Published on Sunday, April 20, 2008
Le sang dans la France médiévale
24-26 juin à la Sorbonne (Paris IV)
Keynote Speakers: Franck Collard (Université Paris X-Nanterre) and Miri Rubin (Queen Mary, University of London).
Day 1 - Tuesday, 24 June
9.00: Registration
9:30-9:45: Welcome
Anna Russakoff, American University of Paris
9:45-10:45: Keynote Address
Miri Rubin, Queen Mary, University of London
10:45-11.00: Pause Café/Coffee Break
11:00-12:30: Séance 1/ Session 1 - Liturgy and the Eucharist
La chair et le sang du Christ : la querelle du XIe siècle et la pensée originale de Guibert de Nogent
Laurence Terrier, Université de Genève (abstract)
Covenant of Blood, without the blood?
Jennifer A. Harris, University of Toronto (abstract)
Case Studies of Laymen’s Access to Vernacular Eucharistic Consecration Texts in Late-Medieval France
Margaret E. Hadley, Yale University (abstract)
12:30-2:00: Déjeuner/Lunch
2:00-3:30: Séance 2/ Session 2 - Sanguinary Paradoxes in Literature
«Li sens conmence contreval a filer… Imaginaire du sang et hétérodoxies épiques dans La bataille Loquifer»
Carlos F. Clamote Carreto, Universidade Aberta (abstract)
Le sang qui soigne la lèpre – Liens troublants entre deux métaphores
Alessandro Pozza, Università degli Studi di Siena/ Universität Zürich (abstract)
Heresy and blood in the Historia Albigensis of Pierre des Vaux-de-Cernay
Cassidy-Welch, University of Melbourne (abstract)
3:30-4:00: Pause Café/Coffee Break
4:00-5:00: Séance 3/ Session 3 - The Iconography of Blood
Douceline de Digne's Vision of the Man of Sorrows
Adrian S. Hoch, New York University (abstract)
The Sacred Bleeding Host of Dijon
Roger S. Wieck, Pierpont Morgan Library (abstract)
Day 2 - Wednesday, 25 June
9.30-10.30: Keynote Address
Le poison et le sang dans la culture médiévale
Franck Collard (Université Paris X-Nanterre)
10.30-10.45: Pause café/Coffee Break
10:45-12:15: Séance 4/ Session 4 - Medicine and Morality
For Women are not like Angels”: Blood, Bodily Purity and Religious Identity in the Jewish Communities of Medieval Northern France and Germany
Elisheva Baumgarten, Bar Ilan University (abstract)
Embryology and the Significance of Blood in the New Science of the Thirteenth Century
William F. MacLehose, Wellcome Trust Centre for the History of Medicine - University College, London (abstract)
Le « bon tempérament » ou le sang courtois. Enquête sur les avatars littéraires du tempérament sanguin dans la littérature des douzièmes et treizièmes siècles
Pierre Levron (abstract)
12:15-2:00: Déjeuner/Lunch
2:00-4:00: Séance 5/ Session 5 - Lineage: Blood and Power
Le signe royal. Une théologie royale et son historiographie
Thomas Lentes, Universität Münster (abstract)
"Bloody Bastards:" Noble Bastards in the Later Middle Ages and Conceptions of Blood, Lineage and Heritage
Simona Slanicka, Universität Bielefeld (abstract)
2:40-2:50: Pause
Le trésor des saints et la politique du royaume. Le sang des martyres entre symbolique et politique dans la France des Capétiens
Lucas Burkart, Universität Luzern (abstract)
Saint Anne's Blood: Matriarchy and Kinship in Late Medieval France
Sara McDougall, Yale University (abstract)
3:50-4:00: Pause
4:00-5:00: Séance 6/ Session 6 - Monastic Bloodletting
Blood-letting in the monastery: Health care or ‘doorway to heaven’?
Alfons Zettler, Universität Dortmund (abstract)
The spiritual meanings of physical bloodletting in the monasteries of medieval France
M.K.K. Yearl (abstract)
Day 3 - Thursday, 26 June
9:30-11:00: Séance 7/ Session 7 - The Grail
The sign of blood in Chrétien’s and Wolfram’s grail legends
Bettina Bildhauer, University of St Andrews (abstract)
Beau Sang: Vermillion and Marvels in Chrétien de Troyes Le Conte du graal
Carissa Stolting, University of Tennessee, Knoxville (abstract)
Le sang, aporie de la senefiance ou support d’une esthétique de la cruauté dans les Hauts Livres du Graal?
Catherine Nicolas, Université Paul-Valéry (Montpellier III) (abstract)
11:00-11:15: Pause café/Coffee break
11:15-12:00: Assemblée Générale/General Assembly
12:00-2:00: Déjeuner/Lunch
2:00-3:30: Séance 8/ Session 8 - Autour du livre d'Andrew Lewis, Le Sang royal. La famille capétienne et l'Etat, France, Xe-XIVe siècles
(Royal Succession in Capetian France: Studies on Familial Order and the State, 1981).
Session organized by Frédérique Lachaud, Université de Paris IV - La Sorbonne.
Papers by:
- Dominique Barthélemy, Université de Paris IV - La Sorbonne
- Xavier Hélary, Université de Paris IV - La Sorbonne
- Julien Théry, Université Paul-Valéry (Montpellier III)
3:30-3:45: Pause Café/Coffee Break
3:45-4:45: Séance 9/Session 9 - Transformative Materials
Le sang humain et la rubification des métaux. L’utilisation du sang humain dans les recettes alchimiques latines du Sud de la France au 13e siècle
Antony Vinciguerra, Université de Nantes (abstract)
Depicting blood in goldsmiths’ work in late medieval Northern Europe: the goldsmith’s perspective
David Humphrey, Royal College of Art (abstract)
4:45-5:00: Concluding Remarks
6:00-8:00 IMS-Paris Symposium 2008 closing apéritif, chez Danielle Johnson. (Address and door codes provided at the Symposium).
- Middle Ages (Main category)
- Mind and language > Representation > Cultural history
- Mind and language > Religion > History of religions
- Mind and language > Thought > Intellectual history
- Mind and language > Language > Literature
- Mind and language > Representation > History of art
- Zones and regions > Europe > France
- Sorbonne, Paris IV, Amphithéâtre Milne-Edwards, escalier B, 2e étage
Paris, France
- Tuesday, June 24, 2008
- Wednesday, June 25, 2008
- Thursday, June 26, 2008
- sang, France, Moyen Âge
- Anna Russakoff
courriel : arussakof [at] aup [dot] fr
Reference Urls
Information source
- Anna Russakoff
courriel : arussakof [at] aup [dot] fr
This announcement is licensed under the terms of Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal.
To cite this announcement
« Le sang dans la France médiévale », Conference, symposium, Calenda, Published on Sunday, April 20, 2008,