Published on Wednesday, February 07, 2024
The International Federation for Public History (IFPH) now welcomes poster proposals for its 2024 World Conference that will take place on 3-7 September, 2024. The poster session will take place on site during the conference.Posters offer an opportunity for those keen to share their public history projects using visual and material evidence. We are interested in displaying innovative public history projects that engage with relevant issues to the field. We also encourage potential applicants to apply if their work is part of a multi-year or ongoing project in order for them to receive feedback and resources from their colleagues at the conference.
Call for Posters
The International Federation for Public History (IFPH) now welcomes poster proposals for its 2024 World Conference that will take place on 3-7 September, 2024. The conference will be hosted by the Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History (C²DH, University of Luxembourg), which is also the IFPH’s headquarters. Participants will enjoy a very international and multicultural environment in the heart of Western Europe.
The poster session will take place on site during the conference.Posters offer an opportunity for those keen to share their public history projects using visual and material evidence. We are interested in displaying innovative public history projects that engage with relevant issues to the field. We also encourage potential applicants to apply if their work is part of a multi-year or ongoing project in order for them to receive feedback and resources from their colleagues at the conference.
Submission guidelines
Proposals must be submitted in English via the IFPH 2024 website and must include:
- A poster title
- An abstract of no more than 250 words explaining the projects and its relevance for public history
- Supplementary data- a visual preliminary draft of the poster (a slide, sketch, a word document or any other visual format). As well as a brief explanation of needs for the poster display.
- A short biography (max 150 words)
An optimal poster should include a title, images capable of illustrating the project and a short text that summarizes the main points. Posters will be no larger than 90 x 120 cm. Successful applicants will be responsible for printing and bringing their posters to the event.
To support accessibility, there will be no conference registration fee. However, all presenters have to be members of the IFPH by the time of the conference - please consult the website of the IFPH for more information on memberships. The conference organisers cannot provide any travel fund.
For further details please visit our page of instructions for submitting a proposal.
For additional questions, contact us at:
- Call for Posters Opening: 29 January 2024
Deadline for applications: 1 March 2024
- Announcement of results: 29 March 2024
- The programme of the conference shall be available around April 2024
- The deadline for registration for on-site attendance is August 2024, further information will be available on our website. Conference Dates 3-7 September 2024
More Information
For any questions or inquiries please browse our website or contact us.
Organizing Local C²DH Committee
All members of the organizing committee are staff of the University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg.
- Thomas Cauvin - Chair
- Vanessa Napolitano - Co-Chair
- Sofia Papastamkou - Co-Chair
- Petros Apostolopoulos
- Sandra Camarda
- Cyrille Cataudella
- Myriam Dalal
- Tessy Delledera
- Cécile Duval
- Rhianne Morgan
- Audrey Sapet
- Laura Steil
Scientific Committee
- Tanya Evans - Chair, President of the IFPH (Macquarie University, Australia)
- Thomas Cauvin - Co-Chair (University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg)
- Petros Apostolopoulos (University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg)
- Lucas Avelar (Clemson University, USA/Brazil)
- Sandra Camarda (University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg)
- Joëlla van Donkersgoed (University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg)
- Krista McCracken (Algoma University, Arthur A. Wishart Library, Canada)
- Serge Noiret (Italian Association for Public History, Italy)
- Jimena Perry (IFPH) (Iona University, USA)
- Greg Smoak, (University of Utah, USA, representative of the National Council on Public History)
- Joana Dias Pereira (IHC NOVA FCSH, NOVA University of Lisbon – School of Social Sciences and Humanities, IN2PAST)
- Marta Prista (CRIA NOVA FCSH, NOVA University of Lisbon – School of Social Sciences and Humanities, IN2PAST)
- Joanna Wojdon (IFPH) (University of Wrocław, Poland)
- Irmgard Zundorf (IFPH) (Leibniz Centre for Contemporary History, Potsdam, Germany)
- Laura Steil (University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg)
- Dean David (Carleton University, Canada)
- Anita Lucchesi (University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg)
- Srijan Sandip Mandal (Nalsar University Of Law, India)
- History (Main category)
- University of Luxembourg Belval Campus 2, place de l’Université
Esch-sur-Alzette, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg (4365)
Event attendance modalities
Hybrid event (on site and online)
- Friday, March 01, 2024
Attached files
- public history
- Rhianne Morgan
courriel : rhianne [dot] morgan [at] uni [dot] lu
Information source
- Rhianne Morgan
courriel : rhianne [dot] morgan [at] uni [dot] lu
This announcement is licensed under the terms of Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal.
To cite this announcement
« 7th World Conference of the International Federation for Public History », Call for papers, Calenda, Published on Wednesday, February 07, 2024,