The decision of the committee on the acceptance of proposals will be communicated to the interested applicants from October 3rd, 2022 on.

The result maybe: accepted; provisionally accepted (including corrections to be made); not accepted. For the people that request it before the celebration of the conference, assistance certificates will be delivered. All the speakers will receive a certificate of participation.

Scientific committee

  • José Miguel Pérez Aparicio (doctoral researcher and assistant teacher, UAB – Ministry of Universities)
  • Marta Huete Casanovas (doctoral student, UAB)
  • Noa Font Agraz (doctoral student, UAB)
  • Geydy Rodríguez Wood (doctoral student, UAB)
  • Paula Buades Morales (doctoral student, UAB)
  • Mireia Vilà Ruiz (doctoral student, UAB)


  • José Miguel Pérez Aparicio (doctoral researcher and assistant teacher, UAB – Ministry of Universities)
  • Marta Huete Casanovas (doctoral student, UAB)


  • Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
    Barcelona, Kingdom of Spain

Event attendance modalities

Hybrid event (on site and online)


  • Friday, September 16, 2022


  • representación, poder, cultura, arte, música


  • José Miguel Pérez Aparicio
    courriel : JoseMiguel [dot] Perez [at] uab [dot] cat

Information source

  • José Miguel Pérez Aparicio
    courriel : JoseMiguel [dot] Perez [at] uab [dot] cat


CC0-1.0 This announcement is licensed under the terms of Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal.

To cite this announcement

« Modeling cultures: the concept of power through material, artistic and musical inheritance throughout history », Call for papers, Calenda, Published on Thursday, June 23, 2022, https://doi.org/10.58079/195t

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