HomeLes mazarinades et l’international

HomeLes mazarinades et l’international

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Published on Friday, November 17, 2023


Les 6 000 libelles parus sous la Fronde ont fait l’objet au cours de ces dernières années de nouvelles approches qui démontrent que les mazarinades dépassent de loin le cadre des affrontements politiques des années 1648-1653 en France ; elles nous conduisent aussi vers d’autres espaces historiques ou politiques, mobilisent des types de discours, des modes langagiers, des genres littéraires, des formes poétiques ou théâtrales, des topiques culturelles contemporaines, dans un processus à double sens. Après Paris (Nouvelles approches, 2015), Tokyo (Exploration, 2016) et Rouen (Territoires, 2022), le prochain colloque sur les mazarinades se penchera sur la question de « l’international » dans ce vaste corpus. Le projet de ce colloque se veut pluridisciplinaire afin de croiser les approches (historiques, littéraires, linguistiques, politiques, juridiques, sociologiques...) et international.



In recent years, new scholarship about the 6,000 libels published during the Fronde have shown that the mazarinades engage with much more than the sole French political crisis of 1648-1653. These numerous and diverse pamphlets open to other historical or political spaces. They also call for a history of types of discourse, language modes, literary genres, poetic or theatrical forms, and they intervene in contemporary cultural topics in a two-way process: through the study of their composition process in context, and through their instrumentalization in polemical situations. Digital humanities have also brought new questions by enabling the investigation of voluminous corpora.Building on such findings, the conference held in Rouen in September 2022, after the one in Paris (2015) and Tokyo (2016), moved to study the international range of the mazarinades:

Mazarinades as a Transnational Phenomenon -Many recent studies have allowed us to observe and study the mazarinade collections on an  international scale anew. Collections stored in Europe and beyond (especially in Japan, Russia and the United States) fosters new inquiry about documents printed during the Fronde. How were they distributed and disseminated abroad? What circles and networks were involved? What resonance did these texts, intended for a local audience, have outside France? How did foreign readers perceive them?

Mazarinades, Foreign Spaces and Foreigners -What perception of international matters (current events, foreigners, actors, political systems) do the mazarinades construct? Although the representation of foreigners in France are well-studied — Mazarin and Anne of Austria — what about the representation of other individuals or groups? Mazarinades’ approach to realities outside the French national space also offers great potential for interrogation: how do these texts, despite being rooted in a local conflict, account for events contemporary with the Fronde, near or far from France? What influence does the context of the French troubles exert on the narration of conflicts taking place between or within neighboring countries? Conversely, how was the Fronde perceived in the foreign press, or described in private correspondence? How were these hundreds of libels identified, collected and commented on by foreign readers? Do readers abroad consider Mazarinades a credible source of information, or are they seen as low-value, disposable libels?

Mazarinades Beyond Intellectual Boundaries -Because of the chronology of the Fronde, the English Revolution and the end of the Thirty Years' War, scholarship tends to set 1650 as an essential turning point in historiography. In addition to this temporal boundary, other concepts, such as aesthetic distinction between Baroque era and Classical era, have assigned the Mazarinades to a specific period instead of acknowledging their importance for the whole second seventeenth century. Finally, disciplinary and epistemological boundaries also confined the study of mazarinades to specific fields, whereas the object itself calls for a multidisciplinary approach. Since collaborations over the past fifteen years have mainly involved specialists in history, literature, linguistics and document management, we very much hope this conference would bring contributions from other fields of expertise.

Contribution guidelines

The conference will be held at the University of Fribourg (Switzerland), from March 26 to 28, 2025. The papers — approximately 30 minutes each — may be presented in French, English, German or Italian.

Submission of approximately 400 words (title, abstract, brief bio-bibliographical presentation) should be sent to the following address by January 31, 2024: mazarinades2025@gmail.com.


  • Carrier, Hubert, La presse de la Fronde (1648-1653) : les mazarinades. La conquête de l’opinion, t. 1, coll. « Histoire et civilisation du livre », Genève : Droz, 1989.
  • —, La presse de la Fronde (1648-1653) : les mazarinades. Les hommes du livre, t. 2, coll.« Histoire et civilisation du livre », Genève : Droz, 1991.
  • —, Le Labyrinthe de l’État. Essais sur le débat politique en France au temps de la Fronde (1648-1653), Paris : Honoré Champion, 2004.
  • —, Les Muses guerrières. Les Mazarinades et la vie littéraire au milieu du XVIIème siècle, coll. « Mélanges de la bibliothèque de la Sorbonne », Paris : Klincksieck, 1996.
  • Deroux, Maximilien, Les mazarinades dans les collections du Ministère des Affaires Étrangères. Présentation et catalogue, coll. “Archives diplomatiques/Bibliothèque”, ed. Centre des Archives diplomatiques de la Courneuve, 2019.
  • Duchêne, Roger, Ronzeaud, Pierre, La Fronde en questions. Actes du dix-huitième colloque du centre méridional de rencontres sur le XVIIème siècle. Marseille 28-29, Cassis 30-31 janvier 1988, Aix-en-Provence : Publications de l’Université de Provence (UP), 1989.
  • Haffemayer, Stéphane, Rebollar, Patrick, Sordet, Yann (dir.), Histoire et civilisation du livre XII : Mazarinades, nouvelles approches, Genève : Droz, 2016.
  • Ichimaru, Tadako (éd.), L’Exploration des mazarinades/ マザリナード探求, Tokyo : Projet Mazarinades, 2021.
  • Jouhaud, Christian, Mazarinades. La Fronde des mots, coll. « Historique », Paris : Aubier-Flammarion, [1985] 2009.
  • Labadie, Ernest, Nouveau supplément à la bibliographie des mazarinades, Paris : Henri Leclerc, 1904.
  • Lecestre, Léon, Les mazarinades : conférence faite à l’Institut Catholique de Paris le 3 mars 1913, Paris : Plon, 1913.
  • Moreau, Célestin, Bibliographie des mazarinades, t.1, A-F, Paris : Jules Renouard, 1850.
  • —, Bibliographie des mazarinades, t.2, G-Q, Paris : Jules Renouard, 1850.
  • —, Bibliographie des mazarinades, t.3, R-Z, Paris : Jules Renouard, 1851.
  • —, « Supplément à la bibliographie des mazarinades », in Bulletin du bibliophile et du bibliothécaire, Paris : J.Techener, 1862, p.786-829.
  • —, « Supplément à la bibliographie des mazarinades » in Bulletin du bibliophile et du bibliothécaire, Paris : Léon Techener fils, 1869.
  • Socard, Émile, Supplément à la bibliographie des mazarinades, Paris : Menu, 1876.
  • Van der Haeghen, Philippe, « Notes biographiques sur les mazarinades », in Bulletin du bibliophile belge, Bruxelles : F.Heussner, librairie ancienne et moderne, 1859.
  • Walsh, James E., Mazarinades: a catalogue of the collection of 17th century civil war tracts in the Houghton Libraray Harvard University, Boston : G.K. Hall&Co, 1976.



  • Fribourg, Switzerland (1700)

Event attendance modalities

Full on-site event


  • Wednesday, January 31, 2024


  • mazarinades, pamphlets, libelles, international, étranger, diffusion,


  • Céline Graillat
    courriel : mazarinades2025 [at] gmail [dot] com
  • Virginie Cogné
    courriel : mazarinades2025 [at] gmail [dot] com

Information source

  • Céline Graillat
    courriel : mazarinades2025 [at] gmail [dot] com


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To cite this announcement

« Les mazarinades et l’international », Call for papers, Calenda, Published on Friday, November 17, 2023, https://doi.org/10.58079/1c6v

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