HomeSport in the Americas

HomeSport in the Americas

Sport in the Americas

Le sport dans les Amériques

Os esportes nas Américas

El deporte en América

*  *  *

Published on Wednesday, September 06, 2023


“The body of an athlete and the soul of a sage - these are what we require to be happy”, wrote Voltaire to Helvetius. At RITA, although we don’t claim to have athletic bodies, we humbly hope that our journal does lead to the path of wisdom. As Paris will host the Olympic Games in 2024, we thought it relevant to invite researchers to show wisdom and gain some critical distance to question the role and function of sports in the Americas, from North to South.



“The body of an athlete and the soul of a sage - these are what we require to be happy”, wrote Voltaire to Helvetius. At RITA, although we don’t claim to have athletic bodies, we humbly hope that our journal does lead to the path of wisdom. As Paris will host the Olympic Games in 2024, we thought it relevant to invite researchers to show wisdom and gain some critical distance to question the role and function of sports in the Americas, from North to South.

As the Olympic games run the whole gamut of sports, so do we intend to focus on this paramount contemporary topic through every discipline in the humanities and social sciences. The notion of sport can be seen as a daily practice, endorsed for health and education purposes, or addressed within its economic, geopolitical, and professional frame, as an illegal practice with performance enhancers, or through its media coverage when it is aired during international sports events (e.g., rankings on medal tables, competition for the organization of sports events, political influence of sports federations on states, political instrumentalization of sporting achievements, etc.).

To what extent can states use sports as an instrument of soft power or, even in some cases, of national propaganda? What role did sports, boxing in particular, play within the social fabric and educational system of revolutionary Cuba? What were the social, economic, urban and ecological impacts of the recent Olympics or Soccer World Cups organized on the American continent? How did national security policies of the 1970s use sports as a form of entertainment during major sports events, or through the accomplishments of national teams? How did track and field or sprinting reach the same level of national pride as reggae in Jamaica? What perspectives have the visual arts, music, cinema and literature opened up on soccer so far, in the country of Pele, Romario, Neymar and Marta?

The number of questions here is limitless… We are convinced that this topic is wide and so challenging that there is no need for too many guidelines. We won’t go so far as to say that “the important thing is to take part”, but we wish this new issue of RITA to be open to all scientific proposals that would make for a better understanding of how sport branches out and resonates with the Americas.

So: on your marks, get set, go! For its 17th issue, RITA gives you the opportunity, in its Thematic section, to explore the Americas as territories of sports, through a wide array of approaches and methods that are specific to humanities and social sciences.


The journal is divided into two parts. The first one (Dossier) welcomes different types of contributions directly related to the theme of the issue. The other (Varia) welcomes different types of contributions that do not correspond to the theme of the issue.

Each section (Dossier and Varia) is divided into 4 headings:

1) Papers (Articles)

Description: the contributions will propose completed theoretical or empirical research. The research question must be clearly stated and contextualized for an interdisciplinary audience. The methods will be specified, and the results will be clear, respecting the standards of the journal and the scientific requirements.

Format: 50,000 signs maximum for the entire document: titles, abstracts, notes, bibliography, spaces). The abstract will not exceed 1000 signs (spaces included). It should be accompanied by 3 to 5 key words. The abstract and keywords should appear in the language of the article and in another of the four languages of the journal.

2) Creating links (Trait d’union)

Description: the "Traits d'union" are so called because they are a link between scientific reflections and social, political, or educational fields. Concretely, three types of texts will be found in this section:

- Articles that, subject to a more flexible format and requirements, allow researchers to submit work still in progress and exploratory studies.

- Field notes, methodological reflections on research or teaching

- Book reviews

Format: 50,000 signs maximum for the entire document: titles, abstracts, notes, bibliography, spaces). The abstract will not exceed 1000 signs (spaces included). It should be accompanied by 3 to 5 key words. The abstract and keywords should appear in the language of the article and in another of the four languages of the journal.

3) Open expression (Expressions libres)

Description: The "Open expressions" section welcomes texts with a literary vocation, expressing literary and artistic inventiveness (columns, poems, short stories, exhibition reports) or tribunes with a civic rather than scientific dimension, on American news.

Format: 30,000 characters maximum for the entire document (including notes, bibliography, and spaces).

4) Meetings (Rencontres)

Description: This section provides a forum for actors from the Americas. “Meetings” hosts interviews with scientists, artists, political actors, activists, citizens, etc.

Format: Between 15,000 and 60,000 characters for the entire document (including presentation, notes, bibliography, and spaces). The Meeting should contain the presentation of the interviewee and 3 to 5 key words in the language of the interview, as well as in the language of your choice (Spanish, Portuguese, French or English).

Submission guidelines

Complete articles that respect the standards of the chosen rubric (for more details) can be sentat the following address:

until November 30, 2023.

We remind you that the papers can be written in English, Spanish, French, and Portuguese.

A first selection of the texts will be made by the Editorial Committee which will inform the authors of the acceptance or refusal of their article during the month of September 2023.

Subsequently, the texts selected for the Thema and Champ libre sections will be evaluated by anonymous readers. Articles may be rejected or accepted with or without modifications.

Issue 17 of RITA will be published in 2024.

We remind you that articles must be unpublished and cannot be submitted simultaneously to other journals

Editorial board

  • Renata Andrade, université de Lille.
  • Marie Arias, CeRAP
  • Julien Brugeron, docteur en littérature des États-Unis
  • Nathalia Capellini, université de Genève
  • Barbara Franchi, CAS (Centre for Anglophone Studies), université Toulouse Jean Jaurès
  • Cléa Fortuné, université Sorbonne Nouvelle (LEA)
  • Cristina García Martínez, université de Grenoble Alpes (France) et université Rovira i Virgili (Espagne).
  • Bruno Hervé Huamani, chargé d’études à l’Observatoire régionale de la santé de la Région Centre-Val de Loire.
  • Fabian Plazas, université Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne
  • Céline Raimbert, Centre de Recherche et de Documentation des Amériques (CREDA)
  • Antonio Ramos Ramírez, université Paris 8
  • Etienne Sauthier, Centre de Recherche et de Documentation sur les Amériques (CREDA)
  • François Weigel, CELIS (Centre de recherches sur les littératures et la sociopoétique), à la Maison des sciences de l’homme (MSH) de Clermont-Ferrand

Event attendance modalities

Full on-site event


  • Thursday, November 30, 2023


  • sport, Amérique, deporte, esporte, America


  • Renata Andrade
    courriel : revue [dot] rita [at] gmail [dot] com

Reference Urls

Information source

  • Renata Da Silva Andrade
    courriel : artesandrade [at] gmail [dot] com


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To cite this announcement

« Sport in the Americas », Call for papers, Calenda, Published on Wednesday, September 06, 2023,

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