HomeContemporary African Art and New Media: Reflections on a New “Intermediatique Axis of Relevance”

HomeContemporary African Art and New Media: Reflections on a New “Intermediatique Axis of Relevance”

Contemporary African Art and New Media: Reflections on a New “Intermediatique Axis of Relevance”

Art contemporain africain et nouveaux médias : réflexions autour d’un nouvel « axe de pertinence intermédiatique »

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Published on Monday, August 21, 2023


This collective work project addresses the question of the encounter between contemporary African art, new media and intermediality from a creative point of view. It attempts to rethink this encounter in the light of media ondines. The contributions invited in this call for papers require a multidisciplinary approach, in order to better question the mutations that characterise contemporary African artistic creation. We are particularly interested in articles that broaden the aesthetic and temporal categories through which contemporary art, new media and intermediality are traditionally understood.


Call for contributions for a collective work - Supervisor: Dr Achille Komguem, Kamsu & Pr Albert Jiatsa Jokeng


Contemporary African art plays an increasingly important role in people's cultural and social lives. It is constantly the subject of controversy over the necessity of its construction, moving from "transgression to transgression" (Heinich, 2014). Based on ontological and aesthetic considerations, these debates are turning the world of art upside down, to the point of confusing even the most seasoned critics (Jiménez, 2010).

It appears that the new forms of contemporary art, often provocative and sometimes misunderstood, are at the root of the many aesthetic debates observed here and elsewhere. The result is a series of plastic deviations that ultimately lead to contemporary art as it is seen and perceived by everyday people today. In this constantly re-questioned process, artistic practices become embedded in people's lives through media cronyism. This mutation opens up the field of art to the trans-artistic and trans-media questions increasingly posed in literature and art history.

As such, artists use media to create and exist. To do this, they are inventing new approaches (video art, recycled sculpture, animated comic strips, artistic installations, digital imagery, novels, multimedia theatre, interactive and generative digital art, video performance, experimental cinema, etc.) based on technoscience. The result is an expansion of artistic creations that raises questions about new aesthetic territories. Some of these questions focus on the ways in which new media interfere, the levels of dialogue between media, and the types of narration, exploration and articulation of intermedia collusion by artists. Given this transversality, the question of whether intermediality in visual art is aesthetic, technical, playful, poetic, critical or reflexive always comes up.

This forthcoming book addresses the intersection of contemporary African art, new media and intermediality from a creative point of view. It strives to rethink these elements in the light of media ondines. The reflections outlined in this call for contibutions require a multidisciplinary approach, to better question the shifts that characterise contemporary African artistic creation. To this end, the following themes may guide the reflections of the different contributors:

  • contemporary African art: origins, course and current perspectives
  • aesthetic and/or cartography of contemporary African art
  • new media in art
  • reciprocal transformations of images, text and canvas
  • theoretical approaches to new media
  • intermediality in literature, art and film
  • narrative strategies and forms in visual arts
  • cinema and new artistic media
  • a reflective approach to intermedia artistic practices
  • video game screen, objet screen and object film
  • multimedia theatre and the proliferation of screens
  • painting and new media
  • sculpture and new media 
  • artistic performance and video installation
  • comic strip and cartoons
  • video games and generative art
  • immersive art and interactivity
  • etc.

We are particularly interested in articles that broaden the aesthetic and temporal categories through which contemporary art, new media and intermediality are traditionally understood.

Submission guidelines

Abstracts containing between 300 and 500 words, together with a brief biographical note (and no more than 06 keywords) written in French or English, should be sent before the 15th October 2023 to the following address: art2023media@gmail.com


  • Publication of the call: 15 August 2023 
  • Abstract submission deadline: 15 October 2023 
  • Notification to authors: 30 October 2023 
  • Deadline for the submission of the full article: 15 January 2024 
  • Expert reports due date: 15 March 2024 
  • Publication of the book: May 2024

Scientific Committee

  • Pr Saïbou Issa (University of Maroua)
  • Pr Cyrille Bella (University of Yaoundé I)
  • Pr Annette Angoua Nguea (University of Douala)
  • Pr Clément Dili Palaï (University of Maroua)
  • Pr Albert Jiatsa Jokeng (University of Maroua)
  • Pr Elondou Longin (University of Yaoundé I)
  • Pr Ado Adamou Abba Ari, (University of Garoua)
  • Pr Vendelin Abouna Abouna (University of Douala)
  • Pr Jean Robert Tchamba (University of Dschang)
  • Pr Alain Cyr Pangop (University of Dschang)
  • Pr Anatole Fogou (University of Maroua)
  • Pr Francois Wassouni (University of Maroua)
  • Pr Jean Marie Woufa  (University of Ngaoundéré)
  • Pr Lozzi Martial Meutem Kamtchueng (University of Maroua)
  • Pr Mahamat Abba Ousman (University of Maroua)
  • Pr Michel-Yves Essissima (University of Maroua)
  • Pr Roger Fopa Kuete (University of Maroua)
  • Pr William Fulbert Yogno Tabeko (University of Dschang)
  • Pr Bernard Bienvenu Nankeu (University of Maroua)
  • Pr Paul Kana Nguetse (University of Dschang)
  • Dr René Yatcho Yaben (University of Yaoundé I)
  • Dr Floribert Nomo Fouda (University of Yaoundé I)
  • Dr Narcisse Santorès Tchandeu, (University of Yaoundé I)
  • Dr Hamadou (University of Maroua)
  • Dr Zacharie Duflot Tatuebu (University of Dschang)
  • Dr Cyrille Zeh (University of Maroua)
  • Dr Hugues Heumen Tchana (University of Maroua)
  • Dr Katja Gentric (Centre Georges Chevrier, University of Bourgogne, Dijon)
  • Dr Joseph Patrice Fouman (University of Maroua)
  • Dr Ruth Collège Afane Belinga (University of Dschang)
  • Dr Roméo Fandio Ngahane  (University of Douala)
  • Dr Paul Aimé Ekoumbamaka
  • Dr Pierre Roméo Akoa Amougui (University of Maroua)
  • Dr Olivier Timma (University of Dschang)
  • Dr Luc Claude Ngueu (University of Dschang)
  • Dr Maurice Mbah (University of Dschang)

Reading committee

  • Dr Jean Paul II Djoum (université de Yaoundé I)
  • Dr François Guebou Taduidje (université de Maroua)
  • Dr William Deuga Tcheugoué (université de Maroua)
  • Dr Amos Kamsu Souoptetcha (université de Maroua)
  • Dr Stephane Peleu Njoya (université de Maroua)
  • Dr Raphaël Ngwe (université de Maroua)
  • Dr René Yatcho Yaben (université de Yaoundé I)

Scientific and editorial coordination

  • Dr Achille Komguem, Kamsu (Lecturer), Department of Performing Arts and Fine Arts, Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Maroua, Cameroon; Email: achilleka2013@gmail.com, Phone and WhatsApp: +237 677533608.
  • Pr Albert Jiatsa Jokeng, (Senior University Lecturer), Department of French Language and Literature, Ecole Normale Supérieure, University of Maroua, Cameroon; Email: jiatsajiokeng_al@yahoo.fr, Phone and WhatsApp: +237 697481853.


  • Albert Jiatsa Jokeng, Roger Fopa Kuete and François Guiyoba, (2020), Intermédialité. Pratiques actuelles et perspectives théoriques, Nîmes, Éditions Lucie.
  • Anne Cauquelin. (2011), L’art contemporain. Paris: Puf. (Que Sais-Je).
  • Christine Sourgins, (2005), Les Mirages de l’art contemporain. Paris: La Table Ronde.
  • Danto Arthur, (1989), La Transfiguration du banal. Une Philosophie de l’art. Présentation et traduction de Jean-marie Schaeffer. Paris: Le Seuil.
  • Éric Mechoulan, (2003), “Intermédialités: Le temps des illusions perdues” Dans Intermédialités. N°1. Pp.9-27.
  • François Guiyoba, Roger Fopa Kuete and Albert Jiatsa Jokeng, (2022), Le discours scientifique comme pratique intermédiale en art, lettres et sciences humaines, Paris, L'harmattan.
  • Jean Loup Pivin, (2005), “L'art contemporain africain”. Paris: Artabsolument. N°13.
  • Jean-Pierre Balpe (dir.), (2000), L'art et le numérique. Hermès. Dans Les cahiers du numérique. Vol. 1. N°4.
  • Mark Jimenez, (2010), La querelle de l’art contemporain. Paris: Folio essais.
  • Mariniello Silvestra, (2011), “l’intermédialité: un concept polymorphe”. Dans InterMedia. Littérature. Cinéma et intermédialité. Paris, L'Harmattan. Pp. 14-25.
  • Michael Rush, (2005), Les Nouveaux Médias dans l'art. Paris: Thames Et Hudson.
  • Mc luhan, M., (1968), Pour comprendre les médias. Les prolongements technologiques de l'homme. Paris: Seuil.
  • Nathalie Heinich, (2014), Le paradigme de l’art contemporain. Structure d’une révolution artistique. Paris: Gallimard.
  • Jürgen Müller E., (2006), “Vers l’intermédialité: histoires, positions et options d’un axe de pertinence”. Médiamorphoses. L’identité des médias en questions. N° 16. Pp. 99-110.
  • Engelberg Mveng, (1980), L’art et l’artisanat africain. Yaoundé: Clé.
  • Yves Michaud, (1999), La Crise de l’art contemporain. Utopie, démocratie et comédie. Paris: PUF, 5ème édition corrigée.


  • Maroua, Domayo
    Maroua, Cameroon (644)

Event attendance modalities

Full online event


  • Sunday, October 15, 2023


  • art contemporain africain, nouveaux médias, axe de pertinence, intermedialité, création artistique,


  • Albert Jiatsa Jokeng
    courriel : jiatsajiokeng_al [at] yahoo [dot] fr

Information source

  • Achille Komguem kamsu
    courriel : achilleka2013 [at] gmail [dot] com


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To cite this announcement

« Contemporary African Art and New Media: Reflections on a New “Intermediatique Axis of Relevance” », Call for papers, Calenda, Published on Monday, August 21, 2023, https://doi.org/10.58079/1boq

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