HomeDissertação de mestrado sobre o pintor Júlio Pomar - Bolsa de Investigação (BI) para Licenciado

HomeDissertação de mestrado sobre o pintor Júlio Pomar - Bolsa de Investigação (BI) para Licenciado

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Published on Tuesday, July 11, 2023


Encontra-se aberto concurso para a atribuição de 1 bolsa de investigação (BI) para licenciado/a com o objetivo de realizar uma dissertação de mestrado sobre o pintor Júlio Pomar, proporcionada ao abrigo de apoio mecenático a título individual. Esta bolsa resulta de uma parceria entre Tereza Martha, o Atelier-Museu Júlio Pomar/EGEAC, e a Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas da Universidade NOVA de Lisboa através do IHA – Instituto de História de Arte.


Practical information

  • Organisation/Company Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas
  • Department Art History Institute, FCSH, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa
  • Researcher Profile First Stage Researcher (R1)
  • Country Portugal
  • Type of Contract Temporary
  • The scholarship amount is €930,98 per month (according to the table of scholarship values directly attributed by FCT, I.P. in the country) (http://www.fct.pt/apoios/bolsas/valores).

Offer Description

Aims and tasks:

  1. a) Monographic research on the work and career of Júlio Pomar in its artistic, historical and sociopolitical dimension;
  2. c) Presentation of research results in regular meetings with the supervisors;
  3. d) Writing the dissertation and its public defense.

Duration, scope, and funding

This fellowship will have the length of 12 months, non-renewable, scheduled to start in October 2023. Is associated with the “Júlio Pomar Research Grants”.

The scholarship amount is €930,98 per month (according to the table of scholarship values directly attributed by FCT, I.P. in the country) (http://www.fct.pt/apoios/bolsas/valores). To this value is added the voluntary social insurance corresponding to the first level, in case the candidate opts for its attribution, as well as the personal accident insurance

Eligibility criteria

The scholarship is intended for a graduate in Art History or Literature (with a final average of no less than 16/20), who is attending the curricular part of the Master’s Degree in Art History or Museology.

Candidates must meet the eligibility conditions provided in the Article 6º of the FCT I.P Regulation for Studentships and Fellowships (2019).

Important notice regarding the Application Admission Requirements mentioned above:

  • In the case of academic degrees awarded by foreign higher education institutions, and in order to guarantee the application of the principle of equal treatment to candidates who hold foreign and national academic degrees, it is mandatory to recognize these degrees and convert the respective final classification to the Portuguese rating scale. The recognition of foreign academic degrees and diplomas as well as the conversion of the final classification to the Portuguese classification scale can be required in any public higher education institution, or in the Directorate-General for Higher Education (DGES). We suggest that you consult the DGES portal through the following address: http://www.dges.gov.pt.
  • The scholarship is always dependent on the presentation of proof of the required academic qualifications.

Application submission

Application Deadline14 Jul 2023 - 23:59 (Europe/Lisbon)

The application must be sent via email to bolsasiha@fcsh.unl.pt , indicating as subject BI – JÚLIO POMAR and must include the following documents:

  •     Curriculum vitae;
  •     Certificates of academic degrees held;
  •     Proof of enrolment on a Masters course;
  •     Motivation letter;

A sworn statement that the candidate will not exceed with the conclusion of the scholarship contract in question, an accumulated period of one year in this type of grant, consecutive or interpolated, and has not already been the beneficiary of any other grant directly or indirectly funded by FCT.

Selection Methods

The selection of candidates will be made through curricular evaluation, in which will be weighed:

  1. Curriculum vitae (35%);
  2. Work plan (max. 750 words) based on an extensive knowledge of the bibliography on Júlio Pomar, elaborated within the scope of the following themes (35%):
  • Júlio Pomar and art criticism - a systematic survey, starting with Mário Dionísio and reaching the present day.
  • Júlio Pomar in Paris: two decades of production, focusing on understanding the Parisian circuits, the relationship with the editor Joaquim Vital, the ateliers, the friends, the exhibitions and the galleries.
  • Júlio Pomar's plastic production and his relationship with Mexican muralist artists.
  • The relationship of Júlio Pomar's work to the work of other artists.
  • The drawing in Júlio Pomar's work.
  • Júlio Pomar and Pop.
  1. Level of spoken and written English (10%);
  2. Motivation letter (20%);

The final classification will be expressed on a scale of 0-100. Candidates who do not obtain a final classification of 80 points or more will not be admitted.

Evaluation Panel

  • Chair — Raquel Henriques da Silva
  • 1st member — Sara Antónia Matos
  • 2nd member — Joana Cunha Leal
  • Substitute member — Susana S. Martins

Form of advertising / notification of results

The final results of the evaluation will be publicized, through a list ordered by the final grade obtained by the candidates, posted on the IHA website, and the successful candidates will be notified through e-mail.

Researcher Profiles

This scholarship is intended for a graduate in Art History or Literature (with a final average of no less than 16/20), who is attending the curricular part of the Master’s Degree in Art History or Museology).

 Selection Methods

The selection of candidates will be made through curricular evaluation, in which will be weighed:

  1. Curriculum vitae (35%);
  2. Work plan (max. 750 words) based on an extensive knowledge of the bibliography on Júlio Pomar, elaborated within the scope of the following themes (35%):
  • Júlio Pomar and art criticism - a systematic survey, starting with Mário Dionísio and reaching the present day.
  • Júlio Pomar in Paris: two decades of production, focusing on understanding the Parisian circuits, the relationship with the editor Joaquim Vital, the ateliers, the friends, the exhibitions and the galleries.
  • Júlio Pomar's plastic production and his relationship with Mexican muralist artists.
  • The relationship of Júlio Pomar's work to the work of other artists.
  • The drawing in Júlio Pomar's work.
  • Júlio Pomar and Pop.
  1. Level of spoken and written English (10%);
  2. Motivation letter (20%);

The final classification will be expressed on a scale of 0-100. Candidates who do not obtain a final classification of 80 points or more will not be admitted.


  • Lisbon, Portugal


  • Friday, July 14, 2023


  • Júlio Pomar, arte contemporânea


    courriel : bolsasiha [at] fcsh [dot] unl [dot] pt

Information source

    courriel : bolsasiha [at] fcsh [dot] unl [dot] pt


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To cite this announcement

« Dissertação de mestrado sobre o pintor Júlio Pomar - Bolsa de Investigação (BI) para Licenciado », Scholarship, prize and job offer, Calenda, Published on Tuesday, July 11, 2023, https://doi.org/10.58079/1bk2

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