HomePhD Candidate in Philosophy, History of Philosophy (F/M/X)
PhD Candidate in Philosophy, History of Philosophy (F/M/X)
Contrat doctoral en philosophie, histoire de la philosophie (H/F/X)
BildungLearning ERC Consolidator project
Projet ERC Consolidator BildungLearning
Published on Thursday, July 06, 2023
The UCLouvain offers a PhD fellowship in Philosophy, History of Philosophy. The main objective of this project is to compare the modern philosophy of Bildung and the contemporary paradigm of the Learning Society (LS) by systematically analyzing their homological structures. Through this comparison, we aim to expose the important conceptual mutations of the ideal of educational autonomy occurring from the first paradigm to the latter.
Presentation of the projet
The main objective of this project is to compare the modern philosophy of Bildung and the contemporary paradigm of the Learning Society (LS) by systematically analyzing their homological structures. Through this comparison, we aim to expose the important conceptual mutations of the ideal of educational autonomy occurring from the first paradigm to the latter.
This research combines history of philosophy and political philosophy and will follow a plan in four axes:
- Historical reconstruction of the texts formed around the concept of Bildung in classical German philosophy, through an original typology of the various and contrasting positions of the main authors of this period (Herder, Mendelssohn, Kant, Fichte, Schiller, Goethe, Schelling, Hegel, Humboldt), according to how they conceptualize the dialectics of educational autonomy and, in particular, how they theorize the political and cultural missions of the University in their conceptions of the emancipating project of the Bildung.
- Identification and analysis of the most significant critical transformations of the Bildung concept by Marx (allseitige Verwirklichung), Mill (self-development), Nietzsche (Zucht) and Dewey (growth), in order to bring to light the main theoretical divergences concerning the conditions of a partial reactivation and actualization of the modern emancipating project of the Bildung.
- Establishing a corpus of scientific and political texts and discourses on the LS, in order to provide a theoretical reconstruction of the underlying political philosophy of these discourses and to compare the paradigm of LS to the modern philosophy of Bildung following an analytical grid pointing out the conceptual and normative homologies and mutations between them
- Testing the concrete relevance of this systematic comparison and of the heuristic potential of the Bildung philosophy in the context of the current mutations of the Idea of University, by mapping the most important philosophical critiques of these mutations and by proposing a philosophical reconstruction of the concept of academic freedom in the light of the Bildung constellation first, and then from the various normative points of view underlying the critiques of Bildung and LS.
Through an analysis of political-educational narratives, we want to examine if the great narratives of the philosophical modernity – such as emancipation through self-cultivation – have become totally obsolete or ineffective, or if and how far they continue to be operating in current discourses under critical and fragmented forms.
General information
- Place of work: UCLouvain, Saint-Louis, Brussels site
- Attachment: Centre Prospéro (https://www.centreprospero.be)
- Type of contract: 4-Years contract, full-time PhD fellowship within the framework of the ERC-Consolidator BildungLearning project n°101043433
- Start date: October 1, 2023
- Scolarship amount: The grant is based on a scale applied by all Belgian universities (approx. € 2,300 €/month)
- The candidate must hold a master’s degree delivered before the start date of the mandate.
- He or she cannot have worked as an assistant at UCLouvain or at Saint-Louis University, Brussels, for more than 365 days.
Mission and activities
- The candidate will contribute to the advancement of the ERC research project in first axis presented above, in collaboration with the project leader, Quentin Landenne (FNRS/USL-B). This may involve, in addition to the writing of scientific articles related to the project, the realization of a literature review on the axis in charge and the co-organization of scientific events.
- She or he will have the opportunity to participate in the research activities of the Centre Prospéro. For this reason, the ability to communicate actively in French is an important asset. The successful candidate will also be asked to live in Belgium for the duration of the contract.
Application procedures
Composition of an application file in French or English (in a single file in PDF format) containing
- Curriculum vitae
- Letter of motivation developing the PhD research project and suggesting ways to contribute to the advancement of the BildungLearning ERC research project (4 pages maximum)
Applications must be sent by August 10, 2023 at 11:59 pm (Brussels) to the following addresses:
- quentin.landenne@usaintlouis.be (main recipient)
- anne-sophie1.declercq@usaintlouis.be (cc)
Interviews with shortlisted candidates will be held online.
The hiring process will follow the guidelines defined in the Action plan: achieving excellence through diversity and gender equality carried out by the university.
Selection committee
The jury will proceed to a pre-selection of the candidates, which will then be interviewed online. The members of the jury are :
- Valérie Aucouturier (Professeure à l’Université Saint-Louis – Bruxelles)
- Laurent Van Eynde (Professeur à l'Université Saint-Louis – Bruxelles)
- Quentin Landenne (Professeur à l'Université Saint-Louis – Bruxelles et Chercheur Qualifié au FRS-FNRS)
Research funded by the European Union (BildungLearning, ERC project No. 101043433). Views and opinions expressed are however those of the authors only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Research Council Executive Agency. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.
- Thought (Main category)
- Mind and language > Thought > Philosophy
- Boulevard du Jardin botanique 43
Brussels, Belgium (1000)
- Thursday, August 10, 2023
- histoire de la philosophie moderne, modern philosophy history, philosophie classique allemande, classical german philosophy, bildung, éducation, education, culture de soi, self-cultivation, formation, learning, learning society, liberté académique, aca
- Quentin Landenne
courriel : quentin [dot] landenne [at] uclouvain [dot] be - Anne-Sophie De Clercq
courriel : anne-sophie [dot] declercq [at] uclouvain [dot] be
Reference Urls
Information source
- Anne-Sophie De Clercq
courriel : anne-sophie [dot] declercq [at] uclouvain [dot] be
This announcement is licensed under the terms of Creative Commons - Attribution 4.0 International - CC BY 4.0 .
To cite this announcement
Quentin Landenne, « PhD Candidate in Philosophy, History of Philosophy (F/M/X) », Scholarship, prize and job offer, Calenda, Published on Thursday, July 06, 2023, https://doi.org/10.58079/1bhi