HomeTheatre and Migration

HomeTheatre and Migration

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Published on Monday, August 29, 2022


Fabio Perocco and Rosaria Ruffini, from the University of Venice (Italy), organize a book with the provisional title Theatre and Migration aimed at examining, through an interdisciplinary and international perspective, the practices, the experiences and the theatrical creations made by migrants or for migrants or on migration.



We are Fabio Perocco and Rosaria Ruffini from the University of Venice (Italy), researchers in sociology and theatre respectively. Currently, our joint research combines social studies and theatre studies in relation to the issue of migration, in particular our research focuses on development and use of theatrical and performance practices in migratory contexts or in relation to migratory phenomena.

Based on this research activity, we are organizing a book with the provisional title "Theatre and Migration" aimed at examining, through an interdisciplinary and international perspective, the practices, the experiences and the theatrical creations made by migrants or for migrants or on migration.

Submission guidelines

The volume collects contributions on several contexts around the world. The maximum length of each contribution is 40,000 characters.

The expected date for the submission of contributions is May 2023.

We invite scholars to send us an article for the volume; before we ask those interested to send us a title and an abstract of the article at fabio.perocco@unive.it


Fabio Perocco and Rosaria Ruffini from the University of Venice (Italy), researchers in sociology and theatre respectively.


  • Wednesday, May 31, 2023


  • theatre, migration


  • Fabio Perocco
    courriel : fabio [dot] perocco [at] unive [dot] it

Information source

  • Fabio Perocco
    courriel : fabio [dot] perocco [at] unive [dot] it


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To cite this announcement

« Theatre and Migration », Call for papers, Calenda, Published on Monday, August 29, 2022, https://doi.org/10.58079/19eg

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