What future for African integration?
Quel avenir pour l’intégration africaine ?
Published on Wednesday, January 17, 2024
Since the creation in 1963 of the Organization of African Unity (forerunner of today's African Union), bilateral and multilateral intergovernmental cooperation initiatives have continued to multiply across the African continent, to the point where there are now over a hundred initiatives and institutions covering a wide range of fields: political, economic, commercial, customs, educational, cultural. This call for papers invites professors, doctors, PhD students and researchers in various fields (law, political science, international relations, international law, economics, international trade, etc.) to propose book chapters that can take stock of the situation, shed light on the challenges facing African integration, and reflect on the future prospects of such an integration dynamic.
The Laboratory research on Political Studies and Public Law at Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah University of Fez launches a call for chapters for the publication of an edited book on the theme: What future for African integration?
Since the creation in 1963 of the Organization of African Unity (forerunner of today's African Union), bilateral and multilateral intergovernmental cooperation initiatives have continued to multiply across the African continent, to the point where there are now over a hundred initiatives and institutions covering a wide range of fields: political, economic, commercial, customs, educational, cultural (...). The aim has always been to initiate far-reaching integration between African states.
Africa's integration has not been confined to market integration, but has broadened towards institutional integration, manifested in the proliferation of regional and sub-regional institutions (at both community and intra-community levels). The adoption of the Lagos Plan of Action for the Economic Development of Africa 1980-2000 was a decisive factor in the acceleration of trade and economic integration, with the establishment of the eight Regional Economic Communities (RECs) that today comprise the African continent. The creation of the African Union in 2002 and the development of its actions and initiatives since then have contributed to the strengthening of African integration in cultural, scientific, political, normative fields, etc.
Hopes for further integration are high with the establishment of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA), whose agreement has been signed by all African countries. The Covid 19 pandemic has also demonstrated the importance of African integration in meeting both economic and health challenges.
But there are many challenges to be met, as Africa is a continent beset by multiple political and security crises and turbulence (terrorism and insecurity, political instability...). It is also the continent where inequalities are greatest, both between citizens of the same country and between the States themselves, whose levels of development vary from one country to another. In this regard, the African continent includes emerging countries (such as South Africa), developing countries (such as Morocco) and less developed countries (such as Niger and Chad). The countries that make up the African continent do not all have the same trade capacities, as there are states with high trade potential (such as Egypt, South Africa and Nigeria) that could dominate Africa with the AfCFTA, and other states that could not compete due to their weak economical potential (such as the LDCs).
All these factors pose major challenges for regional institutions, led by the African Union, which are supposed to accelerate the continent's integration at every level.
But while African integration is beset by challenges and obstacles, the future of this kind of integration dynamic is, more or less, bright. We need to encourage cooperation rather than competition between states, while strengthening the capacities of LDCs to extrude them out of the shadows of underdevelopment and improve the performance of developing and emerging countries.
These different aspects need to be studied. It is in this context that this call for papers invites professors, doctors, PhD students and researchers in various fields (law, political science, international relations, international law, economics, international trade, etc.) to propose book chapters that can take stock of the situation, shed light on the challenges facing African integration, and reflect on the future prospects of such an integration dynamic.
The chapters expected for this book will focus on the following areas (non-exhaustive list):
1- The state of African integration, its fields and instruments;
2- Assessment of African regional integration experiences (ECOWAS, ECCAS, COMESA, SADC, UMA, the AU);
3- Challenges of regional integration in Africa;
- State resistance to the loss of sovereignty;
- States' membership of several regional groupings;
- Terrorist threat;
- The low level of trade between countries;
- Low level of infrastructure development;
- Border management difficulties or porous borders;
- Political crises (coups d'état, electoral fraud, lack of democracy, etc.);
- Multiplicity, competition and coordination problems between African regional and sub-regional institutions;
- Rivalries, competition and wars of influence between African states;
4- The impacts of regional integration in Africa;
5- Prospects of regional integration in Africa;
Submission of proposals
Proposals should be sent in Word format, in the form of an article of no more than 60,000 characters (including spaces and footnotes), i.e. a maximum of 20 pages, accompanied by an abstract in French or English, and a brief biography of the author(s).
The deadline for submission is September 30, 2024.
They should be sent to the following address: k.zaouaq@gmail.com
Authors whose proposals have been accepted must then send the final text of their contribution in French or English by July 15, 2024 at the latest. Chapters should not exceed 45,000 characters (including spaces and footnotes), i.e. a maximum of 15 pages.
Important dates
September 30, 2024: Full Chapter Submission
- November 30, 2024: Review notification
- December 31, 2024: Final version chapter submission
- April 2025: Publication of the book by the French publishing house “L’Harmattan”
Karim ZAOUAQ (Professor of public international law, Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah University, Fez).
Scientific commitee
- Rachid EL MARZGUIOUI (Professor of international law and international relations, Université Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah, Fez);
- Said SADDIKI (Professor of international law and international relations, Université Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah, Fez);
- Abdelhalim LARBI (Professor of public international law, Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah University, Fez);
- Naima GUENNOUNI (Professor of public international law, Hassan II University, Casablanca);
- Mohammed Zakaria ABOUDAHAB (Professor of international law and international relations, Mohamed V University, Rabat);
- Ali KAIROUANI (Professor of public international law, Mohamed V University, Rabat);
- Ben Ahmed HOUGUA (Professor of political science, Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah University, Fez);
- Fouad AALOUANE (Professor of international law and international relations, Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah University, Fez)
The book is planned to be published in the French publishing house “L’Harmattan”.
Editorial guidelines for final chapters
1- Chapters should be between 25,000 and 45,000 characters long (including spaces and footnotes), or between 8 and 15 pages.
2- Chapters should be written in Times 12 for body text and 10 for footnotes, 1.5 line spacing.
3- The first page of the final chapter must include the following information:
- Article title in lower case, bold, font 14 ;
- Author's name and address;
- Abstract in French and English (70 to 100 words for each version);
- Keywords in French and English (maximum 5).
4- The work must be original, unpublished and comply with academic standards.
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- Monday, September 30, 2024
Attached files
- Intégration, Afrique
- Karim Zaouaq
courriel : k [dot] zaouaq [at] gmail [dot] com
Information source
- Karim Zaouaq
courriel : k [dot] zaouaq [at] gmail [dot] com
This announcement is licensed under the terms of Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal.
To cite this announcement
« What future for African integration? », Call for papers, Calenda, Published on Wednesday, January 17, 2024, https://doi.org/10.58079/vm2q