InicioNormativité technique et gouvernance d’internet : dimensions socio-technique et socio-éthique

InicioNormativité technique et gouvernance d’internet : dimensions socio-technique et socio-éthique

Normativité technique et gouvernance d’internet : dimensions socio-technique et socio-éthique

Troisième séance du séminaire IG3T (Internet Governance: Transparency, Trust and Tools)

*  *  *

Publicado el miércoles 28 de enero de 2009


La normativité technique d’Internet pose un problème d’autant plus aigu que ses dimensions socio-technique et socio-éthique sous-jacentes demeurent le plus souvent soustraites à toute forme de critique réflexive. Les dispositifs techniques (supports, systèmes, réseaux) sont souvent représentés comme des objets complexes, mais qui, du point de vue de la normativité, relèvent d’une sorte de neutralité structurelle et fonctionnelle. Or, il importe d'ouvrir la « boîte noire » de la technique afin d’identifier et de discuter les formes de normativité que ces dispositifs véhiculent, avec ou sans volonté délibérée de la part de leurs concepteurs. Il s’agit en particulier de déterminer jusqu’à quels degrés et selon quelles modalités les systèmes de décision et de régulation qui ont à gérer les normes techniques d’Internet (a) peuvent intégrer des conceptions socio-techniques et socio-éthiques dans leur développement, (b) peuvent s’ouvrir à des contre-pouvoirs politiques.


The third workshop of the IG3T Project: {Technical Normalcy and Internet Governance:  Socio-Technical and Socio-Ethical Dimensions} will be held in the Catholic University of Milano  on Friday March 27th 2009, 10.00-16.00

Led by Norberto Patrignani (CeTIF-Catholic University of Milano)

Catholic University of Milano: Cripta dell'Aula Magna, Largo Gemelli 1, Milano


The technical normativity of the Internet is particularly problematic as its underlying socio-technical and socio-ethical aspects generally remain removed from any form of reflexive criticism.

The technical devices (supports, systems, networks) are often represented as complex objects. And, they are associated with a sort of structural and functional neutrality. However, it is important «to open the black box» of technology in order to identify and discuss the forms of normativity that these devices convey, with or without any deliberate intention from their designers.

In particular, this is a question of determining to which degrees and according to which methods the decision-making and regulatory systems that govern the technical norms and standards of the Internet: 

  • can integrate socio-technical and socio-ethical designs into their development
  • and can be opened up to political checks and balances.

In this workshop we will investigate the best blend of the several approaches or dimensions for governing a «public common» like the Internet: architecture (hardware, software), laws, education, etc.


- Federico Rajola (Director, CeTIF-Catholic University of Milano)
"Introduction to Workshop 3"

- Norberto Patrignani (Senior Research Analyst, CeTIF- CUM Milano)
"Internet and Embedded ethics: the myth of amoral computing"

- Paul Mathias (Collège International de Philosophie, FR)
"The Internet as a normative device for cultural practices"

- Peter-Paul Verbeek (University of Twente, NL)
"Technical co-constitution and industrial design of ICTs and the Internet: an ethical perspective"

- Stephan Bortzmeyer (AFNIC, FR)
"Prescriptive aspects of the systems of naming and addressing: numerical identities"

- Jean-Michel Cornu (Scientific Director, Fondation Internet Nouvelle Génération, FR)
"Standards and protocols: IPv6 and Internet post-IP"

- Mario Jori (University of Milano) (TO BE CONFIRMED)
"Innovative ethical approaches to Internet governance


Norberto Patrignani (Catholic University of Milan, CeTIF),

Alessia Santuccio (Catholic University of Milano, CeTIF),

Raffaella Rapida' (Cathilica University of Milano, CeTIF),


- Transports
For those arriving to LINATE airport:
* taxi (approx 20 Euro, 20 minutes, your destination is Largo Gemelli 1, Milano) or

* the city public tranport: ticket 1 Euro (newstand inside airport): bus 73 every 10 min. (Linate - San Babila square); then enter undergound (red signal with "M") get the "line 1 - red" (San Babila square - Cadorna); then undergound "line 2 - green" (Cadorna - S. Ambrogio) when you are in S.Ambrogio you are 2 minutes walk from Largo Gemelli 1 (see map)

For those arriving to MALPENSA airport :
* taxi (approx 60-80 Euro, 60 minutes), your destination is Largo Gemelli 1, Milano or

* train "Malpensa Express" ticket 11 Euro, every 30 min (Malpensa - Cadorna) then get the undergound at Cadorna "line 2 - green" then as above.

For those arriving to MILANO CENTRALE Railways Station:

* taxi (approx 20 Euro, 20 minutes), your destination is Largo Gemelli 1, Milano or

* the city public tranport: ticket 1 Euro (newstand inside station): then enter undergound "line 2 - green" (Centrale FS - S. Ambrogio) when you are in S.Ambrogio you are 2 minutes walk from Largo Gemelli 1 (see map)

For inscription please mail to Silvia Manfredi ([>])

or Alessia Santuccio ([>])


  • Catholic University of Milano
    Milán, Italia


  • viernes 27 de marzo de 2009

Palabras claves

  • internet, gouvernance, éthique, normes


  • Clément Mabi
    courriel : clement [dot] mabi [at] utc [dot] fr

URLs de referencia

Fuente de la información

  • Clément Mabi
    courriel : clement [dot] mabi [at] utc [dot] fr


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« Normativité technique et gouvernance d’internet : dimensions socio-technique et socio-éthique », Seminario, Calenda, Publicado el miércoles 28 de enero de 2009,

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