


Contemporary Societies and Domestic Threats

Les sociétés contemporaines et les menaces intérieures

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Published on Wednesday, November 23, 2022


This colloquium proposes to examine, from an interdisciplinary perspective, contemporary societies' relationship to internal threats. What happens when individuals, groups or segments of the population threaten to use violence, or actually do so, by turning against other groups or the state? What happens when the state itself goes 'into battle' by targeting groups and confronting them as 'enemies'? These situations cover a large number of historical experiences, which are at first sight irreducible and incommensurable, and are even more difficult to define given that their qualifications are almost always matters of struggle between the actors involved. This conference aims at bringing them together, gathering and confronting investigations devoted to sequences of this type in order to question these situations of hostility.



This colloquium proposes to examine, from an interdisciplinary perspective, contemporary societies' relationship to the internal threat. What happens when individuals, groups or segments of the population threaten to use violence, or actually do so, by attacking other groups or the state? What happens when the state itself 'goes into battle' by targeting groups and confronting them as 'enemies'? This colloquium therefore proposes to take as its object a particular type of conflicting configuration that we will understand, at least provisionally, as being bounded 1) on the one hand, by the point at which disagreement exceeds the existing framework for the expression and political resolution of disputes; and, 2) on the other hand, by civil war, i.e., the point at which violence breaks out and the state, abandoning or losing its position as a third party in the conflict, becomes a stake in the struggle, and its capture an objective of the belligerents.

These situations cover a large number of historical experiences, a priori irreducible and incommensurable, and even more difficult to define given that their qualifications are almost always a matter of struggle between the actors involved. But it is precisely the ambition of this colloquium to bring them together, because of what they involve: these 'intermediate' configurations, which have been poorly objectified until now, cover most of the historical situations that have frontally challenged the political frameworks that are supposed to refer to contemporary societies. And indeed, countless figures have momentarily embodied the enemy over the last two centuries - among others: radical political opponents, revolutionaries and counter-revolutionaries, revolting peasants or rural bandits, slaves or freedmen, rebellious colonised people or nationalist campaigners, nationals or natives of a foreign power, ethnic and religious minorities, organised criminals, pro-independence terrorists, internationalists or transnationals terrorists.

The aim is to bring together and compare investigations devoted to sequences of this type, of varying duration, intensity and scale, in order to examine these situations of hostility, and in particular 1) how they take shape, the social and political fractures to which they are linked, and then the mechanisms by which adversity is radicalised; 2) how they transform social relations, political practices, within institutions and in law; and 3) what remains of them once the context calms down, once the threat dissolves, in other words when the critical conjuncture, at least momentarily, subsides.


Thursday 1 December



  • « Sur l’'ennemisation' dans les sociétés contemporaines » Alexandre Rios-Bordes (Université Paris Cité, ICT-Larca)
  • « Comment peut-on parler de l’ennemi ? » Jean-Clément Martin (Université Panthéon Sorbonne, Ihmc)

Morning - 10:45 - 12:30 - Configurations

  • « 'Une guerre des classes et des couleurs'. Conflits internes et émancipation nationale au cours des guerres d'indépendances latino-américaines » Clément Thibaud (Ehess, Mondes Américains)
  • « La société des voleurs : le chapardeur, figure de l’ennemi sous Staline » Juliette Cadiot (Ehess, Cercec)

Afternoon - 14:00 - 17:30 - Process

  • « La fabrique de l'ennemi tutsi au Rwanda, 1990-1994 » Stéphane Audoin-Rouzeau (Ehess, Cespra)


  • « Ennemi intérieur et construction nationale pendant la guerre de Sécession : la presse unioniste et confédérée face à la dissidence. » Camille Parcq (Université de Limoges, Criham)
  • « La mythologie du complot et l'ennemisation morale totale: l'anticommunisme du Cône Sud (1919-1959) » Ernesto Bohoslavsky (Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento, Conicet)

Friday 2 December - 9am-6pm

Morning - 9:00 - 12:30 - Devices

  • « Les ennemis intérieurs de la révolution bolchévique : socio-histoire des camps de concentration et évolution des pratiques répressives de la Cheka pendant la Terreur Rouge, 1918-1921 » Guillaume Minea-Pic (IUE & Ehess, Cercec)
  • « Prison et construction de l’ennemi intérieur » Claire de Galembert (ISP-ENS/Paris Saclay)


  • « Reconfigurer l'ennemi par la loi » Ivan Ermakoff (University of Wisconsin, Madison) –
  • « The Great War and the Parallel State: Public-Private Anticommunist Crusades in the Interwar United States » Kathryn Olmsted (University of California, Davis)

Afternoon - 14:00 - 17:30 - Situations

  • « L’ordre racial et la violence. Retour sur un crime colonial » Adèle Mommeja (Cnrs, Cessp)
  • « Acteurs subversifs et contre-subversifs dans la France des années 1968. Discours et pratiques sur un ennemi intérieur insaisissable » Maxime Launey (Université d’Orléans, Sirice)


  • « Le régime de détention illimitée post-11septembre et ses conséquences sur le système judiciaire américain » Malika Danoy (Cresspa/LabTop)
  • « Coup d’État avorté et répression d’une diaspora indésirable : un grand cadeau de Dieu (allah’in büyük lüftü) pour l’État turc » Gabrielle Angey (Université Paris Dauphine, Irisso)


Université Paris Cité Campus Grands Moulins Amphithéâtre Turing Bâtiment Sophie GermainPlace Aurélie Nemours 75013 Paris

Remote link :

https://u-paris.zoom.us/j/81220742374?pwd=WTNGNDVkM0drSFlIS3ZtTld5N1NPUT09 Room ID : 812 2074 2374Secret Code : 753882

This conference is part of the collective research programme 'Ennemis intérieurs - sociohistoire du gouvernement de la menace (XIXe-XXIe siècle)', financed by the Emergences - Ville de Paris programme (2022-2025), hosted by the Université Paris Cité and the ICT - Les Europes dans le monde laboratory (UR 337).


  • Université Paris Cité, Campus Grands Moulins, Amphithéâtre Turing, Bâtiment Sophie Germain - Place Aurélie Nemours
    Paris, France (75013)

Event attendance modalities

Hybrid event (on site and online)


  • Thursday, December 01, 2022
  • Friday, December 02, 2022


  • ennemi, ennemisation, menace, conflit, État


  • Alexandre Rios-Bordes
    courriel : ennemis [dot] recherche [at] gmail [dot] com
  • Dominique Linhardt
    courriel : ennemis [dot] recherche [at] gmail [dot] com

Information source

  • Alexandre Rios-Bordes
    courriel : ennemis [dot] recherche [at] gmail [dot] com


CC0-1.0 This announcement is licensed under the terms of Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal.

To cite this announcement

« Enemy », Conference, symposium, Calenda, Published on Wednesday, November 23, 2022, https://doi.org/10.58079/1a16

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