HomeKnow-how or not to know-how

HomeKnow-how or not to know-how

Know-how or not to know-how

Savoir être ou ne pas savoir être

Revue « Études en didactique des langues » (Edl)

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Published on Monday, February 12, 2024


Les enseignant·es ont d’abord eu pour mission de transmettre des connaissances en langues. Le CECRL (2001) a bien explicité le concept de compétences linguistiques. Les différentes approches depuis les années 1970 ont contribué à transformer le rôle des enseignant·es. On est passé du stade de la transmission de savoirs au développement des compétences opérationnelles et comportementales chez les apprenant·es. Les enseignant·es de langues et cultures se situeraient alors à la croisée des chemins : entre savoir, savoir-faire et savoir-être, ayant ainsi la possibilité de faire s’entrecroiser les compétences. Dans ce numéro de la revue Études en didactique des langues (EDL), nous souhaitons explorer la notion de savoir-être, chez les enseignant·es comme chez les apprenant·es.



The primary mission of teachers is to impart knowledge of languages. The CEFR (2001) clearly explains the concept of language skills. This was followed by an approach based on carrying out tasks designed to meet various needs in professional situations. Pedagogy then shifted towards learning based on know-how. The various approaches adopted since the 1970s have contributed to transforming the role of teachers. We have moved on from the transmission of knowledge to the development of operational skills (know-how, knowing how to say, knowing how to listen, etc.) and behavioral skills (knowing how to be, knowing how to become, etc.) in learners, what Puren (2018) calls ‘savoir-y-faire’. For the CEFR, this means helping learners “to forge the knowledge, skills and attitudes they need to acquire greater independence in ֞thinking and in action in order to be more responsible and cooperative in their relations with others. In this sense, this work helps to promote democratic citizenship (2001: 4). 

According to Smuk (2018: 133-134), the term savoir-être has a “relatively short” history in language didactics. It “refers to the set of non-language individual variables specific to a learner that influence foreign language proficiency and is treated as one of the four general skills. And although, since the publication of the CEFR, the term savoir-être is often mentioned in specialist literature, it is rarely the subject of in-depth interest and is subject to new interpretations”.

According to the CARAP cultural and language framework, (Candelier et al., 2012: 89), “many savoir-être must be mobilized. In a way, they constitute the attitudinal background that makes possible [...] the implementation of know-how and the use of knowledge”. 

Gohier (2006), for her part, wonders whether training to be is not a “paradoxical injunction”, particularly in educational practices, since being is specific to each individual and we cannot train individuals to be different from what they are.

In this issue, we’'d like to explore the notion of savoir-être, for both teachers and learners, from a variety of angles, for example:  

  • epistemological: definition, history and development of the notion of ‘savoir-être’ ;
  • reflexive: relevance, importance, criticism of this notion;
  • pedagogical: practical application in the field; assessment of this skill ; 
  • socio-psychological: teachers’' ability to adapt to this new role (distance learning, digital platforms, online teaching, etc.); resistance and anxiety on the part of learners and teachers alike.

Submission guidelines

Complete contributions should be sent directly, as there is no preliminary selection of proposals. They may be written in French or English. Manuscripts (between 6,000 and 10,000 words), addressing one of the subjects above, will respect the style sheet available on-line https://edlple.simplesite.com/438385486/438385492

The manuscripts should be sent by email before 30 June 2024

to edl@lairdil.fr to be published in issue number 43 of EDL/FLLTR in December 2024.

Article selection process

Manuscripts for FLLTR ou PLE must be submitted to edl@lairdil.fr by the deadline indicated in the call for papers. The style sheet must be respected even at this early stage. The Editorial board acknowledges receipt of articles and, on the basis of their relevance, agrees to consider or reject them, or provides advice for improvement or guidance. These proposals for articles are submitted to two peer-reviewers with different profiles and belonging to an institution different from that of the author(s) of the article. They also receive the call for papers and an evaluation grid to assist them in their work. The evaluation period will not exceed three months. If there is a contradiction between the evaluations, a third or even a fourth opinion is requested. The evaluation reports, as well as the articles annotated by the referees, are sent to the authors who make the requested corrections or justify any refusal. When the corrected article is returned, the Editorial board verifies that the requested corrections have been made and, if necessary, solicits the experts who requested the corrections. In fine, the editorial board decides whether to accept or reject the article, notifies the authors of its decisions and, in case of refusal, justifies its decision. Additional clarifications and/or corrections may be requested from authors throughout the journal's editing process.


Papers describing essentially the same research should not be published in more than one journal. Submitting the same paper to more than one journal constitutes unethical publishing behavior and is unacceptable.  Manuscripts which have been published elsewhere cannot be submitted. In addition, manuscripts under review by FLLTR should not be submitted to other publications at the same time.

Chief editor

Nicole Décuré (Professeure émérite - Université Toulouse 3)

Executive board

  • Claire Chaplier (MCF HDR - Université Toulouse 3),
  • Elizabeth Crosnier (MCF Honoraire - Université Toulouse 3),
  • Karine Duvignau (Professeure - Toulouse 2),
  • Pierre Frath, Professeur émérite - Université de Reims),
  • Laura M. Hartwell (Professeure - Université Toulouse 1),
  • Dominique Macaire (Professeure - Université de Lorraine),
  • Jean-Paul Narcy-Combes (Professeur émérite - Université Sorbonne Nouvelle - Paris 3).


CONSEIL DE L’EUROPE. 2001. Cadre européen commun de référence pour les langues : apprendre, enseigner, évaluer. Paris Didier. URL : https://rm.coe.int/16802fc3a8.

CANDELIER, Michel (coord.), Antoinette CAMILLERI-GRIMA, Véronique CASTELLOTTI, Jean-François DE PIETRO, Ildikó LORINCZ, Franz-Joseph MEIßNER, Artur NOGUEROL & Anna SCHRÖDER-SURA. 2012. Le CARAP, Un Cadre de Référence pour les Approches Plurielles des Langues et des Cultures. Compétences et ressources.  Strasbourg: Conseil de l’Europe. URL: https://www.ecml.at/ Portals/1/documents/ECMl-resources/CARAP-FR.pdf.

PUREN, Christian. 2018. Le “savoir-y-faire”, “savoir-être” de la perspective actionnelle. URL: https://www.christianpuren.com/2018/02/02/le-savoir-y-faire-savoir-%C3%AAtre-de-la-perpectiveactionnelle/.

SMUK, Maciej. 2018. Compétence de savoir-être dans l’apprentissage des langues. Redéfinitions, applications, défis. Glottodidactica 45: 1, 133-146. URL: https:// www.researchgate.net/publication/345956493_Competence_.de_savoir_etre_dans_l’apprentissage_des_langues_Redefinitions_app lications_defis.mérite - Université Sorbonne Nouvelle - Paris 3).


  • Sunday, June 30, 2024


  • savoir-être, compétence langagière, langue étrangère, apprentissage


  • Nicole Décuré
    courriel : nicole [dot] decure [at] univ-tlse3 [dot] fr

Information source

  • Elisabeth Crosnier
    courriel : elisabeth [dot] crosnier [at] orange [dot] fr


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To cite this announcement

« Know-how or not to know-how », Call for papers, Calenda, Published on Monday, February 12, 2024, https://doi.org/10.58079/vsxp

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