HomeExperiencing One’s Body, Experiencing One’s Soul

Experiencing One’s Body, Experiencing One’s Soul

Éprouver son corps, éprouver son âme

Revue « Histoire, médecine et santé »

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Published on Monday, February 12, 2024


La revue semestrielle Histoire, médecine et santé lance un appel à contributions pour son second numéro de l’année 2026. Il sera consacré à un dossier thématique intitulé « éprouver son corps, éprouver son âme » dans une perspective sociale et culturelle, en adéquation avec les orientations scientifiques de la revue. Nous entendons par « éprouver » l’idée de soumettre à l’expérience le corps et l’âme dans une approche qui transcende la notion de souffrance et de douleur et qui vise l’appropriation ou la réappropriation de soi. Ce numéro a donc pour ambition de s’intéresser à la relation qui s’instaure entre corps et âme en sortant du clivage entre santé physique et santé mentale.



We are excited to launch a new call for papers for the second 2026 issue of the biannual journal Histoire, médecine et santé. This issue will focus on a thematic collection entitled "Experiencing One’s Body, Experiencing One’s Soul," exploring the intricate interplay between the body and soul from a social and cultural perspective, in alignment with the journal’s scholarly objectives.

By "experiencing," we refer to subjecting the body and soul to various encounters, transcending the mere concepts of suffering and pain. Our specific emphasis lies in appropriating or reappropriating the self. The primary goal of this issue is to unravel the relationship between body and soul and to dismantle the artificial divide between physical and mental health. The psyche-soma pairing, viewed as "a process of mutual relationships" (Winnicott), invites exploration from diverse perspectives.

  • The Symbolism of Testing Body and Soul: This facet delves into what individuals perceive as detrimental to their health and well-being. Concepts of healthy/unhealthy, pure/impure, and vice/virtue can be questioned, contextualized within personal or social historical perspectives.
  • Practices: Individuals employ a myriad of practices (abstinence, asceticism, hypnosis, electroshock, psychotropic drugs, ablation, mutilation, etc.) to experience their body and/or their soul, sometimes involving external agents or communities.
  • Impact on Scientific Knowledge: The act of testing body and soul becomes an individual choice, potentially conflicting with collective norms. The use of procedures challenging institutional standardization creates points of evolution, tension, and even rupture in scientific knowledge, and society at large.

The collection of articles “Experiencing Your Body, Experiencing Your Soul” seeks to include both diachronic and synchronic aspects. Proposals for articles on any historical period and cultural/geographical area are warmly welcome. Additionally, contributions centered on critically presenting sources, whether textual or iconographic, can be submitted for the "Sources and Documents" section of the journal.

Histoire, médecine et santé publishes articles in French, English and Spanish. Proposals for contributions to the Sources and Documents section may be submitted in any of these three languages, but the printed publication of these texts will be exclusively in French translation; the digital version, however, may be bilingual.

Submission guidelines

Submissions should not exceed 45,000 characters (including spaces) for articles and 10,000 characters for texts presenting sources, and should be sent to Alexandra Kovacs (alekovacs85@gmail.com).

before 31 March 2025.

Instructions for authors are available on the journal’s website at https://journals.openedition.org/hms/757.


Alexandra Kovacs, Docteur en histoire ancienne, Institut Ausonius (UMR 5607)-Université Bordeaux Montaigne, Membre du Comité de rédaction de la revue Histoire, Médecine, Santé

Editorial Committee

  •  Verushka Alvizuri (FRAMESPA, Université Toulouse-Jean-Jaurès)
  •  Elisa Andretta (LARHRA, UMR 5190)
  •  Claire Barillé (IRHiS — UMR 8529, Université de Lille)
  •  Léo Bernard (Cermes3 — UMR 8211)
  •  Anne Carol (TELEMME, Aix-Marseille Université)
  •  Joël Chandelier (MéMo, Université Paris 8)
  •  Sylvie Chaperon (FRAMESPA, Toulouse-Jean Jaurès)
  •  Jean-Christophe Coffin (CIRCEFT — EA 4384, Université Paris 8 / Centre Alexandre-Koyré — UMR 8560)
  •  Olivier Faure (LARHRA, UMR 5190, Université Lumière Lyon 2)
  •  Hervé Guillemain (TEMOS — UMR 9016, Le Mans Université)
  •  Nahema Hanafi (TEMOS — UMR 9016, Université d’Angers / FRAMESPA, Université Toulouse-Jean-Jaurès)
  •  Olivier Hoibian (CRESCO — EA 7419, F2SMH, Université Toulouse-Paul-Sabatier)
  •  Caroline Husquin (HALMA — UMR 8164, Université de Lille)
  •  Alexandra Kovacs (Institut Ausonius — UMR 5607, Université Bordeaux Montaigne)
  •  Hélène Leuwers (MéMo, Université Paris-Nanterre)
  •  Rafael Mandressi (Centre Alexandre-Koyré — UMR 8560)
  •  Marilyn Nicoud (CIHAM — UMR 5648, Avignon Université)
  •  Laura Pennanec’h (Centre Alexandre-Koyré — UMR 8560)
  •  Antonio Ricciardetto (CNRS, HISOMA — UMR 5189)
  •  Philip Rieder (IEH2, Université de Genève)
  •  Sophie Vasset (LARCA — UMR 8225, Université de Paris)
  •  François Zanetti (ICT — EA 337, Université de Paris)


  • Monday, March 31, 2025


  • corps, âme


  • Alexandra Kovacs
    courriel : alekovacs85 [at] gmail [dot] com

Information source

  • Alexandra Kovacs
    courriel : alekovacs85 [at] gmail [dot] com


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To cite this announcement

« Experiencing One’s Body, Experiencing One’s Soul », Call for papers, Calenda, Published on Monday, February 12, 2024, https://doi.org/10.58079/vsxs

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