HomeModus Operandi: State of Affairs in Current Research on Belgian Fashion
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Published on Monday, September 10, 2007


This symposium will include six lectures by young national and international researchers of Belgian twentieth century fashion. Starting from their own area of research, speakers will address fashion historical, socio-economic, as well as contemporary artistic aspects. This day is a unique opportunity to gain insight into current developments in Belgian fashion research. All lectures will be held in English.


ModeMuseum Provincie Antwerpen -  MoMu


This symposium will include six lectures by young national and international researchers of Belgian twentieth century fashion. Starting from their own area of research, speakers will address fashion historical, socio-economic, as well as contemporary artistic aspects. This day is a unique opportunity to gain insight into current developments in Belgian fashion research. All lectures will be held in English.


October 18, 2007

Please register in time, since seating capacity is limited.

9h00: Welcome & Coffee

9h45: Introduction to day schedule

10h00: “The Belgian Associations of Fashion Professionals: International Relations in the Interwar Years”
Dr. Véronique Pouillard
Postdoctoral Fellow in History – Université Libre de Bruxelles/Columbia University

10h45: “Couture Norine, Brussels: Belgian Avant-Garde Fashion, 1916-1952.”
Nele Bernheim
PhD Candidate in Fine Arts – Hogeschool Antwerpen/Universiteit Antwerpen

11h30: Question round with the first 2 speakers

11h45: Introductory lecture to the Exhibition “Bernhard Willhelm: Het totaal rappel”
Kaat Debo
MoMu Curator

12h15: LUNCH BREAK (includes time to visit the Bernhard Willhelm exhibition)

14h15: “Fashion, Country and City: The Fashion Industry and the Construction of Collective Identities (1981-2001)”
Dr. Javier Gimeno Martínez
Postdoctoral Fellow of the Research Foundation – Flanders (FWO) Art History-K.U.Leuven

15h00: “‘To be or not to be?’ Cultural Capital, Management and Networking: The Golden Triangle of Success?”
An Moons
Assistant in Communication Science – Vrije Universiteit Brussel

15h45 Short break

16h00:  “The Socialization of Cultural Production: An Ethnographic 
Perspective on Studying the Acquisition of Design Practices in 
Flemish Fashion”
Todd R. Nicewonger
Ph.D. Candidate in Applied Anthropology, Teachers College, Columbia University, New York

16h45: “Fashion of Inversions: The Grotesque and the Carnivalesque in Contemporary Belgian Fashion”
Francesca Granata
PhD Candidate in Visual Culture, Central Saint Martins, University of Arts London and Predoctoral Fellow at the Metropolitan Museum of Arts Costume Institute.

17h30: Question round final 4 speakers

18h00: END
MoMu closes its doors


ModeMuseum Provincie Antwerpen – MoMu
Fashion Museum Province of Antwerp – MoMu
Musée de la Mode Province d'Anvers – MoMu
Nationalestraat 28, 2000 Antwerp


Adults:    € 12        Students: € 5

incl. museum visit


  • ModeMuseum Provincie Antwerpen - MoMu - Nationalestraat 28
    Antwerp, Belgium (2000)


  • Thursday, October 18, 2007


  • mode, fashion, Belgique, Belgium

Reference Urls

Information source

  • Nele Bernheim
    courriel : nele [dot] bernheim [at] ua [dot] ac [dot] be


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To cite this announcement

« Modus Operandi: State of Affairs in Current Research on Belgian Fashion », Conference, symposium, Calenda, Published on Monday, September 10, 2007, https://doi.org/10.58079/brp

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