HomeLa diversité culturelle camerounaise dans les médias : discours, formes et enjeux

HomeLa diversité culturelle camerounaise dans les médias : discours, formes et enjeux

La diversité culturelle camerounaise dans les médias : discours, formes et enjeux

Cameroonian cultural diversity in the medias : discourses, forms and issues

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Published on Monday, October 24, 2022


This book, in an interdisciplinary perspective, would like to question the different discourses and forms of expression of Cameroonian cultural diversity in/by the media: traditional media (radio, television, written press, etc.), artistic media (literature, cinema, music …), digital media and social media… Beyond these representations, it is also necessary to analyze the responsibility or appropriation of the plurality of the Cameroonian cultural substrate by these media, their roles in the construction of a national culture / identity or national unity.


“My hypothesis is that, in the new world, conflicts will not primarily be rooted in ideology or economics. The great causes of division of humanity and the main sources of conflict will be cultural.”

Samuel Huntington


Generally presented as "Africa in miniature", or by slogans such as: "The Cameroon continent", "All of Africa in a single country"..., Cameroon is a country with a very peculiar cultural diversity. This is reflected in its plurality at many levels such as ethnic, linguistic, religious... It is undoubtedly to express all these complexities that many more global jokes have emerged in the social and media space. Expressions such as: "Cameroon is Cameroon", "If we explain Cameroon to you and you understand, therefor they did not explain it well to you", "Being Cameroonian is a job" … carry a whole imagination and thereby reinforce this cultural particularity that characterizes Cameroon.

A retrospective look reveals various events and scientific publications which have, on the whole, takled this Cameroonian reality from many perspectives. In 1985, for example, the Ministry of Information and Culture, under the leadership of Mr. François Sengat Kuo, the then Minister in charge, organized a symposium on the theme: “Cameroonian cultural identity”. This meeting made it possible, through a plurality of contributions, to lay the groundwork for the process of emergence and consolidation of an authentically Cameroonian cultural identity. Two decades later, the journal Africultures, by devoting its sixtieth issue (2004) to the theme “Cameroon: culture sacrificed”, will make the sad observation of a national cultural project in bad shape and/or abandoned. From then on, a multitude of reflections will ensue which will explore several aspects of the said problem. Some will again do the autopsy of this Cameroonian cultural identity/diversity as an exception in Africa (Kengne Fouodop: 2010); others will study it under the regional paradigm (Clément Dili Palaï and Kolyang Dina Taïwé: 2008, Jean Jacques Rousseau Yéné: 2011, Joseph Ndzomo-Molé: 2021…), literary and/or historico-memorial (Pierre Fandio and Mongi Madini : 2008, Magnigot Noumbissie Tchouake and Robert Fotsing Mangoua: 2019, Albert Jiokeng Jiatsa et alii: 2019), or from an African perspective (David Simo: 2006, Serge Théophile Balima: 2012).

If it is increasingly proven that what makes each people unique is its identity, it should be remembered that since the philosophers of the Enlightenment (Montesquieu: 1721), identity is not static. Any identity is defined and enriched by contact with otherness and vice versa (Jacques Lacan: 1937, Alex Mucchielli: 1986, Jean-Luc Nancy: 1996). This conception of plural identity was reinforced with the birth of other terms such as "interbreeding" (Senghor: 1964), "identity-rhizome" (Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari: 1980) or even "creolization" (Edouard Glissant : 1996). Although these methodological and theoretical tools convey an imaginary of confluences and diversity, their operationalization is not always smooth. And, according to David Simo, any culture always borrows from others, is constituted by opposing cultures but also by recomposing itself in a movement of differentiation and hybridity or acculturation. (2006: pp. 34-35) Consequently, the problem of the danger of “identity fundamentalisms” is real, leading to identity drifts in a space of cultural diversity. Indeed, the plural ethno-cultural constellations are shaped by interactive processes, the mismanagement of which most often leads to cultural/identity conflicts.

In the Cameroonian context more specifically, it becomes crucial and even urgent to think of cultural diversity, not only as an expression of plurality and therefore of difference – which could lead to tensions, crises, cultural conflicts (Samuel Huntington: 2000, Monique Eckmann: 2017, Djibril Diallo: 2022), or lead to a war of identities (Ernesto Laclau: 2000; Haas Dominique, Nicolas Bancel and Pascal Blanchard: 2016), worse to murderous identities (Maalouf: 1998), – but also and above all as a means of mutual enrichment, through the media. From this point of view, Cameroonian cultural diversity would then take on a completely different face: that of a cultural configuration, far from being a juxtaposition of cultures, based on forms of transfer, contact zones, cultural interactions governed by dynamics of translation and (inter)cultural negotiation.

This book, in an interdisciplinary perspective, would like to question the different discourses and forms of expression of Cameroonian cultural diversity in/by the media: traditional media (Radio, Television, Written press, etc.), artistic media (Literature, Cinema, Music …), digital media and social media… Beyond these representations, it is also necessary to analyze the responsibility or appropriation of the plurality of the Cameroonian cultural substrate by these media, their roles in the construction of a national culture/identity or national unity. Besides, there is a strong need to reflect  (sociologically, anthropologically, psychologically, philosophically, etc.) with a view to making Cameroonian cultural diversity a crossroads of exchange, symbiosis and sharing. Overcoming  differences, from simple multiculturalism, to ultimately achieve real social cohesion/national integration is the logical outcome of this project.

The following axes, and not exhaustive, can be considered by teacher-researchers, media or cultural professionals/actors...

  • Media and integration/national unity
  • Social discourses and/on (the) national integration
  • Media perceptions of the Self and the Other in a multicultural context
  • Media coverage of social changes and forms of interculturality
  • Cultural industries and expression of cultural diversity
  • Cultural studies and expression of cultural diversity
  • Media and education/pedagogy/communication/intercultural transfers
  • School curricula, didactic materials and reciprocal/cooperative learning
  • Cultural identity and female media/artistic production
  • Culture/media and heritage protection…

 Submission guidelines

Abstract proposals, in French or in English, of 500 to 1000 characters (spaces included) and a brief biobibliography of the author (name, affiliation, contact) will be sent to divercultucam2023@yahoo.com

by december 05, 2022.

NB: Authors whose proposals are selected will receive the protocol for writing full articles. The said articles, after writing, will be subject to review and double expertise procedures.

Project schedule

  • Launch of the call : october 06, 2022
  • Deadline for submission of abstract proposals : december 05, 2022
  • Response from the Scientific Committee : december 15, 2022
  • Deadline for returning written articles : june 10, 2023
  • Probable date of publication : october 2023.

Coordinating Committee

  • Romuald Valentin Nkouda Sopgui (University of Maroua)
  • Achille Carlos Zango (University of Bamenda)
  • Bénédith Léonie Tiébou (University of Bamenda)

Scientific Committee

Pr Laurent Richard Omgba (University of Yaoundé 1), Pr Jacques Chatué (University of Dschang), Pr Pierre Fandio (University of Buéa), Prof. Dr Hans-Jurgen Lüsebrink (University of Saarland), Pr Albert Gouaffo (University of Dschang), Pr Esaïe Djomo (University of Dschang), Pr Robert Fotsing Mangoua (University of Dschang), Pr Clément Dili Palaï (University of Maroua), Pr Raymond Mbassi Ateba (University of Douala), Pr J-J Rousseau Tandia (University of Dschang), Pr Anatole Fogou (University of Maroua), Pr Alain Cyr Pangop (University of Dschang), Pr Désiré Atangana Kouna (University of Yaoundé 1), Pr Flora Amabiamina (University of Douala), Pr Cécile Dolisane Ebosse (University of Yaoundé I), Pr Ngetcham (University of Dschang), Pr Blossom Fondo (University of Maroua), Pr Émile-Gille Nguendjio (University of Bamenda), Pr Emmanuel Njike (University of Bamenda), Pr Yves-Abel Feze (University of Dschang), Pr Paul Samsia (University of Yaoundé 1), Pr Nicoline Agbor Tabe (University of Bamenda), Pr Vivien Meli Meli (University of Dschang), Pr Gilles Kuitche Tale (University of Maroua), Pr Évangeline Seino (University of Bamenda), Pr Abraham Wega Simeu (University of Bamenda), Pr Albert Jiokeng Jiatsa (University of Maroua), Pr Ibrahim Mainamo Wirba (University of Bamenda), Pr Bernard Bienvenu Nankeu (University of Maroua), Pr Léopold Maurice Jumbo (University of Dschang), Pr Lozzi Martial Meutem Kamtchueng (University of Maroua), Pr Paul Kana Nguetse (University of Dschang), Pr Taubic Falna (University of Ngaoundéré).

Reading committee

Dr Amos Kamsu Souoptetcha (University of Maroua), Dr Bana Barka (University of Maroua), Dr Basile Difouo (University of Maroua), Dr Clébert Agenor Njimeni Njiotang (University of Maroua), Dr Derrick Mbungang (University of Bamenda), Dr Eugene Gabin Nguefack (University of Dschang), Dr Jules Michelet Mambi Magnack (University of Maroua), Dr Hugues Carlos Gueche Fotso (University of Bamenda), Dr Laurentine Ebinengue (University of Ebolowa), Dr Luc Claude Ngueu (University of Yaoundé 1), Dr Maurice Mbah (University of Dschang), Dr Michael Anele (University of Bamenda), Dr Michel Narcisse Ntedondjeu (University of Buéa), Dr Mouhamadou Ngapout Kpoumié (University of Dschang), Dr Nyaa Hans (University of Bamenda), Dr Placide Bertrand Ebanga (University of Ngaoundéré), Dr Vivian Bongka (University of Bamenda)


Balima, Serge Théophile (2012), Les médias de l'expression de la diversité culturelle en Afrique, Bruxelles, Bruylant.

Bodo, Jean-Marie (2020), Le multiculturalisme camerounais et sa praxis quotidienne, Paris, Savoirs, Coll. Rica. 

Deleuze, Gilles et Guattari, Félix (1976), Rhizome, Paris, Éditions de Minuit.

Diallo, Djibril (2022), La Guerre des mondes. Quand les identités nous séparent, Paris, L’Harmattan.

Dili Palaï, Clément et Taïwé, Kolyang Dina (2008), Culture et identité au Nord-Cameroun, Paris, L’Harmattan.

Eckmann, Monique (2017), L’identité en conflits, dialogue des mémoires : Enjeux identitaires dans les rencontres intergroupes, Genève, Editions ies.

Fandio, Pierre et Madini, Mongi (2008), Figures de l’histoire et imaginaire au Cameroun, Paris, L’Harmattan. 

Glissant, Édouard (1996), Introduction à une poétique du divers, Paris, Gallimard.

Haas, Dominique, Nicolas Bancel et Pascal Blanchard (2016), Vers la guerre des identités ? : De la fracture coloniale à la révolution ultranationale, Paris, La Découverte.

Huntington, Samuel (2000), Le choc des civilisations (traduit de l’anglais The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of Word Order), Paris, Odile Jacob.

Jiokeng Jiatsa, Albert et alii (2019), Littératures camerounaises. Devoirs de mémoire et politiques du pardon, Paris, L’Harmattan.

Kaufmann, Jean-Claude (2004), L’invention de soi. Une théorie de l’identité, Paris, Armand Collins.

Kengne, Fouodop (2010), Le Cameroun : autopsie d’une exception plurielle en Afrique, Paris, L’Harmattan.

Laclau, Ernesto (2000), La guerre des identités. Grammaire de l’émancipation, Paris, La Découverte.

« L’identité culturelle camerounaise » (1985), Actes du colloque de la deuxième semaine culturelle nationale organisé par le Ministère de l’information et de la culture du 13 au 20 mai.

Maalouf, Amin (2000), Les identités meurtrières, Paris, Le livre de poche.

Mucchielli, Alex (1986), L’identité, Paris, PUF.

Nancy, Jean-Luc (1996), Être singulier pluriel, Paris, Galilée.

Ndzomo-Molé, Joseph (2021), L'identité culturelle itón : Essai anthropo-philosophique sur le groupe Etón - Manguissa – Batsenga, Paris, L’Harmattan.

Ngono, Simo (2019), « Les structures médiatiques africaines à l’épreuve de la diversité culturelle. Le cas de la production des contenus informationnels au Cameroun », in Amine Ben Messaoud, Chahira Ben Abdallah, Faten Bellagha (dir.), Médias, communication et diversité culturelle : Actes du colloque international tenu à l’IPSI (Tunis, Tunisie), Université de la Manouba, du 4 au 5 avril 2019.

Noumbissie Tchouake, Magnigot et Fotsing Mangoua, Robert (dir.)  (2019), Le temps des maquis. Écrire l’histoire des maquis et des luttes clandestines au Cameroun. Au-delà de la mémoire éclatée, Intel’actuel, « Hors série », n02.

Revue Africultures  (2004), « Cameroun : la culture sacrifiée », n°60.

Simo, David (2006), Les constructions identitaires en Afrique : Enjeux, Stratégies et Conséquences, Yaoundé, CLE.

Senghor, Léopold Sédar (1964), Liberté 1. Négritude et Humanisme, Paris, Seuil.

Yéné, Jean Jacques Rousseau (2011), La gestion de la diversité culturelle au Cameroun. Le cas des autochtones de Yaoundé, Éditions Universitaires européennes.


  • Monday, December 05, 2022

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  • culture, média, discours, forme, enjeu


  • Achille Carlos Zango
    courriel : zachica2001 [at] yahoo [dot] fr
  • Valentin Nkouda
    courriel : divercultucam2023 [at] yahoo [dot] com

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Information source

  • Achille Carlos Zango
    courriel : zachica2001 [at] yahoo [dot] fr


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« La diversité culturelle camerounaise dans les médias : discours, formes et enjeux », Call for papers, Calenda, Published on Monday, October 24, 2022, https://doi.org/10.58079/19ru

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