Home“Translang”: Moving beyond languages

“Translang”: Moving beyond languages

« Translang » : Aller au de-là des langues

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Published on Wednesday, October 05, 2022


Translang is a journal of translation and languages founded in 2002 at the University of Oran. The published works in the journal were more directed to German with a clear orientation towards translation. From 2010 onwards, Translang becomes multidisciplinary and more languages a represent : English, Arabic, French, Spanish, Russian and the work between translation and languages is balanced. The themes addressed today are particularly related to the reflection on translation as a process, especially the translation of specialised texts (technical, literary, artistic), on the interpreting process (simultaneous,consecutive, community), on the cognitive aspects of translation, history of translation, didactics and pedagogy, translatology, terminology, etc.



TRANSLANG is a journal of Translation and Languages founded in 2002 at the University of Oran. The published works in the journal were more directed to German with a clear orientation towards translation, under the direction of Djamel Eddine Lachachi.    

From 2010 onwards, TRANSLANG becomes multidisciplinary and more languages are present: English, Arabic, French, Spanish, Russian and the work between translation and languages is balanced. In 2015, the direction was taken over by Ghania Ouahmiche and TRANSLANG would be edited by the University of Oran 2. The editor-in-chief worked on its indexing through new orientations, with a greater emphasis on translation studies. In 2019, TRANSLANG is indexed, its staff is characterised by the international dimension which gives the journal more credibility. In 2022, TRANSLANG is updated and specialised in translation studies, as part of the High Quality Research (HQR) framework. The themes addressed today are particularly related to the reflection on translation as a process, especially the translation of specialised texts (technical, literary, artistic), on the interpreting process (simultaneous, consecutive, community), on the cognitive aspects of translation, history of translation, didactics and pedagogy, translatology, terminology, etc.   

The quality of the manuscripts is not the only criterion for acceptance; the criterion of novelty/originality is also necessary for publication. TRANSLANG favours various methodologies, argumentative, empirical, scientometric, etc. TRANSLANG aims to offer visibility to researchers in translation studies from the Maghreb, Africa, the Middle East, Asia and the West.   

Our journal is open to all researchers and translators interested in the communicative, textual, cultural and aesthetic dimensions of translation.    

You are warmly welcome to submit your future manuscript for possible publication in our journal. Submissions are accepted through the electronic submission system ASJP. 

The papers can address issues in/related to the following research areas:    

  1. Translating world cultures
  2. Translation as a work of art
  3. Human sciences and translation
  4. Translating institutions
  5. Translation, a profession, a know, a know-how, a know-how to be.
  6. Interdisciplinary paradigms in translation didactics. 
  7. Translation and the editorial chain
  8. Neural machine translation and deep learning
  9. The translatology of tomorrow
  10. Interdisciplinarity and Transdisciplinarity in Translation Studies 11- Translating sacred texts
  11. Interpretation in all its states.  

Submission guidelines

Visit TRANSLANG Website on ASJP

Download TRANSLANG article Template (available in different languages: English / French).

Submit your article online through TRANSLANG website on ASJP (do not send it by email ) via this link: submission

Important Deadlines for submission: Edition 2022 (Volume 21 N°2): 23rd September 2022 to 31st October 2022

Editorial Team

Editor in chief

Ghania Ouahmiche ghaniaouahmiche@gmail.com Université Oran 2 Mohamed Ben Ahmed Oran

Associate Editor

  • Nadia Idri nadiaidri@gmail.com Université Abderrahmane Mira de Béjaia
  • Nicolas Froeliger nf@eila.univ-paris-diderot.fr Université Paris Diderot -France
  • Bárbara Arizti Martín barizti@unizar.es Dpto. de Filología Inglesa y Alemana Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, University of Zaragoza - Spain
  • Antonio Bueno García profesorantoniobueno@gmail.com Traducción e Interpretación, Universidad de Valladolid-España
  • Kariné DoimadjIan-Grigoryan grigkara@yahoo.fr Université Linguistique d’État V.Brusov, Erévan, Arménie
  • BARAKE Rima barake_rima@hotmail.com Université Libanaise-Liban
  • Yasmine BARSOUM yasmine.barsoum@gmail.com Faculté des Langues Appliquées - Université Française d'Egypte
  • jorge diaz cintas j.diaz-cintas@ucl.ac.uk University College London, School of European Languages, Cultures and Societies, United Kingdom
  • Sandeep Sharma profsandeepsharma@gmail.com GB Pant Memorial Govt P.G College GBPMGPGC-India
  • Shiyab Said M. sshiyab@kent.edu Modern and Classical Language Studies, Satterfield Hall Kent State University United States
  • Alejandro Carmona Sandoval alejandro.carmona@campusviu.es Universidad Internacional de Valencia (Espagne)
  • Mohamed Réda BOUKHALFA reda.boukhalfa@gmail.com Université d'Alger 2
  • Luis Miguel Pérez luismiguel.perez@uclm.es
  • Manuel Célio Conceição mconcei@ualg.pt Universidade do Algarve - Portugal
  • Jana Altmanova jaltmanova@unior.it University of Naples "L'Orientale" - Italie
  • Johanna Monti jmonti@unior.it Université de Naples "L'Orientale"
  • Valerie Delavigne valerie.delavigne@sorbonne-nouvelle.fr Université Sorbonne Nouvelle - Paris 3 (France)
  • Lorenzo Devilla ldevilla@uniss.it Università degli Studi di Milano (Italie)
  • Chiara Preite chiara.preite@unimore.it Università degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia (Italie)
  • Giovanni Tallarico giovanni.tallarico@univr.it Università degli studi di Verona (Italie)
  • Maria Centrella mcentrella@unior.it Università degli Studi di Napoli “L’Orientale”(Italie)
  • Sarah Pinto sapinto@unior.it Università degli Studi di Napoli "L'Orientale" (Italie)
  • Claudio Grimaldi claudio.grimaldi@uniparthenope.it Università degli Studi di Napoli "Parthenope" (Italie)
  • Maria Francesca Bonadonna mariafrancesca.bonadonna@univr.it Università degli studi di Verona (Italie)
  • Katarína Chovancová katarina.chovancova@umb.sk L'université Matej-Bel (Slovaque)
  • Maria Teresa Zanola mariateresa.zanola@unicatt.it Università cattolica del sacro cuore (Italie)
  • Agnès Tutin agnes.tutin@univ-grenoble-alpes.fr Université Grenoble Alpes (Grenoble - France)
  • Mathieu Mangeot mathieu.mangeot@imag.fr Université Joseph Fourier (Grenoble - France)
  • Carmen Saggiomo carmen.saggiomo@unicampania.it Università degli studi della campania luigi vanvitelli (Italie)


  • youcef yahia bey flightatr@yahoo.fr Université Oran 1 Ahmed Ben bella
  • Bouguebs Radia bouguebs@yahoo.fr Ecole normale supérieure de Constantine
  • Younes SAAID saaid.younes@univ-oran2.dz Université Oran 2 Mohamed Ben Ahmed Oran



  • Monday, October 31, 2022


  • traduction, langue


  • Ghania Ouahmiche
    courriel : Ouahmiche [dot] ghania [at] gmail [dot] com

Information source

  • Ghania Ouahmiche
    courriel : Ouahmiche [dot] ghania [at] gmail [dot] com


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To cite this announcement

« “Translang”: Moving beyond languages », Call for papers, Calenda, Published on Wednesday, October 05, 2022, https://doi.org/10.58079/19nd

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