HomeStrategic, Organizational, and Social Issues of Digital Transformation in Organizations
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Published on Monday, November 27, 2023


This conference intends to provide an opportunity to engage and appreciate diverse thoughts and analyses of Digital Transformation (DT) through the lenses of strategic, organizational, and social perspectives. The event aims to bring together scholars, professionals in business management, and experts from diverse fields in order to explore these subjects and discuss their potential impact on organizations. The target would be to reach the most effective organizational management practices optimizing digital transformation initiatives and processes through the consideration of structure, technology, culture, and people, as well as fostering innovation and success in a challenging environment.


April 12th - 13th 2024 - Hammamet, Tunisia

General information 

Digital Transformation (DT) is a company's continuous digitization that aims to fundamentally change organizations to remain competitive in their respective markets. This transformation goes from a simple introduction of technological tools to redesigning organizational processes (McCarthy et al., 2021; Chin et al, 2023). It requires a review of existing operations and of employees' and managers’ skills (AlNuaimiet al., 2022 ; Bresciani, Ferraris, et al., 2021; Correani et al., 2020 ; Scuottoet al., 2021, 2021 ; Singh et Hess, 2017 ; Subramaniam et Piskorski, 2020 ; Verhoef et al., 2021 ; Vial, 2019; Frick et al, 2021; Feliciano-Cestero et al, 2023; Zhang et al, 2023).

Hence, DT is a process where technologies are central to organizational restructuring initiatives. It drives strategic and operational changes in response to technology-related opportunities and threats (Borges et al., 2021; AlNuaimi et al., 2022; Verhoefet al., 2021; Vial, 2019; Feliciano-Cestero et al, 2023). It induces planned organizational changes based on emergent technologies infrastructure (Bresciani, Ciampi, et al., 2021; Nasirie et al., 2020; Najar et al., 2023). The main proposed definitions of DT are based on three critical factors: technological, organizational, and social.

On the strategic side, several authors have defined DT as a significant change in a business model (BM) derived from the introduction of analytics, big data, cloud, blockchain, mobile communication, and social media platform technologies into a company's operational processes (AlNuaimi et al., 2022; Bresciani, Ciampi, et al., 2021; Vial, 2019). These technologies generate radical transformations by building new value-creation strategies while managing structural problems (Dudézert, 2018; Vial, 2023; Verhoefet al., 2021; Nadkarni and Prügl, 2021; Correani et al., 2020). Scholars then discuss how to match BM aspects with value-creating methods (Chesbrough, 2010; Saebi & Foss, 2015; 2017). Hence, novel BM structures appeared. Academics and professionals showed great interest in understanding the BM and its link with the initiatives of digital strategy implementation, including the strategic, organizational, and social changes within the organization and beyond its boundaries (supply chain management, governance modes, inter-organizational networks, and business ecosystem). These changes necessarily lead to transformations at the level of organizational processes (changes in professions, organizational structures, and management practices) (Najar, 2020). Based on the former, the Business model innovation (BMI) approach became a leading strategy to overcome the complexity of these initiatives when talking about disruptive business models' arrival in one's industry. Hence, new BMI approaches have emerged as a means of generating value through digital and human (customers, competitors, suppliers, government) resource exploitation. As a result,  the DT literature focused on tools to transform the customer experience (Benlian and Haffke, 2016; Horlach et al., 2017),  the business processes (commercial, financial, marketing…) (Kumar, 2021), and the organizational behaviors (Singh et Hess, 2017; Verhoef et al., 2021; Nadkarni and Prügl, 2021; AlNuaimi et al., 2022; Vial, 2023; Guerra et al, 2023). Moreover, the literature links DT with novel management practices such as lean management for attaining sustainable development and resource regeneration objectives (Aljawder and Al-Karaghouli,2021).

Tushman and O'Reilly (1996) define long-term success as growing congruence among strategy, structure, people, and culture through progressive or evolutionary change. In this context, the DT is necessarily related to the serious consideration of structure, technology, culture, and especially people (McCarthy et al., 2022). Hence, several researchers paid attention to organizational and social perspectives, considering DT as the transformation of organizational processes through the automation of tasks, which led to radical changes in management methods, workplaces (Alrasheedi et al., 2022; Guerra et al 2023) and imposed changes in the skills and abilities of senior managers (AlNuaimiet al., 2022; Bresciani, Ferraris, et al., 2021; Fernandez-Vidal et al., 2022; Nadkarni and Prügl, 2021; Verhoefet al., 2021; Louati & Hadoussa, 2021)..

These emergent skills and abilities are gaining huge interest among academics, such as: organizational agility, technical know-how, and emotional intelligence (Singh and Hess, 2017; Sousa and Rocha, 2019; Tsou and Chen, 2022; Verhoef et al., 2021; Vial, 2019; McCarthy et al., 2021; McCarthy et al., 2022). In this context, the manager is faced with the need to become a visionary leader who inspires the entire management team, to solve the natural problems or obstacles to any TD process (Fernandez-Vidal et al., 2022; Singh and Hess, 2017; Tsou and Chen, 2022; Verhoefet al., 2021). He must also generate relationships and trust, seek to develop the leadership of his collaborators, and demonstrate competence in team leadership (promote learning, knowledge sharing, and collaboration.), focusing both on their own development and that of employees (AlNuaimi et al., 2022; Fernandez-Vidal et al., 2022; Sousa and Rocha, 2019). Finally, he must demonstrate great emotional and social intelligence to manage change in their organizations  (Singh and Hess, 2017) as well as communication skills and relational capital with the various partners (Eden et al., 2019; Fernandez-Vidal et al., 2022; Singh and Hess, 2017; Sousa and Rocha, 2019; Verhoefet al., 2021; Vial, 2019).                   

Potential research topics

This call for papers is open, but not limited to, the following topics:

  • Digital Transformation levers and barriers.
  • Digital Transformation and business model reengineering.
  • Digital Transformation and organizational change, effectiveness, performance, organizational culture, etc.
  • Digital transformation and Human Resource Management .
  • Smart technologies (Artificial Intelligence, IoT, Virtual Reality, Cloud Computing, Robotics, Blockchain, etc.) adoption, integration, and effects within organizations (Industry 4.0 and 5.0, etc.).
  • Digital transformation’ challenges and opportunities in specific sectors .
  • Digital Transformation in supply chain management and logistics.
  • Digital Transformation and Customer Experience & Behavior.         
  • Digital Transformation’s ethical issues.
  • Green & sustainable Digital Transformation.

Submission instructions  

Original contributions based on interdisciplinary or hybrid methodological approaches (e.g., experimental, qualitative, and quantitative research) are welcome. Theoretical, conceptual, or philosophical contributions are also appreciated.

Submitted articles must not have been previously published, nor should they be under consideration for publication anywhere else.

Author guidelines must be strictly respected.

Please indicate the thematic area to which your paper belongs and send your extended abstracts (1,000 words max)  on the following link :

A one-page abstract should be prepared in the following format :

  • Use 12-point Times New Roman for the main text and smaller fonts may be used for figure captions.
  • The width of each line should not exceed 17.5 cm or 7.0 inches.
  • Start the first line leaving a space of 2.5 cm or 1.0 inch on the upper side.
  • The Title, Author's Names, and Affiliations should all be centered.
  • Use boldface with bigger fonts for the Title but not for Authors, Affiliations, and the main text.
  • Please underline the presenting Author

Submissions must include the following information:

  • The title of the paper.
  • The name(s) of the author(s).
  • The institutional affiliation of each author.
  • An extended abstract (maximum 5 pages).
  • Keywords.

Key dates

  • Full paper submission, January 15, 2024
  • Notification for revision February 15, 2024
  • Deadline for final full paper submission (final submission - review. ), March 15, 2024
  • Author notification (for accepted or rejected papers), 31, March, 2024
  • Conference dates, 12, 13, April 2024

Review process

Papers will be reviewed separately following the double-blind review process.

Conference Board

  • Tharwa NAJAR, RIGUEUR, Gafsa University, Tunisia
  • Ibticem BEN ZAMMEL, RIGUEUR, Manouba University, Tunisia
  • Samiha GHARBI, RIGUEUR, Manouba University, Tunisia
  • Slim HADDOUSSA, Brest Business School, France

Conference Scientific Committee

  • Nadia ABAOUB, Thema, ESCT, Tunisia
  • Umair AKRAM, RMIT University, Vietnam
  • Bahaaeddin ALAREENI, Middle East Technical University, Turkey
  • Ahmad Samed AL ADWAN, Al Ahliyyya Amman University, Jordan
  • Mohammed AL ARIFI, University of Tabuk, Saudi Arabia
  • Thamir AL ASKAR, Al Imam Muhammad Ibn Saud Islamic University, Saudi Arabia
  • Khaled AL BARRAK, King Faisal University, Saudi Arabia
  • Mohammad AL MOMANI, Zarka University, Jordan
  • Adel ALOUI, ISTEC Business School, CERI, France
  • Alanoud AL SHEHRI, University of Tabuk, Saudi Arabia
  • Mokhtar AMAMI, Professor Emeritus of Strategic Management of Technology, · Royal Military College, Canada
  • Nisreen AMEEN, UK Academy of Information System, United Kingdom
  • Jamel AZIBI, FSJEGJ, Tunisia
  • Mohamed Anis BACH TOBJI, LARODEC, ESEN, Tunisia
  • Belgacem BCHINI, ARBRE, ISGT, Tunisia
  • Olfa BELKAHLA, LARIA,ESCT, Tunisia
  • Hazem BEN AISSA, LARIME, ESSECT, Tunisia
  • Wissal BEN ARFI, EDC Paris School of Business, France
  • Senda BEN SEDRINE, ARBRE, ISGT, Tunisia
  • Ibticem BEN ZAMMEL, RIGUEUR, ISCAE Tunisia
  • Zeeshan Ahmed BHATTI, University of Portsmouth, United Kingdom
  • Younès BOUGHZALA, University of Savoie, France
  • Houssem CHEMINGUI, Brest Business School, France
  • Souad CHOUK, LIGUE, ESCT, Tunisia
  • Wafi CHTOUROU, ECSTRA, IHEC, Tunisia
  • Abdelkader DAGHFOUS, American University of Sharjah, United Arab Emirates
  • Karima DHAOUADI, RIGUEUR, ISCAE, Tunisia
  • Jihene EL OUAKDI, GEF2A, ESEN, Tunisia
  • Azza FRIKHA, Méthodes Marketing, ESCT, Tunisia
  • Emmanuel GABELLIERI, Université Catholique de Lyon, France
  • Jameleddine GHARBI, VPNC, FSJEGJ, Tunisia
  • Samiha GHARBI, RIGUEUR, ISCAE, Tunisia
  • Khaled GHEDIRA, UIK, Tunisia
  • Rim HACHANA, ESDES, Université Catholique de Lyon, France
  • Slim HADOUSSA, Brest Business School, France
  • Allam HAMDAN, Ahlia University, Bahrain
  • Mohamed HAMDOUN, LISEFE, ESSECT, Tunisia
  • Lamia HECHICHE, PRISME, ISGT, Tunisia
  • Rim JALLOULI, ESEN, Tunisia
  • Samia KAROUI, LISEFE, FSEGT, Tunisia
  • Anis KHEDHAOURIA, Montpellier Business School, France
  • Hamid KHOBZI, University of Sussex, United Kingdom
  • Galina KONDRATEVA, EDC Paris School of Business, France
  • Lassaad LAKHAL, LAMIDED, FSEG Sousse, Tunisia
  • Rahma LAOUITI, Brest Business School, France
  • Philippe LEPINARD, Université Paris Est-Créteil, France
  • Mohamed  LOUADI, ISGT, Tunisia
  • Wei LU, Brest Business School, France
  • Adnan MAALAOUI, MBSC, Saudi Arabia
  • Sehl MELLOULI, Université Laval, Canada
  • Karim MEZGHANI, FSEGS, Sfax University, Tunisia 
  • Lassaad MEZGHANI, IFIC, AUF, Tunisia
  • Grace MOUSSAID, Brest Business School, France
  • Tharwa NAJAR, RIGUEUR, ISAE Gafsa, Tunisia
  • Florence RODHAIN, University of Montpellier, France
  • Sana ROUISSI SKANDRANI, Senior Lecturer in Information, Handelshögskolan vid Karlstads universitet, Sweden
  • Chiraz SAIDANI, LARIME, ESSECT, Tunisia
  • Santhosh VENUGOPAL, Brest Business School, France
  • Sofiane TOUMI, RIGUEUR, ISCAE, Tunisia
  • Mueen UDDIN, University of Doha of Science and Technology, Qatar
  • Samuel Fosso  WAMBA, Toulouse Business School, France
  • Imed ZAIEM, ENVIE, FSEGN, Tunisia
  • Mahmoud ZOUAOUI, LISEFE, ESCT, Tunisia

Conference Organizing Committee

  • Sadok AJEJ, RIGUEUR, ISCAE, Tunisia
  • Haythem AYACHI, RIGUEUR, ISCAE, Tunisia
  • Khaoula BACCOUCHE, RIGUEUR, ISCAE, Tunisia
  • Mohamed Anis BEN ABDALLAH, RIGUEUR, FSEGN, Tunisia
  • Ibticem BEN ZAMMEL, RIGUEUR, ISCAE, Tunisia
  • Karima DHAOUADI, RIGUEUR, ISCAE, Tunisia
  • Leyla ENNAJEH, RIGUEUR, ISI, Tunisia
  • Chokri GANA, RIGUEUR, ISCAE, Tunisia
  • Samiha GHARBI, RIGUEUR, ISCAE, Tunisia
  • Rim HACHANA, ESDES, Université Catholique de Lyon, France
  • Slim HADOUSSA, Brest Business School, France
  • Nejla HADDAJI, RIGUEUR, INTES, Tunisia
  • Sameh HOUARBI, RIGUEUR, Tunisia
  • Manel JOUIROU, RIGUEUR, ISCAE, Tunisia
  • Chadia KAROUI, RIGUEUR, ISAE Gafsa, Tunisia
  • Farid KHEMISSI, RIGUEUR, IHEC, Tunisia
  • Wafa KORT, RIGUEUR, ISGT, Tunisia
  • Rahma LAOUITI, Brest Business School, France
  • Faten LOUATI, RIGUEUR, ISCAE, Tunisia
  • Bachar MOKLINE, RIGUEUR, ISGB, Tunisia
  • Tharwa NAJAR, RIGUEUR, ISAE Gafsa, Tunisia
  • Monia NEMSI, RIGUEUR, ISCAE, Tunisia
  • Amal SAHLI, RIGUEUR, ISCAE, Tunisia
  • Arem SAII, RIGUEUR, ISAE Gafsa, Tunisia
  • Rulla SARRAS, RIGUEUR, ESCT, Tunisia
  • Hella SELLAMI, RIGUEUR, ISCAE, Tunisia
  • Chaima ZRIG, RIGUEUR, ISCAE, Tunisia

Registration Fees

  • Faculty members  500 Dt or 250 €
  • Students/doctoral candidates   300 Dt or 150 €
  • Accompanying Person   250 Dt or 100 €

The participation fees encompass the following costs: a single night's stay at the conference hotel, coffee breaks, breakfasts, lunches, dinners, and the conference materials package.


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  • Hammamet Nord, Tunisia (2080)


  • Monday, January 15, 2024

Attached files


  • digital transformation, organization


  • Ibticem BEN ZALMMEL
    courriel : Ibticembenzammel [at] gmail [dot] com
  • GHARBI Samiha
    courriel : laboratoire [dot] rigueur [dot] iscae [at] gmail [dot] com

Information source

  • Ibticem BEN ZAMMEL
    courriel : ibticembenzammel [at] gmail [dot] com


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« Strategic, Organizational, and Social Issues of Digital Transformation in Organizations », Call for papers, Calenda, Published on Monday, November 27, 2023,

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