HomeEscritoras de língua portuguesa no tempo da Ditadura Militar e do Estado Novo em Portugal, África, Ásia e países de emigração
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Published on Tuesday, September 20, 2022


Encontra-se aberto concurso para atribuição de 1 bolsa de investigação para mestrando/a no âmbito do projeto Escritoras de língua portuguesa no tempo da Ditadura Militar e do Estado Novo em Portugal, África, Ásia e países de emigração na área científica de Humanidades ou Ciências Sociais.


Offer description

The project “Escritoras de língua portuguesa no tempo da Ditadura Militar e do Estado Novo em Portugal, África, Ásia e países de emigração” intends to develop knowledge about women's writing in the referred time, through the realization of several international Coloquia and the publication of articles, develops a database available at https://mulheresescritoras.pt/index.php.

In this context, the master researcher should develop the following tasks: a) collaborate in research on portuguese language writers with works from 1926 to 1974, consulting the funds of the National Library of Portugal and possibly other portuguese archives; participate in the study of the biography and the active and passive bibliography of the writers of the project's corpus, according to the criteria defined by the coordinators of the scientific program; also under the guidance of the project's coordinator, fill in the fields in the database implemented to systematize the results of this research program and review the previously filled information.

Research Field: Humanities or Social Sciences

Duration of the fellowship

The fellowship will last for 4 months, starting in October 2022. The fellowship contract may be renewable

Amount of monthly maintenance allowance

the amount of the scholarship corresponds to € 875,98 €, according to the table of values of scholarships awarded directly by FCT, I.P. in Portugal. To this amount is added the voluntary social insurance corresponding to the first level, in case the candidate opts for its attribution, as well as the personal accident insurance.

Eligibility criteria

  1. have obtained a degree in Humanities or Social Sciences by the date of application submission;
  2. be enrolled in a cycle of studies leading to a Master's degree;
  3. have attended/attended a course component of Women's Studies, Feminist Studies or Gender Studies;
  4. have a willingness and interest in researching in Libraries and Documentation Centers
  5. have basic computer skills from the user's perspective
  6. have a good command of Portuguese
  7. be fluent in English and/or French

Academic degrees obtained in foreign countries need to be registered by a Portuguese institution, in accordance Portuguese institution, according to Decree Law no. 66/2018, of August 16th and Administrative Rule no. 33/2019, of January 25th. The presentation of the certificate is mandatory for the signing of the contract. More information.

Application submission

The applications should be sent by email to gestao.ielt@fcsh.unl.pt, containing the reference Escritoras 2022 and accompanied by the following documents:

  • Curriculum Vitae, with evidence of the elements required;
  • Motivation letter;
  • Licentiate Degree certificate;
  • In the case of academic degrees obtained in foreign higher education institutions, it is necessary to present the recognition of the degrees obtained, in accordance with DL No. 66/2018, of 16 August; or, in the absence of recognition at the time of candidacy, a declaration under an honorary commitment that this recognition will be made prior to contracting the Scholarship, in case of being the selected candidate. However, it is mandatory to present the acknowledgement up to the moment of contracting the scholarship.

Application deadline : 23/09/2022 23:00 - Europe/London

Selection Methods

The selection methods will be the following: evaluation of the CV (70%) and motivation letter (30%).

Selection jury composition

  • Profª. Doutora Teresa de Sousa Almeida (President)
  • Profª. Doutora Isabel Henriques de Jesus (Jury Member)
  • Prof.ª Doutora Ana Paiva Morais (Jury Member)
  • Profª. Doutora Teresa Araújo (Substitute)

Form of notification of the results:

The final results of the evaluation will be published, through a list ordered by final grade. All candidates will be notified via email. After communicating the list of the results of the evaluation, candidates have a period of 10 working days to express their opinion in a preliminary hearing of interested parties.


Amount of monthly maintenance allowance: the amount of the scholarship corresponds to € 875,98 €, according to the table of values of scholarships awarded directly by FCT, I.P. in Portugal (http://www.fct.pt/apoios/bolsas/valores). To this amount is added the voluntary social insurance corresponding to the first level, in case the candidate opts for its attribution, as well as the personal accident insurance




Additional comments


Draft_ scholarship_contract: https://www.fcsh.unl.pt/static/documentos/concursos/bolseiros/Minutas/Contrato_Bolsa.pdf


Draft_Final report to be prepared by the grantee: https://www.fcsh.unl.pt/static/documentos/concursos/bolseiros/Minutas/Relatorio_%20final_bolseiro.pdf


Draft_Final report to be prepared by the supervisor: https://www.fcsh.unl.pt/static/documentos/concursos/bolseiros/Minutas/Relatorio_final_a_elaborar_pelo_Orientador_Cientifico.pt



  • Friday, September 23, 2022


  • ditadura militar, Portugal, África, Ásia, emigração

Reference Urls

Information source

  • Carolina Vilardouro
    courriel : comunicacao [dot] ielt [at] fcsh [dot] unl [dot] pt


CC0-1.0 This announcement is licensed under the terms of Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal.

To cite this announcement

« Escritoras de língua portuguesa no tempo da Ditadura Militar e do Estado Novo em Portugal, África, Ásia e países de emigração », Scholarship, prize and job offer, Calenda, Published on Tuesday, September 20, 2022, https://doi.org/10.58079/19jo

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