HomeTransnationalisation and Heritage Making: Towards a New Re-configurations of Therapeutic Resources

HomeTransnationalisation and Heritage Making: Towards a New Re-configurations of Therapeutic Resources

Transnationalisation and Heritage Making: Towards a New Re-configurations of Therapeutic Resources

First EASA medical anthropology network conference on Medical Pluralism: Medical Pluralism: Techniques, Politics, Institutions

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Published on Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Call for papers for the first EASA medical anthropology network conference on Medical Pluralism: Techniques, Politics, Institutions. Rome 7 – 10 September 2011. Panel : "Transnationalisation and Heritage Making: Towards a New Re-configurations of Therapeutic Resources".


Call for papers for the first1st

EASA medical anthropology network conference on Medical Pluralism: Techniques, Politics, Institutions

Rome 7 – 10 September 2011


Transnationalisation and Heritage Making:
Towards a New Re-configurations of Therapeutic Resources.

This panel invites discussion on current re-configurations and representations of different medical knowledge and practices, in contexts characterized by transnationalisation and “heritage making” processes. Globalisation, circulation of cultural elements, knowledge, people and medical resources, transit of therapeutic knowledge and practices, lead to a recognition of “local” and processes of “heritage making”. We encourage to debate on introduction of exogenous practices into other societies and their cohabitation with other medical systems; new re-definitions of therapeutic resources arisen by medical pluralism and co-existence of different medical systems; and on processes of “heritage making” stressing the value of therapeutic resources in medical pluralism (considering biomedicine, alternative/complementary and traditional medicines, etc.); although UNESCO in 2003 ratified the Convention on the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage, giving particular relevance to preservation of traditional medicine.

Taking into account the relationship among medical pluralism, heritage and transnationalisation, how do exogenous medical practices appear and introduce themselves within other medical landscapes? What happens when they transit from a particular context to another one? How do different therapeutic resources coexist and change within a medical pluralistic context? How are they re-configured and translated into heritage? Which kind of negotiations, re-configurations and re-inventions of therapeutic resources emerge following the before mentioned processes of transnationalisation and “heritage making”? Which kind of power relationships at local, national and international level arise following processes of “heritage making” and circulation of medical knowledge? How do Western and non-Western heritage institutions (archives, libraries, cultural centers and in particular museums) face these problematic topics?

We invite submissions on all these themes and case-studies on current redefinitions and changes of therapeutic resources to improve international debate on heritage, medical pluralism and circulation of medical knowledge and practices. 


Dr Lucia Candelise

Laboratoire SPHERE UMR 7219
Université PARIS 7 - CNRS
Case 7093
5 rue Thomas Mann
75205 Paris Cedex 13
e-mail: luccicando@wanadoo.fr

Mariaclaudia Cristofano

PhD Student
Sapienza University of Rome
P.le Aldo Moro, 1
00185 Roma
e-mail: mc.cristofano@gmail.com

Dr Anna Lora-Wainwright

University Lecturer in the Human Geography of China
School of Geography and School of Interdisciplinary Area Studies
University of Oxford
South Parks Road
Oxford, OX1 3QY, UK
e-mail: anna.lora-wainwright@ouce.ox.ac.uk

Elisa Vasconi

PhD Student in Medical Anthropology
Doctoral School of Anthropology, Ethnology and Cultural studies
University of Siena
Via Roma, 47
53100 Siena
e-mail: elisavasconi@yahoo.it

Scholars and researchers are invited to submit abstracts (max. 300 words) to one of the above listed panels by using the online registration https://sites.google.com/site/medicalpluralismconferenceXXXXXXXX. The call for papers will be opened on March 28

with a deadline of May 10

By June 10 the selection of papers will be announced. The selected contributors will submit their complete papers by July 31.

The conference will start with a welcome ceremony and keynote speeches given by Anita Hardon (Chair of EASA Medantnet) and Tullio Seppilli (Chair of Italian Society for Medical Anthropology). The following two days are dedicated to the panels, while on the third day a general discussion will take place where the convenors will be invited to summarise the main points of discussion of each panel.

The conference fee will be 50 € (25 € for students, PhD students and candidates) and will be paid on the first day of conference.

Viola Hörbst (ISCTE, Lisbon U Institute) and Pino Schirripaappira (U Rome)

Co-vice-chairs of the EASA medical anthropology network

Scientific Committee:

Haris Agic (U Linköping), René Gerrets (U Amsterdam), Anita Hardon (U Amsterdam), Viola Hörbst (ISCTE, Lisbon U Institute) and Pino Schirripa (U Rome). 



  • Rome (Italie)
    Rome, Italian Republic


  • Tuesday, May 10, 2011


  • Medical Pluralism, Heritage, Transnational


  • Lucia Candelise
    courriel : lucia [dot] candelise [at] unige [dot] ch

Information source

  • Lucia Candelise
    courriel : lucia [dot] candelise [at] unige [dot] ch


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To cite this announcement

« Transnationalisation and Heritage Making: Towards a New Re-configurations of Therapeutic Resources », Call for papers, Calenda, Published on Wednesday, April 27, 2011, https://doi.org/10.58079/ice

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