HomeBiodiversity sciences and policies since Darwin
Biodiversity sciences and policies since Darwin
Savoirs et pouvoirs de la biodiversité de Darwin à aujourd’hui
Published on Monday, October 19, 2009
December 11-12, 2009
Grand amphi, Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle
Organized by the BioTEK project with the support of the Muséum national d’histoire naturelle, the Centre A. Koyré de recherche en histoire des sciences et des techniques, the RUCHE (réseau universitaire de chercheurs en histoire environnementale)
Site web de la conférence (programme, incription obligatoire...): http://www.bioteksuds.org/
A noter que l'inscription est réduite jusqu'au 30 octobre : 50€ pour académiques, 20€ pour étudiants; 80€ pour entreprises, comprenant deux déjeuners (Après le 31 oct, les tarifs sont: 60/30/100€)
This conference will address the transformation and the plurality of scientific framings of biological diversity since the late 19th century and analyse the changing ways of measuring, representing, modelling and managing biodiversity. A focus will be given to the plurality of scientific cultures that framed and reframed the conservation motto in national and international contexts (North and South), and on dynamics of co-production of scientific knowledge and conservation policies.Friday, Dec. 11.
9h. Welcome and introduction
Christophe Bonneuil, Ctre Koyré, Cnrs
9h30-12h30. Introductory session. From Nature preservation/conservation to biodiversity management.
Chair : Pierre-Henri Gouyon (MNHN)
Patrick Blandin (MNHN) - From Nature protection to Biodiversity management
Michael Soulé (UC Santa Cruz) - Past and future of scientific knowledge about Biodiversity
Bryan Norton (GeorgiaTech) - Learning to Think Like a Planet: Saving Biodiversity in an Uncertain and Changing World
12h30-14h lunch
14h-18h. Conservation knowledge and policies from colonialism to “sustainable development”.
Chair: Florian Charvolin (Cresal, Cnrs)
Frédéric Thomas (IRD) - Nature conservation in the colonial Empires
Yannick Mahrane (Ctre Koyré) - IUCN’s changing visions of conservation since 1948
Robin Pistorius (Facts of Life) - The ex situ / in situ debate: thoughts and arguments of 1960s Plant Genetic Resources movement and beyond
Steve Brush (UC Davis) - Knowledge and Culture in Crop Evolution: The History of Scientific Understandings of Maize Diversity
Saturday, Dec. 12
9h30-12h30 . Nature as “resource”, “system”, “network” and “value”.
Chair: Donato Bergandi (Ctre Koyré, MNHN)
Peter Taylor (U. Mass. Boston) - From systems to intersecting processes in the analysis of ecological complexity, from WWII to the 90s
Chunglin Kwa (U. Amstredam) - Post-modern science? Modelling nature from the International Biology Program to the International Geosphere-Biology Program
Jeremy Walker (U. T. Sydney) - From Economy of Nature to the Financialisation of Ecosystems Services
C. Bonneuil (Ctre Koyré, Cnrs) - Life as stock, life as flows. Liquid modernity, connexionism and the shift from ‘genetic resources’ to ‘agrobiodiversity’
12h30-14h lunch
14h-18h. Expertise and metrologies in the governance of biodiversity.
Chair: Catherine Aubertin (IRD)
Lucien Chabason (IDDRI) - Mobilizing science for decision : the IPBES (Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Functioning)
John Thompson (Cefe) and Raphaël Mathevet (Cefe) - Ecological connectivity : a scientific framework for emerging conservation policy
Harold Levrel (Ifremer, not confirmed) - Measuring diversity : a socio-history of diversity index and indicators
Monica Castro (Ehess) - The genesis and hegemony of the “ecosystem approach” at the CBD
Pete Brosius (U. Georgia) - Conservation’s policy metrologies : an anthropology of the proliferating metrics of accountability in conservation
- Grand Amphi. Jardin des plantes. 57 rue Cuvier
Paris, France
- Friday, December 11, 2009
- Saturday, December 12, 2009
- biodiversité, protection de la nature, histoire, sociologie, anthropologie
- Christophe Bonneuil
courriel : bonneuil [at] damesme [dot] cnrs [dot] fr
Reference Urls
Information source
- Christophe Bonneuil
courriel : bonneuil [at] damesme [dot] cnrs [dot] fr
This announcement is licensed under the terms of Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal.
To cite this announcement
« Biodiversity sciences and policies since Darwin », Conference, symposium, Calenda, Published on Monday, October 19, 2009, https://doi.org/10.58079/f6w