Published on Tuesday, March 15, 2011
On the occasion of its 1st International Conference, the Bajo Palabra Philosophy Association, announces the “1st Award Competition of Bajo Palabra Journal of Philosophy for Young Researchers”. The Award aims to stimulate and recognize the research within the philosophical field, and the following RULES will apply:
A. This competition is open to any researcher under 35 years old, who will take part in the “1st Bajo Palabra International Philosophy Conference: Reflections for a Pluralistic World”, and who has submitted an unpublished work to one of the proposed branches.
B. To be taken into consideration by the jury, it is mandatory the author has paid the registration fees, and that his or her proposal was previously accepted for being presented in one of the seven Conference’s branches:
1) Metaphysics and Philosophy of Religion.
2) Aesthetics and Theory of Arts.
3) Ethics, Political Philosophy and Philosophy of Law.
4) Philosophy of History.
5) Philosophy of Education.
6) Spanish and Iberoamerican Philosophy.
7) Logic, Philosophy of Science and Philosophy of Language.
C. Submitted works must be originals, of unique authorship, unpublished and not to have received an award in any previous competition. They can be written in either Spanish or English.
D. Works should be of about fifteen pages in length, and should follow the publication procedures of Bajo Palabra. Journal of Philosophy which are available on-line:
E. The deadline for the receipt of submissions will be September 15th 2011.
F. All submissions to be sent via email as an attachment (Word format .doc) to, indicating as the subject “1st Award Competition Bajo Palabra”.
G. The jury will comprise the following members:
- President of Bajo Palabra Philosophy Association.
- Two members of the Editorial Board of Bajo Palabra. Journal of Philosophy.
- Two members of the Advisory Committee of the “1st Bajo Palabra International Philosophy Conference: Reflections for a pluralistic world”.
- A representative from the coordination of each of the seven branches of the Conference.
H. Given the number of proposals received, Bajo Palabra Philosophy Association reserves the right to appoint a committee responsible for an initial selection of proposals.
I. The jury will be chaired by the president of Bajo Palabra Philosophy Association. The president will appoint a member of the jury as secretary. The president of the jury has a deciding vote in the event of a draw.
J. For the jury to be able to hold a meeting, a majority of its members must be present.
K. The jury may award various prizes, based on the originality, academic rigor and accuracy of the works submitted.
L. The jury, in addition to their regular faculties, will interpret these rules. The jury’s decision is final.
M. The decision will be make public during the celebration of the Conference (21-25 November 2011).
N. Each of the winners will receive; a certificate from the Autonomous University of Madrid, the outstanding publication of the paper in a journal issue, and the return of their registration fees.
O. Participating in this competition implies a full acceptance of these rules.
- Autonomous University of Madrid (Building of the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters. Campus of Canto Blanco)
Madrid, Kingdom of Spain
- Thursday, September 15, 2011
- Award Competition, Metaphysics and Philosophy of Religion, Aesthetics and Theory of Art, Ethics, Political Philosophy and Philosophy of Law, Philosophy of History, Philosophy of Education, Spanish and Iberoamerican Philosophy, Logic, Philosophy of Science
- Bajo Palabra Philosophy Association
courriel : congresobajopalabra [at] gmail [dot] com - Bajo Palabra. Journal of Philosophy ~
courriel : revista [dot] bajopalabra [at] uam [dot] es
Information source
- Bianca Thoilliez
courriel : bthoilliez [at] edu [dot] ucm [dot] es
This announcement is licensed under the terms of Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal.
To cite this announcement
« First Award Competition of Bajo Palabra Journal of Philosophy for Young Researchers », Scholarship, prize and job offer, Calenda, Published on Tuesday, March 15, 2011,