HomeConstellations of Images: “The Grande Conversion” in Cultural Archives
Published on Thursday, July 13, 2023
The digital era has witnessed a significant transformation in the accessibility and availability of cultural content in various formats, encompassing a wide range of art forms such as visual arts, cinema, literature, music, photography, and architecture. This shift from analogue to digital, referred to as the “grande conversion” by Milad Doueihi, continues to have a profound impact on our engagement with these creative expressions. Spinning off the new book Les Devenirs numériques des patrimoines (The Digital Futures of Heritage), this event carefully curated a series of talks drawing on a variety of disciplinary perspectives and examples, showcasing the progress and advantages of working with the ever-changing technologies.
The digital era has witnessed a significant transformation in the accessibility and availability of cultural content in various formats, encompassing a wide range of art forms such as visual arts, cinema, literature, music, photography, and architecture. This shift from analogue to digital, referred to as the “grande conversion” by Milad Doueihi, continues to have a profound impact on our engagement with these creative expressions. By approaching this transition from the perspective of users’ expectations and objectives, considering their perceptions and abilities, we gain insights to navigate these changes effectively. This understanding enables us to develop and critically reflect on innovative interface processes that facilitate the emergence of new practices and experiences.
Spinning off the new book Les Devenirs numériques des patrimoines (The Digital Futures of Heritage), this event carefully curated a series of talks drawing on a variety of disciplinary perspectives and examples, showcasing the progress and advantages of working with the ever-changing technologies. Serving as a tantalizing teaser for the upcoming Symposium “New Paradigms for Accessing and Curating Audiovisual Collections”, the aim is to provide a glimpse into the rich and diverse tapestry of ideas that will be explored during the symposium.
- 14:00 – 14:10 Registration and welcome
- 14:10 – 14:30 Prof. Jeffrey Shaw,Hong Kong Baptist University, Future cinema systems
- 14:30 – 14:50 Prof. Clarisse Bardiot, Rennes 2 University, Digging into visual digital traces of performing arts
- 14:50 – 15:10 Prof. Daniel Foliard, Université Paris Cité, Visual heritage as big data: on new paradigms and old power structures
15:10 – 15:30 Q&A
15:30 – 15:50 Coffee break
- 15:50 – 16:10 Prof. Martine Beugnet, Université Paris Cité & Lily Hibberd, Interdisciplinary Artist, Choreographies of (Re)Scale: the aesthetics of interactive tools for digitized film archives
- 16:10 – 16:30 Prof. Sarah Kenderdine, EPFL, Stereo spectacular
- 16:30 – 16:50 Dr Susan Hazan, Digital Heritage, Israel, AI, museums, and cultural heritage
16:50 – 17:10 Q&A
17:10 – Guided tour to the Laboratory for Experimental Museology, EPFL
Download the full programme with bio and abstract
- Epistemology and methodology (Main category)
- Mind and language > Information > Information sciences
- Mind and language > Representation > Cultural history
- Mind and language > Representation > Heritage
- Mind and language > Representation > Visual studies
- Mind and language > Epistemology and methodology > Methods of processing and representation
- Mind and language > Epistemology and methodology > Digital humanities
- EPFL Pavilions
Lausanne, Switzerland
Event attendance modalities
Hybrid event (on site and online)
- Wednesday, September 27, 2023
- audiovisual, archive, cultural heritage, museology, accessibility, machine learning, data science
Reference Urls
Information source
- Yuchen Yang
courriel : yuchen [dot] yang [at] epfl [dot] ch
This announcement is licensed under the terms of Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal.
To cite this announcement
« Constellations of Images: “The Grande Conversion” in Cultural Archives », Study days, Calenda, Published on Thursday, July 13, 2023, https://doi.org/10.58079/1bke