Published on Wednesday, February 28, 2024
From Laudato si’ (2015 Pope Francis) it touches climate questions and issues of urgency, in particular social urgency, and has an impact on social and antropological questions. Pope Francis considers the cry of nature and the cry of the poor in the same movement. The Orthodox viewpoint is expressed by Patriarch Batholomew 1st, and Protestant viewpoints such as the Lutheran calling for a just, peaceful and reconciled world are also needed. A global discussion on the concept of integral ecology will be part of our conference, in relation with the science and theology relationship, both from concepts and from field experiences.
Τaking into account studies on science and theology since the1980’s, the conference aim is to analyze in which ways the ecological urgency, which puts into question scientific progress, has an impact on science and theology questions today, in particular through the development of technosciences and related engineering since the beginning of the 21st century.
Possible topics and key questions
- Theology of Creation
- What can “integral ecology” mean within a theology of creation for
- today?
- Can we revisit the theology of creation integrating both integral ecology and an orientation toward the science and faith dialog of today? An example would be the "Cosmic Christ" of Pierre Teilhard de Chardin…
- In which respects can AI and NBIC (nanotechnology-biotechnology-information & cognitive sciences and their convergence) participate in the Christian theology of continued creation? (Human autonomy in integral ecology in regard to the ecumenical nature of Christian theology.)
- The digital age and revolution.
- The numerical revolution with AI developments at the time of integral ecology: what relation to truth and reality, bearing on the question of limits? The question of a numerical fracture with societal aspects, which adds to the impact on poor people, has to be explored, as well as the question of the impact on future jobs.
- What are the differences between human beings, intelligent machines, and animals?
- Emergence of new numerical technologies (generative AI, and quantum computing): what future risks?
- Christian anthropology.
- What is the impact of genetics, neurosciences, and AI on anthropological questions today?
- Can integral ecology affect the tripartite Christian anthropological tradition of “body-psychè-spirit"? Is it possible to revitalise the concept of the soul, which has been neglected by the natural sciences?
- What would the consequences of the tripartite anthropology be in terms of the science and faith dialog today facing intelligent machines?
- Can we envision “augmenting” human nature in Christian theology?
- Social Christian teachings.
- Can social Christian thought be a pertinent reference to analyse the interaction between sciences and technosciences developments on social impacts, today and in the future?The educational approach favoring skills for evaluating reference frameworks will be emphasized.
- The question of scientific/social progress today.
- How to redefine scientific progress in the era of integral ecology? An intercultural meaning of progress, larger than the western one, might be a topic of interest.
- What is the meaning and pertinence of integral ecology for scientific and social progress today?
- Post-growth economy and green growth are both linked to different technology scenarios. Can we think of a concept of progress that is not modelled according to functions, but according to responsibilities?
- Peace, fraternity, in context of Ecumenism and interreligious dialog.
- What are the conditions for an Ecumenical and interreligious dialog on integral ecology for peace and fraternity?
- Do the challenges linked to Integral Ecology open any space for a new alliance between Christian faith and Science after centuries of reciprocal suspicion and mistrust?
- Do we have to go beyond the call of duty, in relation to poverty, to vulnerability?
Submission guidelines
Please send paper proposals to:Dr. Philippe Gagnon indicating which topic (from within the key questions) the paper will address.
Deadline March 15th, 2024
Scientific Committee
- Alexander Denis, Cambridge University/Faraday Institute, Biomedical research,
- Biancu Stefano, LUMSA, Philosophie sociale,
- Clayton Philip, Claremont School of Theology; Institute for Ecological Civilization, Philosophie de la religion, process theology,
- Evers Dirk, Martin-Luther-Universität, Halle-Saale, sciences et théologie; président sortant de l’ESSSAT,
- Gabor Pavel, Specola Vaticana/Arizona State University, astronomie,
- Siegemund Axel, RWTH Aachen, Spiritual management, théologie, sciences et techniques,
- Tanev Stoyan, Carleton University, Sprott School of Business physique, management, théologie
- Religion (Main category)
- Université Catholique de Lille, 60 boulevard Vauban
Lille, France (59800)
- Friday, March 15, 2024
Attached files
- faith, religion, science, technoscience, integral ecology
Information source
- Philippe Gagnon
courriel : philippe [dot] gagnon [at] univ-catholille [dot] fr
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To cite this announcement
« Sciences, Technosciences and Faith in the Era of Integral Ecology », Call for papers, Calenda, Published on Wednesday, February 28, 2024,