HomeLanguages, cultures and virtual communities
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Published on Monday, July 05, 2010


La conférence EUROCALL (8-11 septembre 2010) revient en France en septembre prochain à Bordeaux. Elle rassemble le milieu européen et au delà des praticiens et chercheurs en apprentissage / enseignement des langues avec les environnements informatiques. http://eurocall2010.u-bordeaux4.fr/


EUROCALL 2010 will be held in Bordeaux, France,

8-11 September 2010

Conference main theme and title:
Languages, cultures and virtual communities

EUROCALL is back in France after 11 years. In 1999, the University of Besançon hosted the conference, and the central theme, as some of you may remember, was evaluation (Evaluation of language skills and language testing). Since then, several conference themes have reflected progress in the areas of
a) research conducted into information and communication technologies applied to the teaching and learning of languages (CALL),
b) technology itself: interdisciplinarity, new literacies, new pedagogical approaches, facilitating autonomy, incorporating ICT in study programmes, mastering multimedia, new competencies and social spaces, working together, etc. All these themes are testimony to the vitality of EUROCALL.

EUROCALL 2010 will be organised by the University of Bordeaux and steered by the University of Bordeaux IV – IUFM, under the auspices of ALSIC and ACEDLE, two associations of researchers involved in ICT and language teaching. The conference will take place in the premises of Bordeaux II in the city centre. Bordeaux, which received UNESCO world heritage status in 2009, is situated in the heart of the wine region and is only an hour’s drive from the most beautiful beaches on the Atlantic coast.

In real life as in the activities that learners and teachers undertake, the many powerful tools now available allow networked communication and sharing of information.
The theme of EUROCALL 2010 will therefore be Networked Structures and Virtual Communities in CALL. The emphasis will be placed on relationships – structures and communities connected by languages and cultures and functioning on a cooperative basis.

The sub-themes of the conference, underpinning the current topics of interest and concern in this area, will be the following:
  • Learner communities, the web and corpora
  • Distance learning, collaborative learning and mobile learning
  • Managing multimedia environments
  • Assessment, feedback and guidance in schools and universities
  • Corpora: compilating, sorting and studying corpora that integrate online communication
  • Intercultural competence and language learning
  • Online multimodal communication and language learning
  • Research methodologies and action research
  • Virtual worlds
  • Formal and informal language learning
  • Networked language learning in in adult education
  • Building international/regional partnerships for networked language learning
  • New language learning communities
  • Pedagogical changes brought about by ICT integration
  • Innovative e-learning solutions for languages

2010-09-08 Pre-conference WORKSHOPS & Educational Showcases

Registration (Atrium)
2010-09-08 (09:00 - 16:00)

Pre Conference Workshops

Workshop 1A (Room Margaux)

2010-09-08 (09:30 – 12:30)
Chaired by Maud Ciekanski and Marie-Laure Betbeder
Dissemination and comparison of research findings: developing Contextualized L and T Corpora

Workshop 2 (Room Cheval Blanc)

2010-09-08 (09:30 - 16:30)
Chaired by Françoise Demaizière, Elke Nissen
Getting hybrid - How to introduce some form of distance into a "classical" language course

Workshop 3 (Room Yquem)

   2010-09-08 (09:30 - 15:30)
Chaired by Françoise Blin, Jozef Colpaert, Robert Fischer, Glenn Stockwell and June Thompson
Publishing your research in CALL journals

Workshop 4 (Room Lafite)

   2010-09-08 (09:30 - 12:30)
Chaired by Graham Davies and Sally Davies
Introduction to Second Life (maximum 10 participants)

Workshop 5 (Room Haut Brion)

   2010-09-08 (14:00 - 17:00)
Chaired by Petra Hoffstaedter and Johannes Widemann
BACKBONE - Pedagogic Corpora for Content and Language Integrated Learning

Workshop 6 (Room Gontier)

   2010-09-08 (14:00 - 17:00)
Chaired by Francesca Helm and Sarah Guth
Telecollaboration 2.0: What to do in a digitally-networked globalized society?

Workshop 7 (Room Latour)

   2010-09-08 (14:00 - 17:00)
Chaired by Gary Motteram
Second Life with « Avalon »

Workshop 8 (Room  Lafite)

   2010-09-08 (14:00 - 17:00)
Chaired by Athina Chatzigravriil, Hervé Didiot-Cook, Matteo Fumagalli, Helen Mayer and Michel Herreria
LSE Second Life exhibition Déjà Vu? - Creative language learning

Workshop 1B (Room  Margaux)

   2010-09-08 (14 :00 – 17:45)
Chaired by Maud Ciekanski and Marie-Laure Betbeder
Dissemination and comparison of research findings: developing Contextualized L and T Corpora

Workshop 9 (Room Haut Brion)

   2010-09-08 (14:00 - 17:00)
Chaired by Ton Koenraad
An introduction to designing language classroom activities supported by Interactive Whiteboards

Workshop 10 (Room Ausone)

   2010-09-08 (14:00 - 17:00)
Chaired by Caoimhín Ó Dónaill and Jonathan Leakey
Computer-assisted task- based language learning: pedagogical and technical resources

Workshop 11 (Room Ausone)

 2010-09-08 (09:30 - 12:30)
Chaired by Peter Birch, EACEA, European Commission
Quality indicators in CALL EU funded projects

Educational Showcase (1) (a room will be available for each Educational Showcase)

   2010-09-08 (17:00 - 17:30)
1. « Télé Formation Lecture Réunion: un instrument en ligne efficace pour l’enseignement du français à La Réunion? »,
Eyquem Mylène
2. La Pantopie, espace transculturel, transdisciplinaire et translinguistique,
Cattelain Eric  (+ Exhibition Hall)
3. Designing template-driven iPhone applications for language learning,
Paul Daniels
4. Statut et rôles des artefacts matériels dans les situations d’enseignement – apprentissage en langue: étude comparée dans deux collèges contrastés
Didier Barthès
5. Hélios: un serveur pédagogique interactif pour l’enseignement des langues anciennes à distance,
Alain Meurant
6. Promoting collaborative languages for specific purposes through an experience of tele-tandem learning at university,
Gemma Delicado, Inmaculada Gómez, María Antonia Paín, Juan Manuel Vaca, Paula Ferreira

Educational Showcase (2) (a room will be available for each Educational Showcase)

   2010-09-08 (17:30 - 18:00)
1. 3D world environments for second language learning: An evaluation of SIMiLLE,
Adela Gánem-Gutiérrez, Michael Gardner, John Scott, Joy Van Helvert, Chris Fowler
2. Beyond concordancing: multiple affordances of corpora in university language degrees,
Alex Boulton
3. Supporting diverse learners with “nihongo-e-na”: A Portal Site for Learning Japanese,
Morio Hamada
4. PREMA: An Extensive Reading Work-in-progress,
Shinichi Hashimoto, Hironobu Okazaki
5. Elledueò: a learning community for Italian as a second and foreign language,
Francesco Scolastra, Stefania Spina
6. The @genda, an online collaborative workshop,
Dominique Vinet

Educational Showcase (3) (a room will be available for each Educational Showcase)

   2010-09-08 (18:00 - 18:30)
1. One test, two purposes: does it work?,
Martine Swennen
2. A Human Capacity Building Platform for Developing Intercultural Competence and Advanced English Skills,
Emerita Bañados-Santana
3. Implementation of Computerized Adaptive Language Tests Using Moodle,
Yukie Koyama
4. Virtual Worlds: A Virtually Broad Perspective,
Randall Sadler
5. Evaluation de l'apport des TUIC dans les situations d'apprentissage - expérimentation sur le master métier de l'enseignement
Valérie Huard, Daniel Lépine

Social Event "Pot de l'Amitié" Welcome Reception (City Hall Bordeaux)
   2010-09-08 (19:00 - 21:00)


Registration (Atrium)
   2010-09-09 (08:00 - 16:00)

Opening Ceremony (Amphi Denigès)
   2010-09-09 (09:00 - 09:30)

Keynote address 1 by Graham Davies (Amphi Denigès)

   2010-09-09 (09:30 - 10:30)
Where have we been, where are we now, and where are we going?

Coffee Break (Atrium)
   2010-09-09 (10:30 - 11:00)

Parallel session (1) 1 9-sep (Room 1) CHAIRPERSON: Thierry Chanier

   2010-09-09 (11:00 - 11:45)
Strand: Innovative e-learning solutions for languages
1. Facilitating Online Language Learning for Older Learners in an Attempt to Address the Digital Divide,
Don Maybin

Parallel session (1) 2 9-sep (Room 2) CHAIRPERSON: Lesley Graham

   2010-09-09 (11:00 - 11:45)
Strand: Innovative e-learning solutions for languages
1. Two Tools for producing CLIL (content and language integrated learning) materials,
Kent Andersen, Caoimhin O Donnaile

Parallel session (1) 3 9-sep (Room 3) CHAIRPERSON: Jannine Gerbault

   2010-09-09 (11:00 - 11:45)
Strand: Pedagogical changes brought about by ICT integration
1. Effective training to foster student autonomy in a blended learning environment for English as a Foreign Language.,
Jaime García, Anita Ferreira, Sandra Morales

Parallel session (1) 4 9-sep (Room 4) CHAIRPERSON: Dominique Vinet

   2010-09-09 (11:00 - 11:45)
Strand: Distance learning, collaborative learning and mobile learning
1. What do learners think of mobile phones for language learning?,
Glenn Stockwell, Esther Stockwell

Parallel session (1) 5 9-sep (Room 5) CHAIRPERSON: Oranna Speicher

   2010-09-09 (11:00 - 11:45)
Strand: Virtual worlds
1. The "Virtual" Ethnographer: A Critic of EthnoQuest,
Fiona Creaser

Parallel session (1) 6 9-sep (Room 6) CHAIRPERSON: Alex Boulton

   2010-09-09 (11:00 - 11:45)
Strand: Learner communities, the web and corpora
1. PhD students drafting abstracts: using an online scientific writing tool to acquire genre knowledge and improve writing.,
Susan Birch-Bécaas, Ray Cooke

Parallel session (1) 7 9-sep (Room 7 ) CHAIRPERSON: Mirjam Hauck

   2010-09-09 (11:00 - 11:45)
Strand: Intercultural competence and language learning
1. An Intercultural E-mail Discussion Project for the Development of Writing Skills and Intercultural Awareness,
Shih-Yin (Stella) Hsu, Robert E. Beasley

Parallel session (1) 8 9-sep (Room 8) CHAIRPERSON: Nicolas Guichon

   2010-09-09 (11:00 - 11:45)
Strand: Assessment, feedback and guidance in schools and universities
1. Networked inter-class video-based peer evaluation for conversation training,
Robert Gettings, Thomas Goetz

Parallel session (1) 9 9-sep (Room 9) CHAIRPERSON: xxxxxx

   2010-09-09 (11:00 - 11:45)
Strand: Managing multimedia environments
1. Teaching in a blended learning environment: deskilling or reskilling?,
Simon Buckland

EACEA Symposium (Amphi Denigès)

  2010-09-09 (11 :00 - 12 :30)
    Peter Birch and EACEA Team

Commercial Exhibition (Exhibition Hall)

   2010-09-09 (11:00 - 18:00)

Parallel session (2) 1 9-sep (Room 1) CHAIRPERSON: Thierry Chanier

   2010-09-09 (11:45 - 12:30)
Strand: Innovative e-learning solutions for languages
1. The Affordance of Speech Recognition Technology for EFL Learning in an Elementary School Setting,
Meei-Ling Liaw, Gi-Zen Liu

Parallel session (2) 2 9-sep (Room 2) CHAIRPERSON: Lesley Graham

   2010-09-09 (11:45 - 12:30)
Strand: Innovative e-learning solutions for languages
1. Towards Greater Effectiveness of the MoodleReader Module,
Thomas Robb, Matthew Claflin, Sandra Healy

Parallel session (2) 3 9-sep (Room 3) CHAIRPERSON: Jannine Gerbault

   2010-09-09 (11:45 - 12:30)
Strand: Pedagogical changes brought about by ICT integration
1. Boosting on-line reading: a successful experience on strategy training,
Victoria Zenotz

Parallel session (2) 4 9-sep (Room 4) CHAIRPERSON: Dominique Vinet

   2010-09-09 (11:45 - 12:30)
Strand: Distance learning, collaborative learning and mobile learning
1. Quels liens entre l'engagement dans une tâche collaborative et le développement d'une compétence interculturelle?,
FOUCHER Anne-Laure

Parallel session (2) 5 9-sep (Room 5) CHAIRPERSON: Oranna Speicher

   2010-09-09 (11:45 - 12:30)
Strand: Virtual worlds
1. Enhancing meaningful oral interaction in Second Life,
Kristi Jauregi, Silvia Canto, Ton Koenraad, Rick de Graaff

Parallel session (2) 6 9-sep (Room 6) CHAIRPERSON: Alex Boulton

   2010-09-09 (11:45 - 12:30)
Strand: Learner communities, the web and corpora
1. What can professionals learn from online profession-specific corpora?,
Martin Warren

Parallel session (2) 7 9-sep (Room 7) CHAIRPERSON: Mirjam Hauck

   2010-09-09 (11:45 - 12:30)
Strand: Intercultural competence and language learning
1. CEFcult: online assessment of oral language skills in an intercultural workplace,
Ana Beaven, Lucia Livatino

Parallel session (2) 8 9-sep (Room 8) CHAIRPERSON: Nicolas Guichon

   2010-09-09 (11:45 - 12:30)
Strand: Assessment, feedback and guidance in schools and universities
1. CALL for a new best practice for feedback on student compositions,
Michael Maerlein

Parallel session (2) 9 9-sep (Room 9) CHAIRPERSON: xxxxxx

   2010-09-09 (11:45 - 12:30)
Strand: Managing multimedia environments
1. Appréhension et mise en œuvre d’un environnement d’apprentissage à distance: pratiques et représentations des étudiants de didactique des langues,
Gina Ioannitou, Jean-François Bourdet

Lunch (Atrium)
   2010-09-09 (12:30 - 14:00)

Parallel session (3) 1 9-sep (Room 1) CHAIRPERSON: Michèle Catroux

   2010-09-09 (14:00 - 14:45)
Strand: Innovative e-learning solutions for languages
1. Using mobile devices for listening and speaking practice in languages: The L120 Mobile Project,
Valérie Demouy, Annie Eardley, Agnes Kukulska-Hulme, Rhodri Thomas

Parallel session (3) 2 9-sep (Room 2) CHAIRPERSON: Elke Nissen

   2010-09-09 (14:00 - 14:45)
Strand: Innovative e-learning solutions for languages
1. (Semi)authentic audio-visual materials for the A2 level in the online language learning environment FRANEL: pitfalls and challenges.,
Piet Desmet, Viviane Grisez, Ann-Sophie Noreillie

Parallel session (3) 3 9-sep (Room 3) CHAIRPERSON: Sue Birch

   2010-09-09 (14:00 - 14:45)
Strand: Pedagogical changes brought about by ICT integration
1. Conscious reflection in an online discussion: reading between the liines,
Tanyasha Yearwood

Parallel session (3) 4 9-sep (Room 4) CHAIRPERSON: JC Coquilhat

   2010-09-09 (14:00 - 14:45)
Strand: Formal and informal language learning
1. Using CALL in a formal context to develop listening abilities in ESL: an assessment,
Laurence Vincent-Durroux, Cécile Poussard, Jean-Marc Lavaur, Xavier Aparicio

Parallel session (3) 5 9-sep (Room 5) CHAIRPERSON: Ray Cooke

   2010-09-09 (14:00 - 14:45)
Strand: Virtual worlds
1. Using Activity Theory to Analyse Avalon Activity,
Mats Deutschmann, Christian Swertz, Luisa Panichi

Parallel session (3) 6 9-sep (Room 6) CHAIRPERSON: xxxxxx

   2010-09-09 (14:00 - 14:45)
Strand: Learner communities, the web and corpora
1. Informal language learning online – Exploring learner behaviors and preferences using book2 in 50 languages,
Swapna Kumar, Johannes Schumann

Parallel session (3) 7 9-sep (Room 7) CHAIRPERSON: xxxxxx

   2010-09-09 (14:00 - 14:45)
Strand: Intercultural competence and language learning
1. Creating an online community for the purpose of developing intercultural competence within a language class: why and how?,
Gilberte Furstenberg

Parallel session (3) 8 9-sep (Room 8) CHAIRPERSON: xxxxxx

   2010-09-09 (14:00 - 14:45)
Strand: Assessment, feedback and guidance in schools and universities
1. Computer-based marking of L2 writing: what automated feedback does, and doesn’t, tell us,
Khaled El Ebyary, Scott Windeatt

Parallel session (3) 9 9-sep (Room 9) CHAIRPERSON: xxxxxx

   2010-09-09 (14:00 - 14:45)
Strand: Managing multimedia environments
1. Design and development of a data-driven framework for research-based production of online language courseware applications.,
Jozef Colpaert, Emre Sevinc

ReCALL Editorial Board Meeting (Centre de Langues)

   2010-09-09 (14:00 - 15:30)

Poster Presentations (Exhibition Hall)

   2010-09-09 (14:00 - 15:30)
1. Institution-Wide Language Programmes, Higher Education and Blended Learning. Students' Experience of Virtual Learning Environments among Beginners and Post-Beginners of French,
Nathalie Ticheler
2. Understanding ESL Students’ Uses and Attitudes of Web 2.0,
Cindy Gunn
3. An intermediate-advanced Spanish as a Foreign Language e-learning course for English speaking volunteers at the English Opens Doors Program,
Anita Ferreira, Sandra Morales
4. Ilias: utilisation d'une plateforme numérique de travail pour l'enseignement de l'espagnol en lycée dans l'académie de Bordeaux,
Nathalie Magin
5. Reflective Practice,
Daniela Munca
6. Language Learner Writing in an Online Forum: Descriptive and Prescriptive Approaches,
Florence Le Baron
7. Graphical tagging of discourse levels in the IT endowed technical academic writing class,
Lawrie Hunter ,
8. Belonging to a language learning community without active participation: a contradiction?,
Catherine Jeanneau

CORPUSCALL SIG Meeting (Amphi Denigès)

   2010-09-09 (14:00 - 15:30)
Chaired by Alex Boulton

Parallel session (4) 1 9-sep (Room 1) CHAIRPERSON: Michèle Catroux

   2010-09-09 (14:45 - 15:30)
Strand: Innovative e-learning solutions for languages
1. Le concept technologique et didactique qui sous-tend l’environnement d’apprentissage des langues Franel: évolutions récentes et perspectives,
Barbara Louwagie, Jean-Marc Hilson, Antoine Besnehard

Parallel session (4) 2 9-sep (Room 2) CHAIRPERSON: Elke Nissen

   2010-09-09 (14:45 - 15:30)
Strand: Innovative e-learning solutions for languages
1. Communautés de jeu et motivations à apprendre. Les hypothèses didactiques de Thélème, un jeu multi-joueurs en ligne pour l’apprentissage des langues,
Laurence Schmoll, Patrick Schmoll

Parallel session (4) 3 9-sep (Room 3) CHAIRPERSON: Sue Birch

   2010-09-09 (14:45 - 15:30)
Strand: Pedagogical changes brought about by ICT integration
1. Interaction analysis between teacher and pupil: what about this relation in a mediated reading activity?,
Isabelle Audras, Catherine Cleder

Parallel session (4) 4 9-sep (Room 4) CHAIRPERSON: JC Coquilhat

   2010-09-09 (14:45 - 15:30)
Strand: Distance learning, collaborative learning and mobile learning
1. Formation en langues des enseignants et usage des TIC. Quelle réalité?,
Muriel Grosbois

Parallel session (4) 5 9-sep (Room 5) CHAIRPERSON: Ray Cooke

   2010-09-09 (14:45 - 15:30)
Strand: Virtual worlds
1. Vocabulary Development in a Virtual World: the Role of Virtual Realia,
Ann Devitt, Carina Girvan, Weiming Liu, Hilary McLoughlin

Parallel session (4) 6 9-sep (Room 6) CHAIRPERSON: xxxxxx

   2010-09-09 (14:45 - 15:30)
Strand: Learner communities, the web and corpora
1. Mediating collocation learning with a data-driven approach,
Kuei-Ju Tsai

Parallel session (4) 7 9-sep (Room 7) CHAIRPERSON: xxxxxx

   2010-09-09 (14:45 - 15:30)
Strand: Intercultural competence and language learning
1. Enhancing Intercultural Communicative Competence through intercontinental video-web Tellecollaboration between Chile and The Netherlands.,
Emerita Bañados, Kristi Jauregi

Parallel session (4) 8 9-sep (Room 8) CHAIRPERSON: xxxxxx

   2010-09-09 (14:45 - 15:30)
Strand: Assessment, feedback and guidance in schools and universities
1. HELP: a European project to promote and facilitate the use of the Manual for relating examination to the CEFR,
Faouzia Benderdouche, Cédric Brudermann, Christine Demaison

Parallel session (4) 9 9-sep (Room 9) CHAIRPERSON: xxxxxx

   2010-09-09 (14:45 - 15:30)
Strand: Managing multimedia environments
1. Developing Multimedia Language Learning in the UK: A Comparative Study,
John Gillespie, David Barr

Parallel session (5) 1 9-sep (Room 1) CHAIRPERSON: xxxxxx

   2010-09-09 (15:30 - 16:15)
Strand: Innovative e-learning solutions for languages
1. Informal, collaborative and learner-centered? Developing a network of personal learning environments (PLEs) for formal HE language learning,
Ilona Laakkonen, Peppi Taalas

Parallel session (5) 2 9-sep (Room 2) CHAIRPERSON: xxxxxx

   2010-09-09 (15:30 - 16:15)
Strand: Innovative e-learning solutions for languages
1. Can simultaneous reading and listening improve speech perception? An examination of recent feedback on the SWANS authoring system.,
Anthony Stenton

Parallel session (5) 3 9-sep (Room 3) CHAIRPERSON: Stéphanie Roussel

   2010-09-09 (15:30 - 16:15)
Strand: Pedagogical changes brought about by ICT integration
1. Aide logicielle à la rédaction face aux problèmes de production écrite des apprenants thaïlandais: quels impacts sur leur processus d’écriture?,
Montiya Phoungsub

Parallel session (5) 4 9-sep (Room 4) CHAIRPERSON: xxxxxx

   2010-09-09 (15:30 - 16:15)
Strand: Distance learning, collaborative learning and mobile learning
1. Going mobile in the language learning,
Ida Marguerite Semey

Parallel session (5) 5 9-sep (Room 5) CHAIRPERSON: Henri Portine

   2010-09-09 (15:30 - 16:15)
Strand: Research methodologies and action research
1. Organising and accounting for research-based implementation of large-scale learning systems,
Narcy-Combes Jean-Paul, Narcy-Combes Marie-Françoise

Parallel session (5) 6 9-sep (Room 6) CHAIRPERSON: xxxxxx

   2010-09-09 (15:30 - 16:15)
Strand: Learner communities, the web and corpora
1. Qu'est-ce qui rend les corpus en langue étrangère "pédagogiques"?,
Eva Schaeffer-Lacroix

Parallel session (5) 7 9-sep (Room 7) CHAIRPERSON: xxxxxx

   2010-09-09 (15:30 - 16:15)
Strand: Intercultural competence and language learning
1. Developing intercultural foreign language communication strategies through international web collaboration,
Claudia Warth

Parallel session (5) 8 9-sep (Room 8) CHAIRPERSON: xxxxxx

   2010-09-09 (15:30 - 16:15)
Strand: Assessment, feedback and guidance in schools and universities
1. A Tailor-Made Spanish Language Placement Test,
Martin Barge, Elina Vilar Beltrán

Parallel session (5) 9 9-sep (Room 9) CHAIRPERSON: xxxxxx

   2010-09-09 (15:30 - 16:15)
Strand: Managing multimedia environments
1. Virtual learning environments as complex adaptive systems: the flow within affordances,
Valeska Souza

Natural Language Processing (NLP) SIG Meeting (Amphi Denigès)

   2010-09-09 (15:30 - 17:00)
Chaired by Cornelia Tschichold

Poster Presentations (Exhibition Hall)

   2010-09-09 (15:30 - 17:30)
1. Le E-learning pour le travail en groupe et l'autonomie de l'apprenant: pratiques de la tâche rédactionnelle dans l'enseignement du japonais,
jun arisue, yumiko togashi
2. Interacting online: targets and implications,
Liliana Cuesta
3. Moodle and Hot Potatoes Quizzes: Points of Contact and Departure,
Thomas Goetz, Bob Gettings
4. Assessment and feedback through e-portfolio: case studies of less commonly taught languages,
elena osinsky
5. Online ESP Data base for writing,
Hideko Nakano
6. Singularités de la ressource pédagogique dans un dispositif d'échanges en ligne,
Virginie Trémion
7. “Language Learning goes mobile”:harnessing Mobile Technologies to develop game enhanced language learning scenarios,
Maria Perifanou, Cristina Costa
8. Developing and Utilizing a CMS to Promote Autonomy Learning for ESP,
Kazunori Nozawa
9. Le travail collaboratif, la mutualisation et le soutien entre pairs: des contributions à la motivation pour persévérer dans un cours de mise à niveau en ligne,
Godelieve Debeurme, Annabelle Caron

Refreshment Break (Atrium)
   2010-09-09 (16:15 - 16:45)

Parallel session (6) 1 9-sep (Room 1) CHAIRPERSON: xxxxxx

   2010-09-09 (16:45 - 17:30)
Strand: Innovative e-learning solutions for languages
1. Facilitating L2 Reading Instruction with Online Social Bookmarking,
Caleb Prichard

Parallel session (6) 2 9-sep (Room 2) CHAIRPERSON: xxxxxx

   2010-09-09 (16:45 - 17:30)
Strand: Innovative e-learning solutions for languages
1. A principled framework of help options in computer-based listening,
Monica S. Cardenas-Claros

Parallel session (6) 3 9-sep (Room 3) CHAIRPERSON:  Stéphanie Roussel

   2010-09-09 (16:45 - 17:30)
Strand: Pedagogical changes brought about by ICT integration
1. Emerging technologies in language teacher development and certification,
Stéphane Brunel, Marie-Christine Deyrich

Parallel session (6) 4 9-sep (Room 4) CHAIRPERSON: xxxxxx

   2010-09-09 (16:45 - 17:30)
Strand: Distance learning, collaborative learning and mobile learning
1. Using Moodle Quiz to practice Italian grammar and spelling. Reflections on the importance of the learning community.,
Stella Peyronel, Monica Cini, Tina Lasala

Parallel session (6) 5 9-sep (Room 5) CHAIRPERSON: Henri Portine

   2010-09-09 (16:45 - 17:30)
Strand: Online multimodal communication and language learning
1. Online Communicative Strategies: Chinese Language Learning in a Video Interaction-Based CMC Environment,
Chunping Zheng, Zhihong Lu

Parallel session (6) 6 9-sep (Room 6) CHAIRPERSON: xxxxxx

   2010-09-09 (16:45 - 17:30)
Strand: Intercultural competence and language learning
1. The Aquitaine Europe project: fostering mobility and intercultural dialogue,
Tita Beaven, Alix Creuzé

Parallel session (6) 7 9-sep (Room 7) CHAIRPERSON: xxxxxx

   2010-09-09 (16:45 - 17:30)
Strand: Intercultural competence and language learning
1. Trans-Atlantic Conversations: Intercultural Negotiation and Effective Understanding through an Inter-University Collaborative E-platform,
Anna Brígido-Corachán, Ana Oskoz

Parallel session (6) 8 9-sep (Room 8) CHAIRPERSON: xxxxxx

   2010-09-09 (16:45 - 17:30)
Strand: Assessment, feedback and guidance in schools and universities
1. Presentation feedback through video annotation software: an initial exploration of its of possibilities,
Richard Van Camp, Juha Jalkanen

Parallel session (6) 9 9-sep (Room 9) CHAIRPERSON: xxxxxx

   2010-09-09 (16:45 - 17:30)
Strand: Research methodologies and action research
1. Développer l’expression orale grâce à une réflexion écrite et asynchrone. La perception de la tâche et l’importance des représentations personnelles des étudiants dans le travail visant le perfectionnement des compétences orales au niveau avancé,
Joanna Górecka

Parallel session (7) 1 9-sep (Room 1) CHAIRPERSON: xxxxxx

   2010-09-09 (17:30 - 18:15)
Strand: Innovative e-learning solutions for languages
1. AutoLearn: ICALL in real instruction settings,
Martí Quixal, Toni Badia, Mariona Estrada, John Emslie, Paul Schmidt, Mike S. Sharwood, Susanne Preuß, Isin Bengi-Öner

Parallel session (7) 2 9-sep (Room 2) CHAIRPERSON: xxxxxx

   2010-09-09 (17:30 - 18:15)
Strand: Innovative e-learning solutions for languages
1. Ubiquitous language learning environments - on campus, in the city, abroad,
Ikumi Waragai, Tatsuya Ohta, Marco Raindl, Shuichi Kurabayashi, Yasushi Kiyoki, Hideyuki Tokuda

Parallel session (7) 3 9-sep (Room 3) CHAIRPERSON: Stéphanie Roussel

   2010-09-09 (17:30 - 18:15)
Strand: Pedagogical changes brought about by ICT integration
1. ESL teachers' use of ICT in teaching English literature: An analysis of teachers' TPCK,
Azlin Zainal

Parallel session (7) 4 9-sep (Room 4) CHAIRPERSON: xxxxxx

   2010-09-09 (17:30 - 18:15)
Strand: Distance learning, collaborative learning and mobile learning
1. Supporting students in web-based collaborative reading comprehension exercises: the effects of introducing instructor-generated Elaborative feedback through computer-mediated communication,
Philip Murphy

Parallel session (7) 5 9-sep (Room 5) CHAIRPERSON:  Henri Portine

   2010-09-09 (17:30 - 18:15)
Strand: Online multimodal communication and language learning
1. The Impact of Adding Digital Storytelling with Blended Learning on English Education,
Hiroyuki Obari

Parallel session (7) 6 9-sep (Room 6) CHAIRPERSON: xxxxxx

   2010-09-09 (17:30 - 18:15)
Strand: Learner communities, the web and corpora
1. Lexical clusters in small pedagogic corpora,
Johannes Widmann

Parallel session (7) 7 9-sep (Room 7) CHAIRPERSON: xxxxxx

   2010-09-09 (17:30 - 18:15)
Strand: Intercultural competence and language learning
1. Communicating Identity in Multilateral Interactions,
Irina Frisk

Parallel session (7) 9 9-sep (Room 9) CHAIRPERSON: xxxxxx

   2010-09-09 (17:30 - 18:15)
Strand: Distance learning, collaborative learning and mobile learning
1. Sustainability in vocabulary CALL,
Cornelia Tschichold

Symposium 1 (Amphi Denigès)

   2010-09-09 (17:30 - 19:00)
1. The Learner in Changing CALL Environments,
Glenn Stockwell, Hayo Reinders, Philip Hubbard, Jozef Colpaert, Cynthia White

Parallel session (8) 1 9-sep (Room 1) CHAIRPERSON: xxxxxx

   2010-09-09 (18:15 - 19:00)
Strand: Innovative e-learning solutions for languages
1. re-usable learning objects for flexible and tailor-made blended-learning (Czech and Polish) courses,
Antje Neuhoff

Parallel session (8) 2 9-sep (Room 2) CHAIRPERSON: xxxxxx

   2010-09-09 (18:15 - 19:00)
Strand: Innovative e-learning solutions for languages
1. Experiences and Evaluation of a Blended Learning Concept for Learning Chinese in Higher Education.,
Christian Müller ,

Parallel session (8) 3 9-sep (Room 3) CHAIRPERSON: Stéphanie Roussel

   2010-09-09 (18:15 - 19:00)
Strand: Pedagogical changes brought about by ICT integration
1. "Hybrid" is not just the trend of automobiles; it is of learning,
Hideto Harashima

Parallel session (8) 4 9-sep (Room 4) CHAIRPERSON: xxxxxx

   2010-09-09 (18:15 - 19:00)
Strand: Distance learning, collaborative learning and mobile learning
1. Technology Positioning and Online Course Design: A Case Study,
Edwige Simon

Parallel session (8) 5 9-sep (Room 5) CHAIRPERSON: Henri Portine

   2010-09-09 (18:15 - 19:00)
Strand: Online multimodal communication and language learning
1. Computer-Mediated Communication: Japanese Psychological Breakthrough in English Writing,
Adam Serag

Parallel session (8) 6 9-sep (Room 6) CHAIRPERSON: xxxxxx

   2010-09-09 (18:15 - 19:00)
Strand: Learner communities, the web and corpora
1. Understanding the reluctant Sherlock Holmes: Student teachers’ evaluation of the integration of corpus literacy into a language teacher education program,
Stéphanie O'Riordan

Parallel session (8) 7 9-sep (Room 7) CHAIRPERSON: xxxxxx

   2010-09-09 (18:15 - 19:00)
Strand: Intercultural competence and language learning
1. Form-focused conversational repair in online social chat between learners and native speakers of Italian,
Vincenza Tudini

Parallel session (8) 9 9-sep (Room 9) CHAIRPERSON: xxxxxx

   2010-09-09 (18:15 - 19:00)
Strand: Research methodologies and action research
1. CALL Motivation: does the technology really matters?,
Françoise Raby


Cocktail Reception in Bordeaux: Wine and Cheese Evening
(Atrium of the University, La Victoire)
 2010-09-09 (19:30 - 21:30)


Registration (Atrium)
   2010-09-09 (08:00 - 16:00)

Registration (Atrium)
   2010-09-10 (09:00 - 15:00)

Keynote address 2 by Andreas Lund (Amphi Denigès)

   2010-09-10 (09:00 - 10:00)
Collective Cognition: A Case for CALL?

AGM (Amphi Denigès)

   2010-09-10 (10:00 - 12:00)

Commercial Exhibition (Exhibition Hall/ Atrium)

   2010-09-10 (11:00 - 18:00)

Lunch (Atrium)
   2010-09-10 (12:00 - 14:00)

Parallel session (9) 1 10-sep (Room 1) CHAIRPERSON: Jean-Paul Narcy-Combes

   2010-09-10 (14:00 - 14:45)
Strand: Innovative e-learning solutions for languages
1. The innovative role of input enhancement in L2 listening comprehension activities based on authentic video material,
Maribel Montero Perez

Parallel session (9) 2 10-sep (Room 2) CHAIRPERSON:  Marie-Noëlle Lamy

   2010-09-10 (14:00 - 14:45)
Strand: Innovative e-learning solutions for languages
1. Processus de recherche de textes pour l’enseignement des langues et conséquences sur l’indexation pédagogique: proposition d’un modèle,
Mathieu Loiseau, Georges Antoniadis, Claude Ponton

Parallel session (9) 3 10-sep (Room 3) CHAIRPERSON :

   2010-09-10 (14:00 - 14:45)
Strand: Pedagogical changes brought about by ICT integration
1. A framework for course design in blended language learning.,
Sylvia Maciaszczyk

Parallel session (9) 4 10-sep (Room 4) CHAIRPERSON: Françoise Raby

   2010-09-10 (14:00 - 14:45)
Strand: Distance learning, collaborative learning and mobile learning
1. Nintendo DS educational simulations for self-regulated learning: An innovation in EAP curriculum design,
Mutsumi Kondo, Yasushige Ishikawa, Craig Smith, Kishio Sakamoto, Hidenori Shimomura, Norihisa Wada

Parallel session (9) 5 10-sep (Room 5) CHAIRPERSON: xxxxxx

   2010-09-10 (14:00 - 14:45)
Strand: Online multimodal communication and language learning
1. The effectiveness of online writing tools: simultaneous implementation of forum, blog, and wiki in an EFL blended learning,
Terumi Miyazoe, Terry Anderson ,

Parallel session (9) 6 10-sep (Room 6) CHAIRPERSON: xxxxxx

   2010-09-10 (14:00 - 14:45)
Strand: Learner communities, the web and corpora
1. Guided Oral Reading Using Multiple Software,
Midori Kimura ,

Parallel session (9) 7 10-sep (Room 7) CHAIRPERSON: xxxxxx

   2010-09-10 (14:00 - 14:45)
Strand: Intercultural competence and language learning
1. Language learning through peer response across cultural borders in web based writing platforms,
Linda Bradley, Becky Bergman, Magnus Gustafsson

Parallel session (9) 9 10-sep (Room 9) CHAIRPERSON: June Thomson

   2010-09-10 (14:00 - 14:45)
Strand: Research methodologies and action research
1. A Systematic Review of the Effectiveness of New Technologies in English as a Foreign Language,
Zoe Handley

Symposium 2 (Room 8)

   2010-09-10 (14:00 - 15:30)
1. Teacher Education SIG Symposium - Skills and competencies for teaching languages in Web 2.0 environments: How can they be acquired?,
Nicolas Guichon, Rick De Graaff, Kristi Jauregi, Ton Koenraad, Silvia Canto, Gary Motteram , Myrjam Hauck

Parallel session (10) 1 10-sep (Room 1) CHAIRPERSON: Jean-Paul Narcy-Combes

   2010-09-10 (14:45 - 15:30)
Strand: Innovative e-learning solutions for languages
1. Yookoso Interactive – online materials for learning Japanese upgraded to Flash,
Barbara Bourke ,

Parallel session (10) 2 10-sep (Room 2) CHAIRPERSON: Marie-Noëlle Lamy

   2010-09-10 (14:45 - 15:30)
Strand: Innovative e-learning solutions for languages
1. Apprentissage du lexique des langues romanes à l'aide d'une ressource lexicale fondée sur la notion de familles et séries de mots,
Nuria Gala, Nabil Hathout, Véronique Rey

Parallel session (10) 3 10-sep (Room 3) CHAIRPERSON: xxxxxx

   2010-09-10 (14:45 - 15:30)
Strand: Pedagogical changes brought about by ICT integration
1. Etalage,
Ton Koet, Bart Bonamie

Parallel session (10) 4 10-sep (Room 4) CHAIRPERSON: Françoise Raby

   2010-09-10 (14:45 - 15:30)
Strand: Distance learning, collaborative learning and mobile learning
1. Les apports du travail collaboratif à distance dans l’amélioration de l’expression écrite en L2,
Hoby Andrianirina, Anne-Laure Foucher

Parallel session (10) 5 10-sep (Room 5) CHAIRPERSON: xxxxxx

   2010-09-10 (14:45 - 15:30)
Strand: Online multimodal communication and language learning
1. Focus on form and negotiation of meaning in Synchronous Voice-based Computer Mediated Communication: Effect of dyad,
Mª Camino Bueno

Parallel session (10) 6 10-sep (Room 6) CHAIRPERSON: xxxxxx

   2010-09-10 (14:45 - 15:30)
Strand: Learner communities, the web and corpora
1. Pedagogic spoken corpora, CLIL and blended language learning: Teaching Turkish as a foreign language at a multi-lingual high school in Central Anatolia,
Dogan Bulut, Sevgi Erel, Omer Erdogan

Parallel session (10) 7 10-sep (Room 7) CHAIRPERSON: xxxxxx

   2010-09-10 (14:45 - 15:30)
Strand: Corpora: compiling, sorting and studying corpora that integrate online communication
1. Writer visibility and agreement/disagreement strategies in online asynchronous interaction: a learner corpus study,
Marta Guarda

Parallel session (10) 9 10-sep (Room 9) CHAIRPERSON: June Thomson

   2010-09-10 (14:45 - 15:30)
Strand: Pedagogical changes brought about by ICT integration
1. Developing an Intelligent System for Vocabulary Learning through Reading, Glenn Stockwell

Parallel session (11) 1 10-sep (Room 1) CHAIRPERSON: xxxxxx

   2010-09-10 (15:30 - 16:15)
Strand: Innovative e-learning solutions for languages
1. Mobilizing students’ grammar skills through collaborative e-tivities with Web 2.0 tools,
Andreja Kovacic, Goran Bubas, Ana Coric

Parallel session (11) 2 10-sep (Room 2) CHAIRPERSON: xxxxxx

   2010-09-10 (15:30 - 16:15)
Strand: Innovative e-learning solutions for languages
1. Adaptivity vs the idea of progression in language learning environments: antagonism or complementarity?,
Antoine Besnehard, Armand Heroguel

Parallel session (11) 3 10-sep (Room 3) CHAIRPERSON: xxxxxx

   2010-09-10 (15:30 - 16:15)
Strand: Pedagogical changes brought about by ICT integration
1. Real life tasks using the Web 2.0 technologies: impact on motivation and authenticity,
Christian Ollivier

Parallel session (11) 4 10-sep (Room 4) CHAIRPERSON: xxxxxx

   2010-09-10 (15:30 - 16:15)
Strand: Distance learning, collaborative learning and mobile learning
1. collaboration en ligne dans une formation à distance hybride en langues,
Maria Stoytcheva

Parallel session (11) 5 10-sep (Room 5) CHAIRPERSON: xxxxxx

   2010-09-10 (15:30 - 16:15)
Strand: Online multimodal communication and language learning
1. Telecollaboration with Skype and the Web: How Students Exploit Text-chat and the Internet to Enhance Exchanges,
Sarah Guth, Francesca Helm

Parallel session (11) 6 10-sep (Room 6) CHAIRPERSON: xxxxxx

   2010-09-10 (15:30 - 16:15)
1. Strand: Learner communities, the web and corpora
2. The Doorway to Research: Incorporating social network functionality and language support into an innovative portal for international graduate students,
Karen Woodman, Susan Gasson

Parallel session (11) 7 10-sep (Room 7) CHAIRPERSON: xxxxxx

   2010-09-10 (15:30 - 16:15)
Strand: Corpora: compiling, sorting and studying corpora that integrate online communication
1. ELF Corpora: Pedagogic Potential and Corpus-Based e-Learning Solutions,
Kurt Kohn

Parallel session (11) 8 10-sep (Room 8) CHAIRPERSON: xxxxxx

   2010-09-10 (15:30 - 16:15)
Strand: Assessment, feedback and guidance in schools and universities
1. Teaching in English in higher education: In-house course development,
Rhonwen Bowen, Sylvi Vigmo

Parallel session (11) 9 10-sep (Room 9) CHAIRPERSON: xxxxxx

   2010-09-10 (15:30 - 16:15)
Strand: Assessment, feedback and guidance in schools and universities
1. Assessment of Competences in Designing Online Preparatory Materials for the Cambridge First Certificate in English Examination,
Ana Sevilla Pavón, Antonio Martínez Sáez, Ana Gimeno Sanz

Computer Mediated Communication SIG Meeting (Amphi Denigès)

   2010-09-10 (15:30 - 17:00)
Chaired by Robert O’Dowd and Melinda Dooly

Poster Presentations (Exhibition Hall)

   2010-09-10 (15:30 - 17:30)
1. Using the AVE online materials to promote blended teaching approach in Spanish second language classrooms,
Martine Pellerin, Carlos Soler Montes
Zeynep Kocoglu
3. Licence de Langues étrangères en ligne: une étude de cas,
Luís Pimenta Gonçalves
4. Apprendre aux étudiants les stratégies d’utiliser l’internet pour faire un plan de voyage en France dans l'enseignement de la deuxième langue étrangère à l’Université Providence à Taiwan,
Hsiao - Yuan Tan,, Ming-Hua Naomi Tsai
5. CHANGING SPACES, CHANGING MINDSETS: Supporting learners of different levels on a reading comprehension course with blended learning and multimedia,
Heidi Vaarala, Juha Jalkanen
6. Blogs, analyse de discours et pratiques langagières,
Bergey Jean-Luc, Nguyen Van Toan
7. Design, development and implementation of a strategically-focused internet community built round an EFL/ESL creative writing competition for educational institutions in the Arabian Peninsula: Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, the UAE and Yemen.,
Peter John Hassall, Maggie Collins
8. An innovative correction tool for French speakers writing in English: correcting misplaced adverbs.,
Marie Garnier

Refreshment Break (Atrium)
   2010-09-10 (16:15 - 16:45)

Parallel session (12) 1 10-sep (Room 1) CHAIRPERSON: xxxxxx

   2010-09-10 (16:45 - 17:30)
Strand: Innovative e-learning solutions for languages
1. A Technology-Enhanced Approach to Teaching the Concept of Grammatical Voice,
Paul Lyddon

Parallel session (12) 2 10-sep (Room 2) CHAIRPERSON: xxxxxx

   2010-09-10 (16:45 - 17:30)
Strand: Pedagogical changes brought about by ICT integration
1. “Going blended”: new questionings for teachers / Enseigner dans une formation hybride: de nouveaux questionnements pour les enseignants,
Elke Nissen, Elena Tea

Parallel session (12) 3 10-sep (Room 3) CHAIRPERSON: xxxxxx

   2010-09-10 (16:45 - 17:30)
Strand: Pedagogical changes brought about by ICT integration
1. A Tool for Arabic Handwriting Training,
Sherif Abdou, Aly Fahmy

Parallel session (12) 4 10-sep (Room 4) CHAIRPERSON: xxxxxx

   2010-09-10 (16:45 - 17:30)
Strand: Distance learning, collaborative learning and mobile learning
1. Student and teacher trial and perceptions of an online ESL academic writing unit,
Heesung Grace Jun, Hye-won Lee

Parallel session (12) 5 10-sep (Room 5) CHAIRPERSON: xxxxxx

   2010-09-10 (16:45 - 17:30)
Strand: Online multimodal communication and language learning
1. Language competence and background knowledge,
Paola Leone

Parallel session (12) 6 10-sep (Room 6) CHAIRPERSON: xxxxxx

   2010-09-10 (16:45 - 17:30)
Strand: Learner communities, the web and corpora
1. Promoting learner autonomy and motivating social exchange on GREEN issues in PhD Students of Crop Sciences,
Marina Canapero

Parallel session (12) 7 10-sep (Room 7) CHAIRPERSON: xxxxxx

   2010-09-10 (16:45 - 17:30)
Strand: Corpora: compiling, sorting and studying corpora that integrate online communication
1. Development of a web-based concordance system based on a corpus of English papers written by Japanese university students,
Chizuko Suzuki, Susan Fukushima, Yoko Watanabe, Yumiko Kinjo, Shota Yoshihara

Parallel session (12) 9 10-sep (Room 9 ) CHAIRPERSON: xxxxxx

   2010-09-10 (16:45 - 17:30)
Strand: Assessment, feedback and guidance in schools and universities
1. Implementing online language exams within the Spanish National University Entrance Examination: the PAULEX Project,
Jose Macario de Siqueira Rocha, Ana Gimeno

Symposium 3 (Amphi Denigès)

   2010-09-10 (16:45 - 18:15)
1. Preparing Teachers for Implementing Telecollaboration in Their Classrooms: Approaches and Case Studies,
Markus Ritter, Robert O'Dowd, Melinda Dooly, Randall Sadler, Mirjam Hauck

Parallel session (13) 1 10-sep (Room 1) CHAIRPERSON: xxxxxx

   2010-09-10 (17:30 - 18:15)
Strand: Innovative e-learning solutions for languages
1. Building for autonomy in an advanced listening course,
Philip Hubbard

Parallel session (13) 2 10-sep (Room 2) CHAIRPERSON: xxxxxx

   2010-09-10 (17:30 - 18:15)
Strand: Pedagogical changes brought about by ICT integration
1. Formation des enseignants grecs aux TIC et alphabétization/literacy digitale,
Vassilios Dagdilelis, Psillos Dimitrios, Komis Vassilios, Koutsogiannis Dimitrios, Kynigos Chronis, Zagouras Charalambos

Parallel session (13) 3 10-sep (Room 3) CHAIRPERSON: Marie-Christine Deyrich

   2010-09-10 (17:30 - 18:15)
Strand: Pedagogical changes brought about by ICT integration
1. The language of electronic communication and its implications for TEFL,
Irina Averianova

Parallel session (13) 4 10-sep (Room 4) CHAIRPERSON: xxxxxx

   2010-09-10 (17:30 - 18:15)
Strand: Distance learning, collaborative learning and mobile learning
1. A Blended Professional Development Community – Modeling new technologies for the 5C’s in foreign language education,
Mary Risner, Swapna Kumar

Parallel session (13) 5 10-sep (Room 5) CHAIRPERSON: xxxxxx

   2010-09-10 (17:30 - 18:15)
Strand: Online multimodal communication and language learning
1. Reinventing Bots: automatised avatars for language interaction in Second Life,
Paula Ferreira da Silva, Mercedes Rico García, Santiago Domínguez-Noriega, Juan Enrique Agudo, Gemma Delicado Puerto

Parallel session (13) 6 10-sep (Room 6) CHAIRPERSON: xxxxxx

   2010-09-10 (17:30 - 18:15)
Strand: Learner communities, the web and corpora
1. Learning in the Crowd: How are the students doing in the networked collaborative learning environment?,
Haruo Nishinoh

Parallel session (13) 7 10-sep (Room 7) CHAIRPERSON: xxxxxx

   2010-09-10 (17:30 - 18:15)
Strand: Corpora: compiling, sorting and studying corpora that integrate online communication
1. Parallel Corpora and data-driven language learning: the Dutch Parallel Corpus,
Hans Paulussen, Piet Desmet

Parallel session (13) 9 10-sep (Room 9) CHAIRPERSON: xxxxxx

   2010-09-10 (17:30 - 18:15)
Strand: Learner communities, the web and corpora
1. CALL (Computer Assisted Language Learning) Wiki,
Salomi Papadima Sophocleous

Parallel session (14) 1 10-sep (Room 1) CHAIRPERSON: xxxxxx

   2010-09-10 (18:15 - 19:00)
Strand: Innovative e-learning solutions for languages
1. Managing Resource Ecologies for Mobile, Personal and Collaborative Self-directed Language Learning,
Joshua Underwood, Rosemary Luckin, Niall Winters

Parallel session (14) 2 10-sep (Room 2) CHAIRPERSON: xxxxxx

   2010-09-10 (18:15 - 19:00)
Strand: Pedagogical changes brought about by ICT integration
1. Qualitative and quantitative approaches to Data-driven Learning,
Sabine Ylönen, Britta Schneider, Henna Tossavainen, Ilona Laakkonen, Sari Toivola

Parallel session (14) 3 10-sep (Room 3) CHAIRPERSON: Marie-Christine Deyrich

   2010-09-10 (18:15 - 19:00)
Strand: Pedagogical changes brought about by ICT integration
1. How do ‘digital immigrants’ benefit from learning languages and culture online?,
Toni Ibarz

Parallel session (14) 4 10-sep (Room 4) CHAIRPERSON: xxxxxx

   2010-09-10 (18:15 - 19:00)
Strand: Distance learning, collaborative learning and mobile learning
1. Using mobile phones for the assessment of and for oral skills development in secondary education.,
Ton Koenraad

Parallel session (14) 5 10-sep (Room 5) CHAIRPERSON: xxxxxx

   2010-09-10 (18:15 - 19:00)
Strand: Online multimodal communication and language learning
1. Building `Cyber City´: A Study of Language Students Producing a Web Project for Children Learning English,
Leena Kuure

Parallel session (14) 6 10-sep (Room 6) CHAIRPERSON: xxxxxx

   2010-09-10 (18:15 - 19:00)
Strand: Formal and informal language learning
1. A Tale of Two (US) Centers: Towards Developing Global Research Networks in Social Media and Web 2.0 Technologies,
Mary Ann Lyman-Hager, Steve Thorne

Parallel session (14) 7 10-sep (Room 7) CHAIRPERSON: xxxxxx

   2010-09-10 (18:15 - 19:00)
Strand: New language learning communities
1. Assessing the implementation of a discussion forum to foster autonomous language learning in virtual communities.,
Nathalie Gettliffe, Anne Delhaye, Julie Dittel

Conference Dinner in Bordeaux: « Café Maritime »

   2010-09-10 (20:00 - 00:00)


Registration (Atrium)
   2010-09-09 (08:00 - 16:00)

Parallel session (15) 1 11-sep (Room 1) CHAIRPERSON: Cornelia Tschichold

   2010-09-11 (09:00 - 09:45)
Strand: Innovative e-learning solutions for languages
1. A Passage to Being Understood and Understanding Others: Computer-Assisted Learning of English Pronunciation by College Students in Taiwan,
Pi-hua Tsai

Parallel session (15) 2 11-sep (Room 2) CHAIRPERSON: Marie-Christine Deyrich

   2010-09-11 (09:00 - 09:45)
Strand: Pedagogical changes brought about by ICT integration
1. Teachers’ attitudes and motivations for using CALL in and around the language classroom,
Richard Pinner

Parallel session (15) 3 11-sep (Room 3) CHAIRPERSON: xxxxxx

   2010-09-11 (09:00 - 09:45)
Strand: Pedagogical changes brought about by ICT integration
1. Digital learning environments, designed by students: Developing language learning awareness outside the language classroom,
Marco Raindl, Ikumi Waragai, Tatsuya Ohta

Parallel session (15) 4 11-sep (Room 4) CHAIRPERSON: xxxxxx

   2010-09-11 (09:00 - 09:45)
Strand: Distance learning, collaborative learning and mobile learning
1. Exploring the use of new technologies (e-book readers, Second Life and podcasting) to enhance the distance learning experience.,
Pamela Rogerson-Revell, Diane Davies

Parallel session (15) 5 11-sep (Room 5) CHAIRPERSON: xxxxxx

   2010-09-11 (09:00 - 09:45)
Strand: Online multimodal communication and language learning
1. Impact of multimodal online interactions generated in audio-graphic conferencing systems on Knowledge construction process,
Chahrazed Mirza

Parallel session (15) 6 11-sep (Room 6) CHAIRPERSON: xxxxxx

   2010-09-11 (09:00 - 09:45)
Strand: Formal and informal language learning
1. Beyond learner autonomy: a dynamic systems view of the informal learning of English in virtual online communities.,
Geoffrey Sockett

Parallel session (15) 7 11-sep (Room 7) CHAIRPERSON: xxxxxx

   2010-09-11 (09:00 - 09:45)
Strand: New language learning communities
1. De l’activité communicative à l’activité sociale en ligne: exploiter les réseaux sociaux pour élargir le cadre social de la classe de langue,
Claude Springer, Ali Pakdel

Parallel session (15) 8 11-sep (Room 8) CHAIRPERSON: xxxxxx

   2010-09-11 (09:00 - 09:45)
Strand: Assessment, feedback and guidance in schools and universities
1. A study of CALL resources implementation in the L2 Japanese classroom in Italian higher education: low rate due to practical factors, teachers' attitude or nature of the Japanese script?,
Tiziana Carpi

Round Table: Adding value to EU-funded Projects (Amphi Denigès)

Moderated by Jeannine Gerbaud
   2010-09-11 (09:45 - 10:45)

Coffee Break (Atrium)
   2010-09-11 (10:45 - 11:15)

Poster Presentations and Commercial Exhibitions (Exhibition Hall/ Atrium)

   2010-09-11 (11:00 - 12:30)
1. Hook up! Campus Europae Language Learning Gateway,
Maria Gonzalez Trull, Gudrun Ziegler, Line Eskildsen, Heidrun Peters ,
2. Activating learning using multilingual CALL lexical resources: A regional culture-oriented Multilingual Visual Dictionary Project,
Janet Higgins
3. Teleporting to the Year Abroad
Mari-Carmen Gil Ortega, Susanna Romans-Roca
4. Performance Evaluations For A Computer Aided Pronunciation Learning System,
Sherif Abdou, Mohsen Rashwan
5. Cultural Projects Encouraging Active Student Participation,
Nicholas Yates
6. The impact of multimedia-mediated aids in leading learners to construct situation model in EFL reading,
Takeshi Sato, Akio Suzuki
7. “That’s a rip-off” or “a match made in heaven”?: The development of a learning community in an E-learning environment,
Scott Windeatt, Heejin Chang

Virtual Worlds SIG Meeting (Amphi Denigès)

   2010-09-10 (11:15 - 12:45)
Chaired by Graham Davies

Parallel session (16) 1 11-sep (Room 1) CHAIRPERSON: Cornelia Tschichold

   2010-09-11 (11:45 - 12:30)
Strand: Innovative e-learning solutions for languages
1. A Sound Advantage: improving listening, pronunciation and fluency using podcasts and YouTube,
Suzanne Cloke

Parallel session (16) 2 11-sep (Room 2) CHAIRPERSON: Marie-Christine Deyrich

   2010-09-11 (11:45 - 12:30)
Strand: Pedagogical changes brought about by ICT integration
1. Accompagner les changements pédagogiques: la contribution des sites d'accompagnement,
Annick Bonnet

Parallel session (16) 3 11-sep (Room 3) CHAIRPERSON: xxxxxx

   2010-09-11 (11:45 - 12:30)
Strand: Pedagogical changes brought about by ICT integration
1. Narrative Networks: Using Prezi for Presentations in language-learning contexts,
Lesley Graham

Parallel session (16) 4 11-sep (Room 4) CHAIRPERSON: xxxxxx

   2010-09-11 (11:45 - 12:30)
Strand: Distance learning, collaborative learning and mobile learning
1. Fighting socio-interactive entropy: an online learning community of pre-service and in-service language teachers as a complex system,
Rafael Vetromille-Castro

Parallel session (16) 5 11-sep (Room 5) CHAIRPERSON: xxxxxx

   2010-09-11 (11:45 - 12:30)
Strand: Online multimodal communication and language learning
1. A case study of Taiwanese French as a foreign language learners’ social presence in synchronous CMC,
Chao-Jung Ko

Parallel session (16) 6 11-sep (Room 6) CHAIRPERSON: xxxxxx

   2010-09-11 (11:45 - 12:30)
Strand: Formal and informal language learning
1. Autonomous language learning with podcasts: a real possibility or hopeless dream?,
Marie-Therese Barbaux

Parallel session (16) 7 11-sep (Room 7) CHAIRPERSON: xxxxxx

   2010-09-11 (11:45 - 12:30)
Strand: New language learning communities
1. Intensifier les échanges langagiers dans une communauté virtuelle en ligne: le cas d’étudiants en Centre de langues dans un dispositif hybride.,
Nathalie Gettliffe, Delhaye Anne, Dittel Julie

Parallel session (16) 8 11-sep (Room 8) CHAIRPERSON: xxxxxx

   2010-09-11 (11:45 - 12:30)
Strand: Assessment, feedback and guidance in schools and universities
1. Practice and assessment of oral skills in developing online preparatory materials through the InGenio authoring shell,
Antonio Martínez Sáez, Ana Sevilla Pavón, Jose Macario de Siqueira Rocha, Ana Gimeno Sanz

Lunch Buffet (Atrium)
   2010-09-11 (12:30 - 14:00)

Parallel session (17) 1 11-sep (Room 1) CHAIRPERSON: xxxxxx

   2010-09-11 (14:00 - 14:45)
Strand: Innovative e-learning solutions for languages
1. Capturing Requirements ―toward an application of an e-learning system to Japanese language educations,
Kaori Miyatake, Kohji Shibano

Parallel session (17) 2 11-sep (Room 2) CHAIRPERSON: xxxxxx

   2010-09-11 (14:00 - 14:45)
Strand: Pedagogical changes brought about by ICT integration
1. The relationship between technology, students' ICT competence and the learning style,
András Kétyi

Parallel session (17) 3 11-sep (Room 3) CHAIRPERSON: xxxxxx

   2010-09-11 (14:00 - 14:45)
Strand: Building international/regional partnerships for networked language learning
1. Perceptions on Networked Structure and Formation of English Language Learning Community,
Yu-Feng (Diana) Yang

Parallel session (17) 4 11-sep (Room 4) CHAIRPERSON: xxxxxx

   2010-09-11 (14:00 - 14:45)
Strand: Distance learning, collaborative learning and mobile learning
1. High Frequency Vocabulary and the Comprehension of Unsimplified Videos,
Dr. Charles Browne

Parallel session (17) 5 11-sep (Room 5) CHAIRPERSON: xxxxxx

   2010-09-11 (14:00 - 14:45)
Strand: Online multimodal communication and language learning
1. Facebooking à la russe: cross-cultural and pedagogical problems of social networking in the Russian (L2) classroom.,
Lyudmila Klimanova, Svetlana Dembovskaya

Parallel session (17) 6 11-sep (Room 6) CHAIRPERSON: xxxxxx

   2010-09-11 (14:00 - 14:45)
Strand: Formal and informal language learning
1. Before and After Twitter: Personal Learning Environments,
Graham Stanley

Parallel session (17) 7 11-sep (Room 7) CHAIRPERSON: xxxxxx

   2010-09-11 (14:00 - 14:45)
Strand: New language learning communities
1. LORO - a repository for sharing learning and teaching materials,
Hélène Pulker, Tita Beaven

Parallel session (17) 8 11-sep (Room 8) CHAIRPERSON: xxxxxx

   2010-09-11 (14:00 - 14:45)
Strand: Assessment, feedback and guidance in schools and universities
1. Managing a department-wide e-learning program: from inception to assessment,
James Pagel, David Reedy

Poster Presentations (Exhibition Hall)

   2010-09-11 (14:00 - 15:30)
1. The City and the University: Language Learning in the Cloud,
Alexander Nakhimovsky, Parvonakhon Jamshedov ,
2. videoKaraoke: a desktop application to practice oral skills,
David Brett
3. Analyse des stratégies d’apprentissage du français en ligne: le cas d’étudiants dans le cadre de l'enseignement du Français langue optionnelle à Taiwan
Ming-Hua Naomi TSAI
4. Enhancing Arabic Students' L2 Writing through Wikis: the Case of Bahraini Learners of English,
Fatima Wali
5. Stratégies de communication dans les communautés virtuelles d’apprentissage: vers de nouvelles pratiques de socialisation et d’apprentissage. Le cas des étudiants en formation professionnelle.,
6. A Student-centered Teaching Model in an English Audio-Video Speaking Class in CALL Environments,
Zhihong Lu, Leijuan Hou, Ping Li
7. Just Train Your Brain: Distance Language and Culture Olympiad for ESL Students in Russia and Beyond,
Julia Gumanova, Natalya Kocheturova
8. Using CALL to bridge the cultural gap between discourse communities and ESP learners,
Danielle Joulia

Teacher Education SIG Meeting (Amphi Denigès)

   2010-09-11 (14:00 - 15:30)
Chaired by Mirjam Hauck and Nicholas Guichon

Parallel session (18) 1 11-sep (Room 1) CHAIRPERSON: xxxxxx

   2010-09-11 (14:45 - 15:30)
Strand: Innovative e-learning solutions for languages
1. “A Rotten Paper” – Using a Youtube Interview of Johnny Rotten as a source for linguistic analysis.,
Mats Deutschmann

Parallel session (18) 2 11-sep (Room 2) CHAIRPERSON: xxxxxx

   2010-09-11 (14:45 - 15:30)
Strand: Pedagogical changes brought about by ICT integration
1. Social Platforms and process-oriented language learning on the internet,
Bernd Rueschoff

Parallel session (18) 3 11-sep (Room 3) CHAIRPERSON: xxxxxx

   2010-09-11 (14:45 - 15:30)
Strand: Building international/regional partnerships for networked language learning
1. From Cyberspace to Reality: CANDLE II a multimodal intercultural learning experience,
Kathryn English, Meei-Ling Liaw

Parallel session (18) 4 11-sep (Room 4 ) CHAIRPERSON: xxxxxx

   2010-09-11 (14:45 - 15:30)
Strand: Distance learning, collaborative learning and mobile learning
1. L’évaluation à distance. La communauté d’apprentissage entre actions et représentations.,
Jean-Christophe Coquilhat

Parallel session (18) 5 11-sep (Room 5) CHAIRPERSON: xxxxxx

   2010-09-10 (14:45 - 15:30)
Strand: Online multimodal communication and language learning
1. How to deliver instruction in a desktop videoconferencing environment? Tutoring practice analysis,
Christine Develotte, Tatiana Codreanu

Parallel session (18) 6 11-sep (Room 6) CHAIRPERSON: xxxxxx

   2010-09-11 (14:45 - 15:30)

Parallel session (18) 7 11-sep (Room 7) CHAIRPERSON: xxxxxx

   2010-09-11 (14:45 - 15:30)
Strand: Networked language learning in adult education
1. training in digital competence in a french course hosted on a wiki platform.,
Lisa Griggio

Parallel session (18) 8 11-sep (Room 8) CHAIRPERSON: xxxxxx

   2010-09-11 (14:45 - 15:30)
Strand: Assessment, feedback and guidance in schools and universities
1. Compréhension orale et guidage dans un dispositif hybride en collège,

Parallel session (19) 1 11-sep (Room 1) CHAIRPERSON: xxxxxx

   2010-09-11 (15:30 - 16:15)
Strand: Innovative e-learning solutions for languages
1. APRIL: an online learning environment devoted to language learning,
Stefania Spina, Elisa Bassetti

Parallel session (19) 2 11-sep (Room 2) CHAIRPERSON: xxxxxx

   2010-09-11 (15:30 - 16:15)
Strand: Pedagogical changes brought about by ICT integration
1. A tentative Approach to Analysing Listening Strategies in CALL,
Stéphanie Roussel, André Tricot

Parallel session (19) 3 11-sep (Room 3) CHAIRPERSON: xxxxxx

   2010-09-11 (15:30 - 16:15)
Strand: Building international/regional partnerships for networked language learning
1. Managing European projects in language learning and teaching: about CALL-related challenges.,
Jozef Colpaert, Margret Oberhofer

Parallel session (19) 4 11-sep (Room 4) CHAIRPERSON: xxxxxx

   2010-09-11 (15:30 - 16:15)
Strand: Distance learning, collaborative learning and mobile learning
1. Teaching the teacher: Dealing with complexity through course design,
Irina Elgort

Parallel session (19) 5 11-sep (Room 5) CHAIRPERSON: xxxxxx

   2010-09-11 (15:30 - 16:15)
Strand: Online multimodal communication and language learning
1. Rôle de la multimodalité dans une situation d’enseignement / apprentissage d’une L2 par visioconférence poste à poste,
Viorica Nicolaev

Parallel session (19) 6 11-sep (Room 6) CHAIRPERSON: xxxxxx

   2010-09-11 (15:30 - 16:15)
Strand: Formal and informal language learning
1. The role of feedback in the instruction of L2 pragmatics through serious games,
Frederik Cornillie

Parallel session (19) 7 11-sep (Room 7) CHAIRPERSON: xxxxxx

   2010-09-11 (15:30 - 16:15)
Strand: Networked language learning in adult education
1. Creating networked language learning environments that support the teaching of lesser used languages on the Internet,
Vasilia Kourtis-Kazoullis

Parallel session (19) 8 11-sep (Room 8) CHAIRPERSON: xxxxxx

   2010-09-11 (15:30 - 16:15)
Strand: Assessment, feedback and guidance in schools and universities
1. The CEF-ESTIM grid: How to use it?,
Claire Tardieu

Keynote address by Bernadette Charlier (Amphi denigès)

   2010-09-11 (16:15 - 17:15)
Quel modèle pour comprendre l’apprentissage au-delà des frontières?

Closing Ceremony (Amphi Denigès)

   2010-09-11 (17:15 - 18:00)

We look forward to welcoming you to the University of Bordeaux!


  • http://eurocall2010.u-bordeaux4.fr/
    Bordeaux, France


  • Wednesday, September 08, 2010
  • Friday, September 10, 2010
  • Thursday, September 09, 2010
  • Saturday, September 11, 2010


  • apprentissage des langues, TICE , communautés virtuelles

Reference Urls

Information source

  • Thierry Chanier
    courriel : thierry [dot] chanier [at] univ-bpclermont [dot] fr


CC0-1.0 This announcement is licensed under the terms of Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal.

To cite this announcement

« Languages, cultures and virtual communities », Conference, symposium, Calenda, Published on Monday, July 05, 2010, https://doi.org/10.58079/gh7

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