HomeThe Book in Its Time: Places, Materials, Forms and Techniques

The Book in Its Time: Places, Materials, Forms and Techniques

O Livro no seu Tempo: Lugares, Matérias, Formas e Técnicas

Le livre dans son temps : lieux, matériaux, formes et techniques

El libro en su tiempo: lugares, materiales, formas y técnicas

« Cadernos do Arquivo Municipal », Number 20

« Cadernos do Arquivo Municipal », Número 20

« Cadernos do Arquivo Municipal », Numéro 20

« Cadernos do Arquivo Municipal », Número 20

*  *  *

Published on Monday, September 12, 2022


The Book is a phenomenon that combines the fascination of its manifestations of yesteryear to the current debates and practices that announce future paths and dilemmas. We propose in this call an exercise that recovers the procedures and techniques that gained body to welcome another invention, that of writing, which inscribes the history of copyists, printing typographers who moved between cities and countries in search of business, that of their emergence in monasteries, courts, universities, binder workshops and typographies, that of street vendors and that of the production and marketing circuits.


Cadernos do Arquivo Municipal, Nº 20


The scientific journal Cadernos do Arquivo Municipal publishes original works in the Social Sciences and Humanities field (History, Art History, Sociology, Anthropology, Geography, Architecture, Urbanism, among others). The journal operates in a Continuous Article Publication (CAP) mode.

The Book is a phenomenon that combines the fascination of its manifestations of yesteryear to the current debates and practices that announce future paths and dilemmas. We propose in this call an exercise that recovers the procedures and techniques that gained body to welcome another invention, that of writing, which inscribes the history of copyists, printing typographers who moved between cities and countries in search of business, that of their emergence in monasteries, courts, universities, binder workshops and typographies, that of street vendors and that of the production and marketing circuits.

We also propose the complementary exercise of perceiving the book in the individual and collective tastes of those who produce it and caring in its materiality, reflected in the design and innovation of materials and, with equal relevance, in the “confrontation” present with the universe of the digital book.

Topic Proposals

We therefore suggest the following thematic axes:

(a) History of book production: from manuscript to typographic printing, from illumination to digital recording;

(b) Workshops and typographies of treatment and binding of the book;

(c) Book professions, memoirs and historical mutations: binders, illustrators, gilders, printers, typographers, editors, street vendors, booksellers, critics;

(d) Forbidden books, censored books, lost books, cult classic books (from a fictional, scientific, political, cultural, religious point of view);

(e) Book places, evolution and history;

(f) The Book in Toponymy;

(g) Reading or Readings ;

(h) Documentary and aesthetic paths: the book in art (photography, film, painting and sculpture).

How to apply

The call for papers for the Thematic Dossier " The Book in Its Time: Places, Materials, Forms and Techniques” is open

until 31 December 2022

Submission adress: am.cadernos@cm-lisboa.pt

Access to Instructions to Authors

Cadernos do Arquivo Municipal publishes original works in the Social Sciences and Humanities field and accepts, permanently, the submission of articles and critical reviews.

Scientific coordination

  • Fernando J. Bouza Álvarez (UNIVERSIDADE COMPLUTENSE, Madrid)
  • João Luís Lisboa (NOVA FCSH)
  • Luís Martins (NOVA FCSH)


  • Lotes 3-6, piso 0 - Rua B ao Bairro da Liberdade
    Lisbon, Portugal (1070-017 Lisboa)


  • Saturday, December 31, 2022

Attached files


  • livro, história, sociologia, cultura


  • Marta Gomes
    courriel : marta [dot] gomes [at] cm-lisboa [dot] pt

Information source

  • Cadernos do Arquivo Municipal
    courriel : am [dot] cadernos [at] cm-lisboa [dot] pt


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To cite this announcement

« The Book in Its Time: Places, Materials, Forms and Techniques », Call for papers, Calenda, Published on Monday, September 12, 2022, https://doi.org/10.58079/19gq

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