HomeConfigurations of war and resistance in philosophy, literature and other arts

Configurations of war and resistance in philosophy, literature and other arts

Configurações da guerra e da resistência em filosofia, na literatura e noutras artes

Configurations de la guerre et de la résistance en philosophie, littérature et autres arts

Configuraciones de la guerra y la resistencia en la filosofía, la literatura y otras artes

Até que um dia já não terá sentido o amanhã

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Published on Friday, February 10, 2023


Está aberta a chamada de comunicações para colóquio internacional “Até que um dia já não terá sentido o amanhã”. Configurações da guerra e da resistência em filosofia, na literatura e noutras artes.


Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas da Universidade Nova de Lisboa: 3rd and 4th of May; on-line: 5th of May 2023


In a first war poem, Patroclus scolds: “for the sum of war lies in strength of hands, the sum of words in council; therefore there is no need to pile up words, but to do battle”. In the same way, his companion Hector exhorts: “either to perish or survive; for this is the communion of war”. On the other hand, a not so faithful Achilles: “the fate is the same if a man hangs back, and if he battles greatly, […]; they die alike, both the man who has done nothing and he who has accomplished many things”. In a titanic leap, we ask ourselves as a princess in War and Peace: “I don’t understand, I decidedly do not understand, why men can’t live without war”; or we intervene as an earl: “what a terrible thing war is!”

Between the inevitable and the useless, between nature and freedom, in the horror of those who live it, in the art that thinks it, in the philosophy that resumes it, war has been thought, described, fought, and reinvented. Resistance, action without action, seems to be the only option. Primo Levi resists through memory and poetry in the verses that “dance in my head”. His companion Elias resists, stealing, “to him they imply a vital act like breathing or sleeping”. However, we all already resist day by day. In fact, it is Alberto, Levi’s best friend, who concludes: “this life is war”, but also Bernardo Soares: “all life is war, and the battle is life’s synthesis”. Could we, then, think of art, literature, and philosophy as main lines of resistance to war, to life? “Only poets and philosophers see the world as it really is, for only to them is it given to live without illusions. To see clearly is to not act. Every form of action, from war to logical reasoning, is false”, continues Soares, challenging Patroclus. Resisting, action-non-action, is perhaps a way of life in art, since, and still in Soares’ words, “art gives shelter to the sensibility that action was obliged to forget. Art is Cinderella, who stayed at home because that’s how it had to be”.

Therefore, this challenge-abduction of Helena serves those interested in participating in this council of words, trying to make a (ir)reflection on war, between resistance and existence, in the arts, literature and philosophy, opening to the most courageous thematic axes, to which each communication must be submitted:

1 – Memory, archive, spoliation

2 – Testimony, protest, correspondence

3 – Maps, territories, borders

4 – Conflict, disagreement, assignations

5 – Escape, migration, exile

6 – (Post)colonialism, imperialism, independence movements

Submission guidelines

The title and the communication proposal can be written in English, Portuguese, French or Spanish, in word or pdf format, up to 300 words. Also send us a biographical note up to 200 words.

Proposals should be sent to the address coloquio.guerra@gmail.com, with the subject “Communication proposal”.

Nota Bene: The Colloquium activities will take place in English, Portuguese, French and Spanish


  • Submissions: February 28, 2023

  • Acceptance notification: March 10, 2023
  • Registration: March 30, 2023



Organizing committee: Ana Sofia David, Golgona Anghel, Sérgio das Neves


  • Lisbon, Portugal (1069-061)

Event attendance modalities

Hybrid event (on site and online)


  • Tuesday, February 28, 2023


  • Carolina Vilardouro
    courriel : comunicacao [dot] ielt [at] fcsh [dot] unl [dot] pt

Information source

  • Carolina Vilardouro
    courriel : comunicacao [dot] ielt [at] fcsh [dot] unl [dot] pt


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To cite this announcement

« Configurations of war and resistance in philosophy, literature and other arts », Call for papers, Calenda, Published on Friday, February 10, 2023, https://doi.org/10.58079/1ake

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