HomeThe Aggressor: Self-perception and External Perception of an Actor Between Nations - PhD positions

HomeThe Aggressor: Self-perception and External Perception of an Actor Between Nations - PhD positions

The Aggressor: Self-perception and External Perception of an Actor Between Nations - PhD positions

Der Aggressor: Selbst- und Fremdwahrnehmung eines Akteurs zwischen den Nationen - Promotionsstellen

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Published on Thursday, August 03, 2023


The Department of History at Heidelberg University and the Faculty of History at the Ruhr University Bochum invite applications for five doctoral positions (part-time: 65%) to be filled from the winter 2023/24 within in the framework of the international research project “The Aggressor: Self-perception and External Perception of an Actor Between Nations”. The interdisciplinary project investigates the identity-forming construction of national enemy images across Europe, which are shaped by aggressors from neighboring countries. It systematizes and compares the perception and interpretation of particular enemy actors based on historical case studies, focusing on their discursive construction and changing significance in the politics of memory.



In the Department of History at Heidelberg University or in the Faculty of History at the Ruhr University Bochum five positions (part-time: 65%) are offered from the winter 2023/24 to Doctoral students (f/m/d) within the framework of the international research project "The Aggressor: Self-perception and External Perception of an Actor Between Nations".

The interdisciplinary project headed by Prof. Dr. Thomas Maissen investigates the identity-forming construction of national enemy images across Europe, which are shaped by aggressors from neighboring countries. The project examines aggressors not as (international) legal actors but as ideal types that represent enemy in collective memory of hostile groups. It systematizes and compares the perception and interpretation of particular enemy actors as aggressors based on historical case studies, focusing on their discursive construction and changing significance in the politics of memory.

A detailed description of the project and the researchers involved can be found at: https://www.uni-heidelberg.de/fakultaeten/philosophie/zegk/histsem/forschung/project_aggressor_en.html

Your tasks

  • Conceptualization and execution of a German- or English-language doctoral project over the course of three years, pending an evaluation after the first year
  • Active participation in the further development of the project concept and in its events such as graduate seminars and workshops

Your profile

  • Above-average degree (Master's or equivalent) at the time of taking the position
  • Excellent doctoral project
  • Good knowledge of German or English, other language skills are welcome

We offer

  • A three-year (1+2) fixed-term contract at Heidelberg University or Ruhr University Bochum
  • Coordinated supervision of doctoral projects by several members of the project team
  • Integration into the international and interdisciplinary network of leading scholars from multiple established European research institutions
  • Highly motivating research environment in a strong academic team
  • Participation in international conferences and broad opportunities for publication of own research results
  • The chance to design exciting projects in the field of Public History
  • Salary based on the collective bargaining agreement of the German federal states (TV-L E13, 65%)

The doctoral project can be freely formulated within the framework of the above-mentioned description. For dissertations with a relevant topic that have already progressed, final funding with a shorter duration is conceivable. For questions regarding the content of the job profile, please contact Prof. Dr. Thomas Maissen (thomas.maissen@zegk.uni-heidelberg.de).


Applications in German or English should include a cover letter, curriculum vitae, certificates, proof of language skills and professional experience, two short academic letters of reference, and an outline of the doctoral project with details of the desired supervision and university (max. 20,000 characters including spaces and bibliography) and should be sent as a single PDF file to: aggressorprojekt@zegk.uni-heidelberg.de.

The deadline is 15 October 2023.

The selection interviews are expected to take place on 31 October 2023 via video conference.

The participating institutions stand for equal opportunities and diversity. Qualified female candidates are especially invited to apply. Persons with severe disabilities will be given preference if they are equally qualified. Information on job advertisements and the collection of personal data is available at www.uni-heidelberg.de/en/job-market

Selection committee


  • Heidelberg, Federal Republic of Germany
  • Bochum, Federal Republic of Germany


  • Sunday, October 15, 2023


  • aggressor, memory, erinnerung, identity, identität, enemy, feind, discourse, diskurs, national


  • Vilma Vaskelaitė
    courriel : aggressorprojekt [at] zegk [dot] uni-heidelberg [dot] de

Information source

  • Vilma Vaskelaitė
    courriel : aggressorprojekt [at] zegk [dot] uni-heidelberg [dot] de


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To cite this announcement

« The Aggressor: Self-perception and External Perception of an Actor Between Nations - PhD positions », Scholarship, prize and job offer, Calenda, Published on Thursday, August 03, 2023, https://doi.org/10.58079/1bo0

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