HomeThe Responsible Manager's Journal - varia

HomeThe Responsible Manager's Journal - varia

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Published on Thursday, August 08, 2024


The Responsible Manager’s Journal is published by the Algerian School of Business. It welcomes original works in the various disciplines of management and business sciences. This journal prioritizes publications designed using a scientific approach, giving an significant emphasis to relevant, up-to-date managerial contributions, and focusing on corporate social responsibility. It addresses fundamental and theoretical questions related to management sciences and primarily reports the results of the research work and managerial implications arising from it.




Editorial policy of the journal

The responsible Manager’s Journal is published by the Algerian School of Business. It welcomes original works in the various disciplines of management and business sciences.

This journal prioritizes publications designed using a scientific approach, giving an significant emphasis to relevant, up-to-date managerial contributions, and focusing on corporate social responsibility. It addresses fundamental and theoretical questions related to management sciences and primarily reports the results of the research work and managerial implications arising from it.

The Responsible Manager's Journal is an international peer-reviewed scientific journal that operates on the basis of a “double-blind review process” for all received article submissions. The submissions are evaluated by members of the peer review committee who specialize in the relevant field covered by the journal. Each reviewer provides a detailed expert assessment with one of the following recommendations: “approved for publication”, “accepted for publication pending required revisions”, or “not recommended for publication”.

We inform interested authors that submissions are welcomed throughout the year, and publication is for free, provided they respect the recommendations (Authors' Guide) as well as the template made available to them.

Publication frequency: Biannual (June/December)

Papers accepted in: English/French/Arabic

Submission Procedure

Contact: RMJ@esaa.dz

Papers must be submitted via the ASJP platform in Word format, according to the journal’s Template by clicking on the “Article submission” icon.

before first december 2024.

A form to fill out will appear. This is an information sheet on the paper and the authors: Language and title of the paper, abstract, key words, first and last name of the author, affiliation, email address (in case there are other authors , it is imperative to fill in the information that concerns them) and finally propose the “reviewers”.

After finishing, upload your article to the platform; Then click on the “send article” icon.

If the submission of the paper to the Algerian scientific journals platform (ASJP) was successful, a message will appear on the screen to report this.

Evaluation porcedure


The paper is examined anonymously by the journal's reading committee which meets regularly and is involved in the pre-evaluation phase. The committee decides on the eligibility of the papers before forwarding them to the assistant editors & reviewers.

If the decision is negative (Paper not respecting the recommendations), the paper will be rejected on the platform and the author will be informed of the reason for rejection. Taking into account the recommendations made, the author may resubmit the paper.


The paper is eligible for evaluation if it is prepared according to the journal template and according to the publication procedures. An anonymous copy will be sent to two reviewers in the research area. The reviewers will take charge of the expertise of the article in accordance with a standardized evaluation grid which is found on the platform (ASJP).


If both reports are positive for publication of the paper, they will be sent anonymously to the author. The latter must take into account the suggested recommendations if they exist (in terms of form and/or in terms of content).

If one of the reports is negative, a third evaluation by another reviewer is proceeded for a final opinion.


After receiving the final paper, the editorial committee will check whether the recommendations requested by the reviewers have actually been followed. If the recommendations are not respected, the paper is returned again giving the author the opportunity to resubmit it in accordance with the recommendations, failing which the paper will be definitively rejected.


  • Noureddine Menani, General Director of the Ecole Suéprieure Alégrienne des Affaires, Algiers, Algeria


  • Siham MANSOURI, Phd, Ecole Suéprieure Alégrienne des Affaires, Algiers, Algeria

Associate Editors

  • Faouzi GHIDOUCHE, Professor, École des hautes Etudes commerciales, Koléa, Algeria.
  • Nabil BERSALI, Phd, Université de Blida 2, Algeria.
  • Nedjma Bernoussi, Phd, Ecole Suéprieure Alégrienne des Affaires, Algiers, Algeria
  • Moussa OUDAI, Professor, École Supérieure de Commerce Koléa, Algeria.
  • Rabah KHECHAD, Professor, École Supérieure de Commerce Koléa, Algeria.

Secretariat and coordination

  • Fadela MEHIRES, International Expert, Accredited International Expert Trainer
  • Wafa Karouche, Techer researcher, Ecole Suéprieure Alégrienne des Affaires, Algiers, Algeria


  • Sunday, December 01, 2024


  • responsible, manager

Information source

  • Siham Mansouri
    courriel : siham [dot] mansouri [at] esaa [dot] dz


CC0-1.0 This announcement is licensed under the terms of Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal.

To cite this announcement

« The Responsible Manager's Journal - varia », Call for papers, Calenda, Published on Thursday, August 08, 2024, https://doi.org/10.58079/125g6

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