Data factories in organizations : new epistemologies, practices and governances
Fabriques des données dans les organisations : nouvelles épistémologies, pratiques et gouvernances
Cide.24 - International Conference on Digital Document
Cide.24 - colloque international sur le document électronique
Published on Friday, December 06, 2024
Cide.24 proposes to question, from an info-documentary perspective revealing both continuities and ruptures, the new epistemologies, practices and governances linked to data factories in different organizational contexts.
As data production continues to surge (181 zettabytes predicted for 2025 according to the 2021 Statista study), public and private organizations are facing complex issues. Data, far from being simple materials primarily dedicated for commercial uses, are being perceived even more acutely today as “organizational potential” (Dalban-Pilon, 2022) invested with a “strong political stake” (Théviot, 2023) and are in this sense “currencies of power” (d’Ignazio, 2017).
Questions of technical, ethical, info-documentary, regulatory, environmental and logistical nature therefore arise in organizations to process these influxes of heterogeneous data in a digital context which contributes to an inflation of data and calls for new practices of collection, review and treatment by a set of actors often far removed from these considerations.
In this context, the role of “factories” (in the French version we use the word "fabrique" which comes from the Latin fabrica which designates the workshop, the forge but also the craft and the creation) has been highlighted for years in the literature. They are integrated into numerous professional contexts, like journalism (Burnier, 2023), where various production methods are used such as hackathons (Gruson-Daniel & de Quatrebarbes, 2017), data workshops, fablabs (Maynadier, 2023) or even data clinics. To that end, they include a whole set of data such as research data, raw data (Denis & Goëta, 2013), open data (Goëta, 2016), personal data (Girard-Chanudet, 2021) or even big data (Savy et al., 2020).
For this call for papers, we propose to question “data factories” in organizational contexts, by updating the issues, the actors, the permanences and upheavals of logistics and data and information linked professions. From an epistemological point of view, the "data factory" concept, although mentioned numerous times in the literature, does not have an established definition and needs here to be clarified and situated from an organizational point of view. The place of data and information, the links that unite and distinguish them, whether from a documentary point of view or more broadly in terms of governance, must also be questioned within these factories.
The data governance approach aims to organize data practices while integrating them into a strategic dynamic. However, French-speaking scientific literature, despite a desire for clarification (Akoka & Comyn-Wattiau, 2019), is still poorly developed. In the case of Information and Communication Sciences, if several authors have taken up the subject of Information governance (Le Corf, 2020; Maurel, Zwarich & Verlaet, 2022; Verlaet, 2023) and Data governance (Lehmans, 2018; Le Breton et al., 2022; Verdi, Pinède & Melançon, 2024), the current approaches remain few in number and often considered according to specific analytical prisms at the expense of other modalities (Kouakou, 2022; Melançon & Pinède, 2023). Regulatory developments in recent years, such as the Data Act, the Data Governance Act and the IA Act, also raise the question of the organizations sovereignty with regard to their data assets. Ultimately, the scopes, responsibilities and expertise of the actors in theses organizations are changing. As such, the role of information, document and records specialists in these new data and data processing contexts (Maurel et al., 2017) is once again questionned.
Cide.24 therefore proposes to question, from an info-documentary perspective revealing both continuities and ruptures, the new epistemologies, practices and governances linked to data factories in different organizational contexts.
The Cide.24 topics are :
1. Theoretical and epistemological approaches
• Data factory,
• Data, document, information,
• Document and data lifecycle,
• Data governance, information governance.
2. Production and organization
• New data, information and document typologies,
• New logistics (ex : governances, management, piloting process),
• New regulatory frameworks,
• New softwares, new architectures.
3. Openness and sharing
• Open logics (e.g : Open access, Open data, Open science, etc.),
• Intellectual property, data altruism,
• Sharing and valorization of documentary heritage (e.g : open records, data interoperability, data intelligibility, data management plan, etc.).
4. Evolving practices
• Data literacy, information literacy,
• Mediation challenges,
• Societal challenges (e.g : sobriety, ethics, responsability, sovereignty, ecological footprint, etc.).
5. New skills, new info-documentary positioning
• Emergence of new jobs,
• New qualification and skills needs (e.g : artificial intelligences),
• Opportunities and frictions between fields of expertise.
Conference schedule
February 7th 2025 : submissions deadline for summaries
(long summaries of 7000 characters maximum, spaces included). They must be submitted on the Conference website.
- March 21th 2025 : Authors notifications of the submitted summary.
- May 21th 2025 : papers submission deadline (full article, 14 pages maximum, references included ; The authors should follow closely the writing guidelines of Europia Editions).
- July 10th 2025 : Authors notifications of the submitted paper after a peer review by two members of the scientific committee.
- October 3rd 2025 : final papers submission deadline.
- November 20 - 21th 2025 : Cide.24 conference (Bordeaux, France).
Co-presidency of CIDE.24
- Pinede Nathalie, Université Bordeaux Montaigne
- Melançon Guy, Université de Bordeaux
- Verdi Ugo, Université de Bordeaux
Scientific committee
- BACHIMONT Bruno, Université de Compiègne (France)
- BALICCO Laurence, Université de Grenoble (France)
- BOREL Clément, Université Bordeaux- Montaigne (France)
- BOUKACEM-ZEGHMOURI Chérifa, Université Lyon 1 (France)
- BOULEKBACHE Hafida, UPHF (France)
- BOUSTANY Joumana, Université Gustave Eiffel (France)
- BROUDOUX Evelyne, CNAM (France)
- CAPELLE Camille, Université de Bordeaux (France)
- CASEMAJOR Nathalie, INRS, Montréal (Canada)
- CHARTRON Ghislaine, CNAM (France)
- CHAUDET Bruno, Université de Rennes 2 (France)
- CHAUDIRON Stéphane, Université de Lille (France)
- CLAVERIE Camille, Université Paris-Nanterre (France)
- CLAVIER Viviane, Université Grenoble Alpes (France)
- DILLAERTS Hans, Université Montpellier 3 (France)
- DUSSARPS Clément, Université de Bordeaux (France)
- DYMYTROVA Valentyna, Université Lyon 3 (France)
- EPRON Benoît, HEG, Genève (Suisse)
- FOLINO Antonietta, Université de Calabre (Italie)
- HERMAND Marie-Hélène, Université Bordeaux Montaigne (France)
- IHADJADENE Madjid, Université Paris 8 (France)
- KEMBELLEC Gérald, CNAM (France)
- KNAUF Audrey, Université de Lorraine (France)
- KOVACS Susan, ENSSIB (France)
- LABELLE Sarah, Université Montpellier 3 (France)
- LE CORF Jean-Baptiste, Université de Rennes (France)
- LE DEUFF Olivier, Université Bordeaux Montaigne (France)
- LEHMANS Anne, Université de Bordeaux (France)
- LIQUÈTE Vincent, Université Bordeaux Montaigne (France)
- MARTELETO Regina, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (Brésil)
- MAUREL Dominique, EBSI, Montréal (Canada)
- PAGANELLI Céline, Université Montpellier 3 (France)
- ROUISSI Soufiane, Université Bordeaux Montaigne (France)
- VERLAET Lise, Université Montpellier 3 (France)
- YOUSSOUFI Khadija, University Ibn Zohr – Agadir (Maroc)
- ZACKLAD Manuel, CNAM (France)
Akoka, J., & Comyn-Wattiau, I. (2019). Évaluation de la gouvernance de l’information : Une approche multifacette et multicritères. INFORSID 2019 : 37e congrès INFormatique des ORganisation et Systèmes d’Information et de Décision.
Burnier, C. (2023). Fabriquer des données, produire du sens : Une ethnographie dans les médias. Communication et organisation. Revue scientifique francophone en Communication organisationnelle, 64, Article 64.
Dalban-Pilon, M. (2022). De la gestion à la gouvernance de l’information interne dans les organisations publiques : Acteurs et stratégies. Communication & management, 19(2), 45‑58.
Denis, J., & Goëta, S. (2013, février 14). La fabrique des données brutes. Le travail en coulisses de l’open data. Penser l’écosystème des données. Les enjeux scientifiques et politiques des données numériques.
D’Ignazio, C. (2017). Creative data literacy: Bridging the gap between the data-haves and data-have nots. Information Design Journal, 23(1), 6‑18.
Girard-Chanudet, C. (2021). À l’ombre des rencontres:La fabrique des données personnelles sur OkCupid. Les Cahiers du numérique, 17(1), 45‑69.
Goëta, S. (2016). Instaurer des données, instaurer des publics : Une enquête sociologique dans les coulisses de l’open data [These de doctorat, Paris, ENST].
Gruson-Daniel, C., & de Quatrebarbes, C. (2017). Les préparatifs d’un hackathon recherche : Au coeur de la fabrique des données. Sociologie et sociétés, 49(2), 201‑221.
Kouakou, K. S. (2022). La gouvernance de l’information dans les organisations : Proposition d’un cadre unifié d’évaluation.Communication & management,19(2), 101‑118.
Le Breton, M-A., Bailleul H., Le Corf J-B. et al. (2022). La gouvernance des données urbaines entre territoire de projets et projet de territoire. L’exemple de Rennes Métropole. Flux, 1(127), 65-84. DOI : 10.3917/flux1.127.0065
Le Corf, J.-B. (2020). Du gouvernement des données publiques à la gouvernance informationnelle:Les formes organisationnelles des politiques de données à Rennes. I2D - Information, données & documents,3(3), 34‑44.
Lehmans, A. (2018). Les réinventions de la démocratie à l’aune de l’ouverture des données : du discours de la participation aux contraintes de la gouvernance. Les Enjeux de l’information et de la communication, (2), 135-146.
Maurel, D., Dufour, C., & Zwarich, N. (2017). La valeur ajoutée de l’archiviste : Nouveaux rôles et nouvelles responsabilités au sein de la gouvernance de l’information. Gazette des archives,245(1), 81‑96.
Maurel, D., Zwarich, N., & Verlaet, L. (2022). Introduction. Pouvoir et stratégie des acteurs de la gouvernance de l’information.Communication & management,19(2), 5‑10.
Maynadier, B. (2023). Fablabs, espaces potentiels de fabrication. Management & Avenir, 137(5), 19‑40.
Melançon, G., & Pinède, N. (2023). Gouvernance des données et intelligibilité : Une approche méthodologique en contexte universitaire. Communication et organisation. Revue scientifique francophone en Communication organisationnelle, 64, Article 64.
Savy, N., Mayère, A., Martin-Scholz, A., & Lambotte, F. (2020). La fabrique des données à l’épreuve des programmes de big data. Actualité et dossier en santé publique, 112, 27.
Statista. (2021). Volume of data/information created, captured, copied, and consumed worldwide from 2010 to 2020, with forecasts from 2021 to 2025.
Théviot, A. (2023). Saisir les données en contexte. Dans Gouverner par les données ? Pour une sociologie politique du numérique (pp. 13‑32). Lyon: ENS Éditions. Repéré à
Verdi, U., Pinède, N. & Melançon, G. (2024). La gouvernance des données en contexte universitaire : proposition d'un modèle de maturité. INFORSID 2024, Nancy, France, actes de colloque, pp.21-36.
Verlaet, L. (2023). Technologie de l’intelligence et gouvernance de l’information, Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches, Université Paul Valéry - Montpellier 3.
- Information (Main category)
- Mind and language > Information > Information sciences
- Bordeaux, France (33)
Event attendance modalities
Full on-site event
- Friday, February 07, 2025
Attached files
- fabrique des données, donnée, document numérique, gouvernance des données, gouvernance de l'information
Reference Urls
Information source
- Ugo Verdi
courriel : ugo [dot] verdi [at] u-bordeaux [dot] fr
This announcement is licensed under the terms of Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal.
To cite this announcement
« Data factories in organizations : new epistemologies, practices and governances », Call for papers, Calenda, Published on Friday, December 06, 2024,