HomeFrom 1984 to 2024: industrial disputes and social movements in the United Kingdom since the Great Miners’ Strike

From 1984 to 2024: industrial disputes and social movements in the United Kingdom since the Great Miners’ Strike

1984-2024 : la contestation sociale au Royaume-Uni depuis la Grande grève des mineurs

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Published on Monday, October 23, 2023


The one-day conference and journal issue focus on the past four decades of industrial disputes and social movements in the UK. The year 2024 is indeed the 40th anniversary of the beginning of the Great Miners’ Strike of 1984-1985. As such, it provides an opportunity to study social protest in the UK since 1984. 



This CFP concerns submissions: 

  • For a one-day conference entitled “From 1984 to 2024: industrial disputes and social movements in the UK since the Great Miners’ Strike” which will take place in Sciences Po Lille (France) on March 6th, 2024
  • For an issue of the French journal of British Studies Revue française de civilisation britannique (RFCB) on the same theme, to be published in late 2024

Please see below for the submission guidelines for the one-day conference and the journal issue. 

The one-day conference and journal issue focus on the past four decades of industrial disputes and social movements in the UK. The year 2024 is indeed the 40th anniversary of the beginning of the Great Miners’ Strike of 1984-1985. As such, it provides an opportunity to study social protest in the UK since 1984. 

This fortieth anniversary allows for several reflexive operations. First, one can look at the 1984-2024 period as a whole, and identify dynamics of social protest in the UK since the Great Miners’ Strike. Then, taking as a starting point the strike wave that began in the Winter of 2022 and comparing the early 2020s with the early 1980s, one may survey the transformations undergone by the UK over the past four decades. Finally, the 2024 anniversary calls for a reflection on the commemorations of the Great Miners’ Strike. It has become one of the main sites of memory [lieux de mémoire] (Nora, 1989) of the British trade-union movement, but has also become a point of reference for other social movements. 

This anniversary therefore serves both as the driver of a series of questions on the recent history of social struggle in the UK, and as a heuristic device for observers of contemporary British society. The journal issue intends to encourage retrospective, bird-eye views on the variegated forms of social protest since the watershed of the Great Miners’ Strike, as well as to shed light on the current conjuncture, by identifying parallels and differences between now and 1984.

The outline that follows offers to contributors a series of reflections, whose aim is to spark discussion rather than foreclose it. It does not intend to exhaust the possible interrogations and objects of study relating to these forty years of strife in the UK. While some hypotheses are offered, contributions tackling this field of inquiry from perspectives omitted in this CFP will be welcome.

Contributions may focus on the following questions or more:

  • The 1984-2024 period as a whole
  • Specific protest events
  • Specific social movements: trade-unionism, ecological struggles, feminism, etc
  • Specific organisations and/or actors
  • Forms of collective action
  • Modalities, moments or places of articulation/convergence between various struggles/movements
  • Historicity of struggles and movements

Submission guidelines

This is a two-step project:

  • 500-word abstracts should be set by October 31st, 2023

they will be reviewed by the Scientific Board of the March 6th (2024) conference “40 years of Strife: industrial disputes and social movements in the UK since the Great Miners’ Strike”. This conference will allow for discussion on in-progress articles or fully-written articles. 

  • Full articles will be expected for May 15th, 2024: they will be reviewed by the editorial board of the French Journal of British Studies issue

Taking part in the March 6th conference is neither a condition for nor a guarantee of publication in the RFCB journal issue. Both abstracts and subsequent articles should be sent to Clémence Fourton (Sciences Po Lille, CECILLE: clemence.fourton@sciencespo-lille.eu) and Marc Lenormand (Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3, EMMA: Marc.Lenormand@univ-montp3.fr

Scientific Committee

  • Emmanuelle Avril, Université Sorbonne Nouvelle, CREW
  • David Bailey, University of Birmingham
  • Emma Bell, Université Savoie Mont-Blanc, LLSETI
  • Oscar Berglund, University of Bristol
  • Mathilde Bertrand, Université Bordeaux Montaigne, CLIMAS
  • Bernd Bonfert, Aarhus Universitet
  • Charles Devellennes, Kent University
  • Thierry Labica, Université Paris Nanterre, CREA
  • Marie-Violaine Louvet, Université Toulouse Jean-Jaurès, CAS
  • Claire Mansour, Université Toulouse Jean-Jaurès, CAS
  • Jacob Mukherjee, Goldsmiths’ College
  • John Mullen, Université de Rouen, ERIAC

A detailed presentation of the project is available here: https://emmamontpellier.hypotheses.org/2728


  • Sciences Po Lille, 9 rue Angellier
    Lille, France (59)

Event attendance modalities

Hybrid event (on site and online)


  • Tuesday, October 31, 2023


  • mouvement social, Royaume-Uni, grève, mineur, Royaume-Uni


  • Marc Lenormand
    courriel : Marc [dot] Lenormand [at] univ-montp3 [dot] fr
  • Clémence Fourton
    courriel : clemence [dot] fourton [at] sciencespo-lille [dot] eu

Information source

  • Clémence Fourton
    courriel : clemence [dot] fourton [at] sciencespo-lille [dot] eu


CC0-1.0 This announcement is licensed under the terms of Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal.

To cite this announcement

« From 1984 to 2024: industrial disputes and social movements in the United Kingdom since the Great Miners’ Strike », Call for papers, Calenda, Published on Monday, October 23, 2023, https://doi.org/10.58079/1c35

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