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HomeGenre, nature et écologie

Genre, nature et écologie

Articuler les traditions politico-intellectuelles de l’écoféminisme français et allemand dans une perspective globale

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Published on Tuesday, September 24, 2024


In light of the ecological crisis ecofeminist thought that first emerged as political-ethical and theoretical field during the late 1970s and 1980s has flourished in French and German debates during the last decade. The aim of the conference is to examine the ways in which ecofeminist theory is currently discussed in France and Germany, and how – in both national contexts – the respective traditions of ecofeminist thought and politics are re-articulated, criticized and transformed. Thereby the question how post- and neo-colonial power relations that shape the current ecological situation are addressed in ecofeminist thought will be of central importance. The conference seeks to re-evaluate traditions of ecofeminist thought in French and German speaking contexts, their uneven circulation and their present-day re-articulations.



In light of the ecological crisis ecofeminist thought that first emerged as political-ethical and theoretical field during the late 1970s and 1980s has flourished in French and German debates during the last decade.

France has witnessed a kind of ‘ecofeminism boom’ to which the publication of Émilie Hache’s anthology Reclaim, recueil de textes écoféministes (2016) made a prominent contribution, and in Germany, too, ecofeminist approaches have re-gained attention (Holland-Cunz 2014, Gottschlich/Hackfort/Schmitt/ von Winterfeld 2022).

In this context, ecofeminist concepts, ideas and trajectories have been further developed and re-framed with regard to new theoretical approaches such as posthumanism, new materialism, social reproduction theory or decolonial theory and with reference to present ecological problems and political strategies and challenges.

The aim of the conference Gender, nature, and ecology. Articulating the political-intellectual traditions of French and German ecofeminism in a global perspective is to examine the ways in which ecofeminist theory is currently discussed in France and Germany, and how – in both national contexts – the respective traditions of ecofeminist thought and politics are re-articulated, criticized and transformed.

Thereby the question how post- and neo-colonial power relations that shape the current ecological situation are addressed in ecofeminist thought will be of central importance. The conference seeks to re-evaluate traditions of ecofeminist thought in French and German speaking contexts, their uneven circulation and their present-day re-articulations.


Monday, October 7th

9h00-9h30 Coffee

10h00-11h30 Introduction

  • Susanne Lettow (Freie Universität Berlin) and Cornelia Möser (CRESPPA-GTM)

10h00-11h30 Keynote - Matières vivantes et vibrantes. Comment queeriser la perspective du féminisme de la subsistance

  • Geneviève Pruvost (CNRS-CEMS-EHESS)
  • Chaired by Susanne Lettow (FU Berlin)

11h30-13h00 Panel 1 - Subsistance, travail et reproduction

Chaired by Geneviève Pruvost (CNRS-CEMS-EHESS)

  • L'écoféminisme en mouvement(s). Un regard matérialiste sur les luttes actuelles écoféministes en Allemagne et en France, Nadine Gerner (Universität Münster)
  • La question malthusienne dans l’éco-féminisme, Marius Bickhardt (Centre Marc Bloch, Sciences Po)
  • Le problème de l’extériorité dans le féminisme de la subsistance, Cannelle Gignoux (Centre Marc Bloch, Université Paris 8)

Lunch break

14h30-16h00 Panel 2 - Contested meanings of ecology and ecofeminist translations

Chaired by Cornelia Möser (CRESPPA-GTM)

  • Of feminized care and hypermasculine protection of nature and nation. A materialist ecofeminist discourse analysis of gender in far-right ecologisms in Germany, Carolin Brodtmann (Universität Wien)
  • Impasses, détours et circulations de l’écoféminisme en contexte français : le cas de Starhawk., Lucile David (Université Lyon 2, EHESS, Triangle/CESSP)
  • Le passage de l'espace anglophone à l'espace francophone correspond-il à un affaiblissement de la dimension décoloniale de la théorie écoféministe ?, Bénédicte Gattère (Université Paris VIII Saint-Denis - Vincennes, Université de Liège)

Coffee break

16h30-18h00 Keynote - "Nuestra lucha es por la vida": Latin American Perspectives on Feminism and Ecologism.

  • Diana Ojeda (Indiana University Bloomington, United States)
  • Chaired by Cornelia Möser (CRESPPA-GTM)


Tuesday, October 8th

10h00-11h30 Panel 3 - Concepts of gender and nature

Chaired by Susanne Lettow (FU Berlin)

  • Ökofeminismus als Fundamentalkritik: Mögliche Impulse einer kritisch- rekonstruierenden Perspektive auf die Hegelsche Dialektik, Magdalena Frehsmann (Freie Universität Berlin)
  • Rethinking Nature ‘Beyond’ Sexual Polarity: A Feminist Critical Insight into F.W.J. Schelling’s Late Philosophy of Nature, Ludovica Neri (Università di Bologna)
  • Reclaiming Aesthetics with the Ecofeminist Sublime, Andrea Volken (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin)

11h30-13h00 Keynote - Ecofeminism Meets Radical Political Economy: Navigating the German Tradition and the Struggle to Transform Knowledge into Action

  • Anna Saave (University of Freiburg)
  • Chaired by Susanne Lettow (FU Berlin)

Lunch break

14h30-16h00 Panel 4 - Decolonial perspectives on gendered ecologies

Chaired by Malek Bouyahia (CRESPPA-GTM)

  • Gender and mining in the andean highlands: Articulating of body and territories from feminist political ecology approaches, Alina Heuser (Universität Wien)
  • With and beyond Ecofeminism. Decolonial-feminist conceptualizations of extractivism, Christine Löw and Tanja Scheiterbauer (Universität Frankfurt Main)
  • Écoféminismes d’outremer ? Lire les survivantes aux expérimentations nucléaires françaises pour décoloniser l’écologie, Lena Silberzahn (SciencesPo - Université Paris 8)

Coffee break

16h30-18h00 Panel 5 - Gender in eco-cultures

Chaired by Cornelia Möser (CRESPPA-GTM)

  • Ecofeminist Art in the Late Global GDR, Marie Agnes Meyerding (Universität Dresden)
  • Girls hunt too. Eine kulturanthropologische Perspektive auf Jägerinnen, Kyra Hardt (Institute for Cultural Anthropology of the Oldenburg Münsterland)
  • Genre et nature dans les fictions télévisées, Sophie Suma (Université de Strasbourg)

Closing reception


  • Cornelia MÖSER (Cresppa-GTM, CNRS Paris)
  • Susanne LETTOW (Margherita von-Brentano Center for Gender Studies, Free University Berlin)


  • amphithéatre MR002 Maison de la recherche - 2, rue de la Liberté
    Saint-Denis, France (93)

Event attendance modalities

Full on-site event


  • Monday, October 07, 2024
  • Tuesday, October 08, 2024


  • écoféminisme, nature, traduction, études culturelles

Reference Urls

Information source

  • Cornelia Möser
    courriel : Cornelia [dot] Moser [at] cnrs [dot] fr


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To cite this announcement

« Genre, nature et écologie », Study days, Calenda, Published on Tuesday, September 24, 2024, https://doi.org/10.58079/12cbs

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