HomeRelationship between Art, Architecture and Society
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Published on Wednesday, September 21, 2022


From Vitruvio to Herbert Read and Miwon Kwon, there is an important selection of publications which focus on analyzing the relationship between art and architecture. There is also a significant number of publications which explore the relationship between art and society, or between society and architecture, respectively, although there is a lack of papers which address the three together. This call for submissions welcomes fresh ways of looking at reality and underrecognized vernacular expressions, which could help us to unveil new ways of understanding the relationship between art, architecture and society, as a transdisciplinary response to the current state of affairs. 



From Vitruvio to Herbert Read and Miwon Kwon, there is an important selection of publications which focus on analyzing the relationship between art and architecture. There is also a significant number of publications which explore the relationship between art and society, or between society and architecture, respectively, although there is a lack of papers which address the three together. What possibilities for new understandings of each of these areas, and of them together as a unique field of study, would an exploration of the triad reveal?

Are there alternative ways to understand the relationship between these fields beyond site-specific public art (Miwon Kwon, 1998), disciplinary tunnel vision (Petter Naess, 2010), or the academic approach (Nick A. Nichols, 2012)? It is in this context that approaching the relationship between art, architecture and society as a triad offers an alternative to the risk of stagnation—resulting from the measurement practices that horizontal analyses can lead to (Yves Gendron, 2008)—opening the field to unexpected, open-ended possibilities for interpretation and development.

In this context, it is relevant to explore the possibilities that applying Henri Lefebvre’s trialectics—as conceptual model—could offer for laying down new sets of relations between these fields, with particular focus on alternative scenarios, such as folklore (Tim B. Rogers, 2002).

This call for submissions welcomes fresh ways of looking at reality and underrecognized vernacular expressions (Bernard Rudofsky1964), which could help us to unveil new ways of understanding the relationship between art, architecture and society, as a transdisciplinary response to the current state of affairs. 

Guest editor

Dr. Cesar Cornejo, School of Fine Art, History of Art and Cultural Studies, University of Leeds

Submission guidelines

Deadline for the submission of abstracts: 30 November 2022.

Submission of final manuscripts: 31 January 2022. 

Submission Criteria:  

  • Abstract and a short biography should be sent to Cesar Cornejo (anti.architecture@gmail.com ) and Sylvia Hao (sylvia.hao@mdpi.com)
  • Final articles, in English only, should be at least 5000 words long; a 150-word abstract and 5 keywords should also be submitted.  
  • Authors can include image files (tables, maps, graphs, photographs …) in ..jpg; they should ensure that images are free of rights (or that rights have been obtained).  
  • Each article will be peer-reviewed by at least two anonymous referees.

For further inquiries, please contact: Sylvia Hao for Arts, Sylvia Hao (sylvia.hao@mdpi.com) and Editorial Office of Artsarts@mdpi.com

Scientific committee

Link to editorial board


  • Wednesday, November 30, 2022


  • art, architecture, society, transdisciplinary, trialectics, vernacular


  • Sylvia Hao
    courriel : sylvia [dot] hao [at] mdpi [dot] com

Reference Urls

Information source

  • Cesar Cornejo
    courriel : anti [dot] architecture [at] gmail [dot] com


CC0-1.0 This announcement is licensed under the terms of Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal.

To cite this announcement

« Relationship between Art, Architecture and Society », Call for papers, Calenda, Published on Wednesday, September 21, 2022, https://doi.org/10.58079/19iq

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