HomeFirst World War Studies, The Journal Of The International Society Of First World War Studies

First World War Studies, The Journal Of The International Society Of First World War Studies

First World War Studies, The Journal Of The International Society Of First World War Studies

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Published on Friday, June 05, 2009


First World War Studies, the journal of the International Society of First World War Studies, is pleased to announce its first call for submissions. The premier issue will appear in March 2010.


First World War Studies is a peer-reviewed, scholarly journal that seeks to publish articles that explore comparative, trans-national, and multi-disciplinary strengths evident in the International Society for First World War Studies and pursue as its guiding principles the same intellectual assets.  As the Society draws its strengths from graduate students to more experienced scholars, the journal is equally committed to a collegial academic forum open to any scholar irrespective of degree, academic seniority, or disciplinary affiliation.  The journal approaches the subject of the First World War without chronological, geographic, or topical constraints.  It embraces not merely the period associated with the years between 1914 and 1918, but seeks to include the diplomatic, political, social, cultural, and military complexities evident before, during, and most certainly after the cessation of hostilities.  The journal will contribute significantly to the ongoing debates concerning the origins and causes, conduct, and implications of the First World War.

First World War Studies is the only scholarly journal devoted to this extraordinary and controversial conflict and maintains an Editorial Board that consists of many internationally recognized scholars.

Articles should be no more than 8,000 words and conform to Chicago referencing, including a 500 word abstract, 5-7 keys words, and full author contact information. 

As we approach the 100th anniversary of the start of the war, the journal will eagerly consider "special issues" that thematically or topically focus upon any aspect of its origins, prosecution, and legacy.

First World War Studies also seeks book reviewers.  All who are interested are invited to send short emails to the editor listing their area of expertise.  Normally books will be assigned to review, although scholars interested in writing review essays are encouraged to submit proposals.  Please bring to our attention new titles in any language appropriate to the scope of the journal.

Submissions should be sent as attachments in word format and address all queries to the Editor, Dr. Steven Sabol, at sosabol@uncc.edu.

For more information about the International Society for First World War Studies, please go to our website at http://www.firstworldwarstudies.org


  • Thursday, October 01, 2009


  • Première Guerre mondiale, Grande Guerre, 1914-1918, 14-18, first world war, great war


  • Pierre Purseigle
    courriel : p [dot] purseigle [at] warwick [dot] ac [dot] uk

Information source

  • Pierre Purseigle
    courriel : p [dot] purseigle [at] warwick [dot] ac [dot] uk


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To cite this announcement

« First World War Studies, The Journal Of The International Society Of First World War Studies », Call for papers, Calenda, Published on Friday, June 05, 2009, https://doi.org/10.58079/e65

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