HomeL’utilité du référentiel dans un curriculum d’enseignement de langue étrangère
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Published on Wednesday, August 24, 2022


In this call for papers, we would like to interest our potential contributors in the notion of the reference framework and its relation to the curriculum and its satellite notions such as : program, competences, tasks, activity, didactic or fabricated text, etc., as well as its relation to societal goals. It should be noted that this notion is also related to the notion of “competences” and “situations”, certainly at the academic level, but also at the professional level due to the concrete situations in which the language would be used by the learner. The action-oriented approach and possibly other methodologies will be questioned in this connection with the reference framework.


In this call for papers, we would like to interest our potential contributors in the notion of the reference framework and its relation to the curriculum and its satellite notions such as : program, competences, tasks, activity, didactic or fabricated text, etc., as well as its relation to societal goals.

It should be noted that this notion is also related to the notion of “competences” and “situations”, certainly at the academic level, but also at the professional level due to the concrete situations in which the language would be used by the learner. The action-oriented approach and possibly other methodologies will be questioned in this connection with the reference framework.

Historically, and without going into detail, the notion of the Referential is considered to be an innovative notion, at least from the C.E.C.R.L (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages) onwards. Like the notion of competence, it was borrowed from other disciplines, but sometimes old methodologies have been considered as referentials. On the basis of what has been said above, we invite our future contributors to understand the notion of a reference framework by trying to answer the questions formulated on this subject or raised by a particular approach to the notion of a reference framework, its usefulness in a language curriculum and its relationship with the elements of the curriculum.

This call of papers comes from the journal “Didactiques” of the Laboratory of Didactics of the Language and texts (University of Medea (Algeria). Deadline for receipt of contributions : 15 December 2022.



  • Université de Médéa (Algérie)
    Médéa, Algeria (26000)


  • Thursday, December 15, 2022


  • curriculum, référentiel, langue étrangère, enseignement, apprentissage


  • Djamel Kadik
    courriel : djamelkadik [at] gmail [dot] com

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  • Djamel Kadik
    courriel : djamelkadik [at] gmail [dot] com


CC0-1.0 This announcement is licensed under the terms of Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal.

To cite this announcement

« L’utilité du référentiel dans un curriculum d’enseignement de langue étrangère », Call for papers, Calenda, Published on Wednesday, August 24, 2022, https://doi.org/10.58079/19dr

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