HomeJournal of Comparated Studies. Art, Literature and Thought

Journal of Comparated Studies. Art, Literature and Thought

Revue d'études comparatives. Art, littérature et philosophie

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Published on Thursday, February 10, 2011


Call for papers for the fourth issue of FORMA (Journal of Comparated Studies. Art, Literature and Thought). This call is opened and addressed to scholars, PhD students or any researcher who holds at least a BA degree. The deadline for submissions will be April 22th 2011. In each journal, the works published will be ushered by some articles written by well-known prestigious scholars, as well as an interview to an intellectually remarkable person and some reviews of books which might be of academic interest and were published the year before.


English presentation

FORMA is a digital journal created and run by some students of the Master in Comparatives Studies in Literature, Art and Thought and the Doctorate in Humanities of Pompeu Fabra University. These postgraduate programmes are characterized by their transversality. This is why FORMA privileges the dialogue between disciplines and critical traditions. The subject is free.

In each journal, the works published will be ushered by some articles written by well-known prestigious scholars, as well as an interview to an intellectually remarkable person and some reviews of books which might be of academic interest and were published the year before.

The CFP is opened and addressed to scholars, PHD students or any researcher who holds at least a BA degree.

We are looking for book reviews or academic articles in English, Spanish, Catalan, French or Italian. You will find all information like posting rules, etc. in www.upf.edu/forma/.

The deadline for submissions will be April 22th 2011.

The articles will be sent to our mail: revista.forma@upf.edu. The subject of the email should state if it's an article or a review and the message will come with some information about the author: Name, Title of the article/review and Affiliation.

French presentation

FORMA est une revue numérique née au sein de l'Institut Universitaire de Culture (UIC) et du "Département d'Humanitats" de l'Université Pompeu Fabra de Barcelone; tous deux caractérisés par la pluridisciplinarité. FORMA privilégie donc le dialogue entre disciplines et traditions critiques.

Ainsi, nous invitons des professeurs, étudiants en doctorat et autres chercheurs à nous envoyer un article ou un compte-rendu sur une oeuvre scientifique.

  • Pour les articles, le sujet est libre, mais il doit être conçu dans le dialogue entre disciplines, sur des études comparatives entre Art, Littérature, Histoire, Cinéma, Anthropologie, Philosophie, Sociologie, Musique, etc. Vous pouvez regarder toutes les "posting rules" à http://www.upf.edu/forma/en/normas.html.
  • Pour les comptes-rendu, ils doivent être sur une oeuvre scientifique apparu en ou après 2009.

Nous acceptons des textes en Anglais, Français, Espagnol, Catalan et Italien.

Modalités d'évaluation

Le "Editorial Board" est constitué par Rocío Calvo, Alessandra Caputo, Maximino Gandul, Fernando Janeiro, Albert Jornet, Cèlia Nadal, Rafa Ortiz, Mar Rosàs, Daria Saccone et Sergi Sancho (http://www.upf.edu/forma/en/comiteeditorial.html)

Les articles pourront être révisés/corrigés par notre comité scientifique :

  • Francesca Noto, Università degli Studi di Palermo
  • Antoni Luna, Universitat Pompeu Fabra
  • Agata Bielik-Robson, Institute for Philosophy and Sociology, Warsaw
  • Marlene Montes de Sommer, Universität Kassel
  • Carlos Colón, Universidad de Sevilla
  • Valerie Wilhite, Miami University

Les articles doivent être envoyées à *revista.forma@upf.edu. Le sujet du message doit préciser si c'est un article ou un compte-renduet doit arriver avec les informations suivantes: Nom, Titre du article/compte-rendu, Affiliation


  • Wednesday, April 20, 2011


  • Sergi Sancho Fibla
    courriel : ssfibla [at] gmail [dot] com

Reference Urls

Information source

  • Sancho Sergi
    courriel : ssfibla [at] gmail [dot] com


CC0-1.0 This announcement is licensed under the terms of Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal.

To cite this announcement

« Journal of Comparated Studies. Art, Literature and Thought », Call for papers, Calenda, Published on Thursday, February 10, 2011, https://doi.org/10.58079/hsx

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