HomeSeminário de Estudos africanos (2010-2011)

HomeSeminário de Estudos africanos (2010-2011)

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Published on Friday, November 26, 2010


Seminário de Estudos africanos do Centro de Estudos Africanos - ISCTE-IUL.


24 Setembro 2010, 18:00 – 20:00

Symbolism and cognition in the Christian Nubian and Ethiopian inconography

Tania Tribe

School of Oriental and African Studies,

University of London
Auditório B 103, ISCTE-IUL

Tania Tribe lectures in the Department of Art and Archaeology, School of Oriental and African Studies – SOAS, University of London, at both undergraduate and postgraduate level. She has a particular interest in approaching questions of epistemology and interpretation from a multi-disciplinary perspective, and in examining the relationship between ethics and aesthetics. Her current research focuses on the visual culture of Christianity in Northeastern Africa, particularly the role of imagery in the formation of Solomonic rulership in Ethiopia (13th-16th centuries). She has published numerous articles on this topic, and is finalizing a book dealing comparatively with the visual culture of Egypt, Old Nubia and Ethiopia (2nd-18th century). She also works with the visual culture of the African Diaspora in the Americas, and publishes in this field.

18 de Novembro 2010, 15:30 – 17:30

Repensando a noção de antepassado: morte e migração guineense entre dois territórios 

Clara Saraiva

Instituto de Investigação Científica Tropical

Universidade Nova de Lisboa, CRIA-ISCTE-IUL

Sala C 201, ISCTE-IUL

A partir do texto de Kopytoff “Ancestors as elders in Africa”, nesta comunicação pretende-se olhar como os rituais funerários dos guineenses em Lisboa se realizam, e quais os significados mais fundos da relação com o tchon original. Como se pensa a noção de antepassado fora do espaço original de culto? Fará sentido falar de antepassado da mesma forma quando o corpo é sepultado em Portugal?
Seminário de estudos africanos (24 Set.): Tania Tribe sobre a iconografia cristã núbia e etíope



  • Lisbon, Portugal


  • Friday, September 24, 2010
  • Saturday, September 18, 2010

Information source

  • Centro de Estudos Africanos - ISCTE-IUL ~
    courriel : cea [at] iscte [dot] pt


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« Seminário de Estudos africanos (2010-2011) », Seminar, Calenda, Published on Friday, November 26, 2010,

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