HomeChanging Geographies of Public Health

Changing Geographies of Public Health

XIIth International Medical Geography Symposium

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Published on Monday, January 08, 2007


Tous les deux ans, les géographes de la santé du monde entier se réunissent pour un symposium international. La prochaine édition aura lieu en Allemagne, à Bonn, du 9 au 13 juillet 2007 et est intitulée : "Changing Geographies of Public Health". Les résumés sont attendus (en anglais) avant le 31 mars (www.imgs2007.de)


Bonn, Germany

9 – 13 July 2007

The world’s nature and societies are developing continuously. Changes include the alteration of physical, social and mental environments, of demography and economy, of policies, persuasions and faiths. All of these changes can intensively impact individual health, health behaviour, health care systems and, from a holistic perspective, the public health of societies.

We would like to encourage your participation in this symposium so that we may collaboratively explore and analyse the geographical patterns and perspectives of change and continuity for human health under the unsettled conditions of the world in the 21st century.


9 – 13 July 2007


University Club of the University of Bonn, Germany (www.uni-club.de)


The scientific programme will be arranged in plenary keynote sessions, parallel working sessions, panel sessions and poster presentations. All contributions reflecting the broad spectrum of geography of health are very welcome.

Opening Session Monday, 9th July, 10 a.m.

Social event day Wednesday, 11th July (all-day Rhine valley boat trip)

Conference dinner Thursday, 12th July, 7.30 p.m.

Closing session Friday, 13th July, 12 a.m.


Thomas Kistemann (Bonn) and Jürgen Schweikart (Berlin)

Scientific Board

Sarah Atkinson (United Kingdom), Sebastién Fleuret (France), Susanne Herbst (Germany), Stig Jørgensen (Norway), Thomas Krafft (Germany), Charis Lengen (Switzerland), Joseph Oppong (USA), Cosimo Palagiano (Italy), Mark Rosenberg (Canada), Clive Sabel (New Zealand), Paula Santana (Portugal), Nicole Ueberschär (Germany)

Organizing Committee

Susanne Herbst, Thomas Kistemann, Oksana Krämling, Jürgen Schweikart, Nicole Ueberschär


Please find your registration template under: www.imgs2007.de

Conference fee (including coffee, light lunches, conference dinner & social event) early registration (up to 30 April, 2007) regular 170 Euros students 120 Euros late registration (after 30 April, 2007) regular 220 Euros 2 students 160 Euros Registration fees may be paid online by credit card, or by bank transfer.

Submission of abstracts

In order to submit an abstract, please log in at www.imgs2007.de. Once logged in, follow the link to submit an abstract. Please note that the deadline to submit abstracts is March 31, 2007.



  • Bonn, Federal Republic of Germany


  • Saturday, March 31, 2007


  • Oksana Krämling / Corinna Berger ~
    courriel : info [at] imgs2007 [dot] de
  • contact en France
    courriel : sebastien [dot] fleuret [at] univ-angers [dot] fr

Information source

  • Sébastien Fleuret
    courriel : sebastien [dot] fleuret [at] univ-angers [dot] fr


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To cite this announcement

« Changing Geographies of Public Health », Call for papers, Calenda, Published on Monday, January 08, 2007, https://doi.org/10.58079/b6g

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