HomeCall for proposals of thematic sections

HomeCall for proposals of thematic sections

Call for proposals of thematic sections

Appel à propositions de dossiers thématiques

Convocatoria de propuestas de dossieres temáticos

« Revue internationale des études du développement » (2024-2025)

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Published on Tuesday, October 24, 2023


The International Journal of Development Studies welcomes proposals for thematic sections for future issues. Following selection by the Editorial Board of the proposals received, calls for contributions will be issued from 2024 for issues to be published from 2025 onwards.


Guidelines for Special Issue Guest Editors


For each special issue:

  • The presence of one or more researchers from countries of the South is imperative.
  • The multiplicity of affiliations (research laboratories, institutions, etc.) is an imperative condition.
  • The issue is comprised of original papers (at least in large part) that have not been previously published and are not under simultaneous consideration for publication elsewhere.
  • Gender parity and generational openness, which are essential to the journal, must be aimed at.
  • Development professionals (NGOs, nonprofit organizations, international institutions, experts, ministry officials, journalists, etc.) may be called upon.
  • A balance between the theoretical (concepts, approaches, conceptual diagrams, problematizing, etc.) and empirical (contextualization, original field data collection, in-depth descriptions, etc.) dimensions should be aimed at.
  • The critical analysis of thinking frameworks, action organization, and of the evaluation of the actions carried out “in the name of development” must systematically be aimed at.
  • Guest editors will not publish a paper in the special issue they edit, but will write an introduction which may be considered as a paper (subject to reviewing).

Proposing a Call for papers (CFP) 

The proposal is written in accordance with the journal’s editorial line.

Proposals should be sent to sr.revdev@univ-paris1.fr

It consists of approximately 2 to 3 single-spaced pages (excluding the bibliographical references) and includes the following:

  • A title;
  • The names of the guest editors, their contact details, and their institutional affiliations;
  • The contextualization of the topic in the form of a brief state of the art of the field and literature review, with a discussion of the various views involved;
  • Arguments presenting the guest editors’ position in relation to the literature;
  • The lines of inquiry that the guest editors would like authors to address, and those that have been addressed in other journals’ recent special issues;
  • The framework for the papers (disciplinary / geographic / methodological / etc.), which must take into account the critical approach favored by the journal;
  • The added value of the special issue in relation to the debate at hand: the expected influence, valorization, and effects (by identifying “goals”);
  • Relevant and diversified bibliographical references.

Approval and circulation of the CFP

The CFP proposal is reviewed by the editorial board. The EB makes suggestions for reorientation, adjustments, and additions in order to improve the proposal.

Should the proposal be approved by the editorial advisory panel, a widely circulated public call for papers will be issued, calling for 4,500-character abstracts including:

  • the title;
  • the research question;
  • the theoretical framework;
  • the fieldwork;
  • the main results;
  • bibliographical references (not included in the character count).

Once the journal has circulated the CFP and the abstracts have been received according to the publication calendar agreed upon by the journal and the guest editors, the latter select between 10 and 15 abstracts and present them to the editorial board.

Upon approval by the board, the guest editors propose 3 reviewers per submission selected, and in support of the editorial team, call for the authors to submit their fully written papers.

A published special issue is comprised of 10 articles or so + 1 introduction by the guest editors.

The manuscripts should count 45,000 characters (approximately 6,500 words), spaces and footnotes included (not including the abstract and the bibliographical references).

The introduction, which is written by the guest editors, can either be subject to review and published as a paper, or constitute a framework text.

Putting together the Special Issue

  • Before the deadline for submitting proposals, the role of the guest editors is to identify contributions that may lead to papers. An appendix presenting texts that are already available may be added to the call for papers proposal (conference proceedings, end-of-project reports, or workshops). For example, guest editors may contact a known expert, identify an ongoing Ph.D., approach conference organizers to offer that they participate in the special issue, etc.
  • Such steps do not guarantee publication in the journal insofar as all proposals will be subject to an initial screening and then to a review (see below).
  • At the proposal selection stage, the guest editors present the proposals selected for the special issue to the editorial board and justify their choices. Along with the contact person on the board, they look for a minimum of three reviewers per proposal selected, at least two of whom are external to the journal. They must also find others in case of refusal, non-response, or 3rd-party arbitration (if one reviewer is favorable and a second, unfavorable).
  • Before submitting version 1 of the paper (V1), and for the successive versions (V2, V3, and V4), the guest editors provide assistance in drafting or redesigning the text, based on the reviewers’ comments and suggestions, should they consider that such scientific guidance is helpful.
  • At every production stage of the special issue, the guest editors are in close contact with the various staff members (editorial board, editor-in-chief, and managing editor). They report on progress and on meeting deadlines in putting together the special issue, and take into account the comments made by the journal in terms of focus, advice, framework, or even final arbitration, since the final decision to publish papers lies with the journal’s editorial board.

The guest editors ensure that the papers included in the special issue strike the right balance in terms of thematic, geographic, institutional, generational, etc. focus.

They are responsible for the quality of the contributions and therefore commit, if need be, to finalizing each text, with the help of the authors: a final editorial polishing performed by the guest editors is often essential. Should the author not respect the journal’s bibliographical standards, the guest editors will standardize the bibliographical references accordingly.

The guest editors are invited to contribute beyond the scope of the special issue, by proposing texts for the journal’s other sections: Figures of Development Known and Unknown, Documents, and Book Reviews. They are also invited to participate in searching for the cover illustration, and to provide the publisher with a blurb for the special issue.

The guest editors participate in the promotion of the special issue (pre-publication workshop and post-publication promotion event) and support the journal by considering an annual subscription from their institution.

Scientific direction

  • Claire BEAUGRAND, Centre national de la recherche scientifique CNRS
  • Charlotte GUÉNARD, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne
  • Pierre JANIN, Institut de recherche pour le développement IRD 
  • Jean-Michel WACHSBERGER, Université de Lille

The guest editors should systematically cc the address revdev@univ-paris1.fr on any email exchanges.



  • Monday, September 01, 2025


  • appel à dossiers thématiques


  • Pierre Janin
    courriel : sr [dot] revdev [at] univ-paris1 [dot] fr
  • Claire Beaugrand
    courriel : sr [dot] revdev [at] univ-paris1 [dot] fr
  • Jean-Michel Wachsberger
    courriel : sr [dot] revdev [at] univ-paris1 [dot] fr

Information source

  • Béatrice Trotier
    courriel : sr [dot] revdev [at] univ-paris1 [dot] fr


CC-BY-4.0 This announcement is licensed under the terms of Creative Commons - Attribution 4.0 International - CC BY 4.0 .

To cite this announcement

de la Revue internationale des études du développement Rédaction en chef, « Call for proposals of thematic sections », Call for papers, Calenda, Published on Tuesday, October 24, 2023, https://doi.org/10.58079/1bxz

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