Published on Thursday, November 24, 2022
The Royal Institute for Cultural Heritage (KIK-IRPA) is organising a study day which aim is to further clarify our understanding of the artistic exchanges and influences that took place between the Low Countries and the Iberian world during the period 1400-1715. The study day will bring together international researchers from academic and scientific institutions in France, Poland, Spain and Belgium. The meeting will complement and nuance the traditional accounts of the artistic relations between the two territories, highlighting the complexity of the global interactions and exchanges that linked the Iberian world and the Low Countries to each other, but also to Europe and the rest of the world.
The Royal Institute for Cultural Heritage (KIK-IRPA) is organising a study day which aim is to further clarify our understanding of the artistic exchanges and influences that took place between the Low Countries and the Iberian world during the period 1400-1715.
Traditionally, it is argued that from the 15th century onwards, Iberian art was transformed by the arrival of artists and art objects from the Low Countries. Numerous studies demonstrate the influence of great Flemish artists such as Jan Van Eyck, Michiel Coxcie, Peter Paul Rubens and Jacob Jordaens.
However, the contribution of lesser-known artists, agents and patrons who moved, worked and exchanged between these European regions and with Latin America has not yet been sufficiently covered in a comprehensive manner. Nor has the intermediary role of other Netherlandish migrants such as merchants, soldiers, courtiers and priests.
Furthermore, this study day will reexamine the dynamics and models of cultural exchange between Netherlandish artists and the Iberian world, that is too often considered to have been produced in one direction only. It will address the impact of itinerant artists and the dissemination of ideas, styles and artworks, as well as the problems of migration and the transfer of materials, techniques, iconography, and production and commercial strategies.
The study day will bring together international researchers from academic and scientific institutions in France, Poland, Spain and Belgium. Presentations and discussion will take place in four different sections:
- Migrant artists for the court and the high nobility
- Netherlandish art in Iberia: an object-based approach
- Agents, merchants and patrons
- Spain and the Americas.
The meeting will complement and nuance the traditional accounts of the artistic relations between the two territories, highlighting the complexity of the global interactions and exchanges that linked the Iberian world and the Low Countries to each other, but also to Europe and the rest of the world.
9.00 - Onthaal / Accueil / Welcome
- 9.30 - Inleiding / Présentation / Introduction | Valentine Henderiks (Université libre de Bruxelles)
Session 1: Migrant artists for the court and the high nobility
- 9.45 A Picard in Castile: Felipe Morros (Philippon Mauroux) as a painter and courtier of Isabella of Castile | Oskar Rojewski, University of Silesia
- 10.00 Jean Mone et l’Espagne | Géraldine Patigny, Royal Institute for Cultural Heritage
- 10.15 The Cueman family: a stylistic dialogue between Brabant and Spain | Oliver Kik, Royal Institute for Cultural Heritage
10.30 Discussie / Échanges / Discussion
10.45 Koffiepauze / Pause-café / Coffee break
Session 2: Flemish art in Iberia: an object-based approach
- 11.10 Ambrosius Benson et l’Espagne : la question du Maître de Ségovie | Sacha Zdanov, Université libre de Bruxelles
- 11.25 Dans l’entourage des Rois catholiques : le succès des modèles de Christ couronné d’épines boutsiens en Espagne | Thomas Unger, Université libre de Bruxelles
- 11.40 A Puzzle Piece from Juan de Flandes's Altarpiece for the University Chapel in Salamanca | Bart Fransen, Royal Institute for Cultural Heritage
11.55 Discussie / Échanges / Discussion
12.15 Middagpauze / Pause de midi
Session 3: Agents, merchants and patrons
- 14.00 El cardenal Granvella como agente de pintores flamencos en la Península ibérica | Almudena Pérez de Tudela, Patrimonio Nacional
- 14.15 Joan Gregori : marchand et agent d’Alphonse le Magnanime en Flandre | Elsa Espín, Musée du Louvre
- 14.30 The glass-maker Teodoro de Holanda| Ana Diéguez-Rodríguez, Universidad de Burgos/Instituto Moll
14.45 Discussie / Échanges / Discussion
15.00 Koffiepauze / Pause-café / Coffee break
Session 4: Spain and the Americas
- 15.25 The painter Simon Pereyns in Mexico | Reinout Reybrouck, Vrije Universiteit Brussel
- 16.40 Priest painters of Flemish origin in Spain and America: the case of Juan de Roelas | Eduardo Lamas, Royal Institute for Cultural Heritage
16.55 Discussie / Échanges / Discussion
17.10 Afsluiting van de zitting / Clôture des travaux / Closing remarks
Practical information
Entrance is free, but advance registration is required online.
- History (Main category)
- Mind and language > Representation > History of art
- Periods > Middle Ages > High and Late Middle Ages
- Periods > Early modern
- Zones and regions > America > Latin America
- Zones and regions > Europe > Iberian Peninsula
- Royal Institute for Cultural Heritage (KIK-IRPA), Parc du Cinquantenaire, 1
Brussels, Belgium (B-1000)
Event attendance modalities
Full on-site event
- Friday, December 09, 2022
- Moyen Âge
- Eduardo Lamas
courriel : eduardo [dot] lamas [at] kikirpa [dot] be
Reference Urls
Information source
- Eduardo Lamas
courriel : eduardo [dot] lamas [at] kikirpa [dot] be
This announcement is licensed under the terms of Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal.
To cite this announcement
« Artists, Agents and Patrons from the Low Countries in the Iberian World », Study days, Calenda, Published on Thursday, November 24, 2022,