HomeCESNOVA Workshops
CESNOVA Workshops
Workshops CESNOVA
Published on Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Têm como objectivos dar a conhecer e debater investigações em curso ou recentemente concluídas por investigadores do CESNOVA, colaboradores e/ou convidados e divulgar instrumentos e procedimentos (científicos e não científicos) que facilitem e contribuam para melhorar a actividade de investigação, deixando também lugar ao debate quanto à sua natureza e utilização.
Os workshops podem ser de vários tipos: apresentação de projectos individuais de doutoramento; apresentação de projectos individuais de pós-doutoramento; apresentação de projectos colectivos; apresentações e/ou debates em torno instrumentos e práticas de pesquisa mas também apresentações e/ou debates em torno de estudos de caso ou problemáticas teóricas.
27 de Junho de 2011
17:00-18:00 · Sala 1.04 Ed. ID
O recrutamento da elite parlamentar e local no arquipélago de Cabo Verde, da independência até à actualidade (1975 – 2008)
Ângela Sofia Benoliel Coutinho, Investigadora de Pós-Doutoramento no CESNOVANeste estudo, propomo-nos analisar o recrutamento da elite parlamentar e local em Cabo Verde, desde a independência até aos dias de hoje, e também tendo em atenção as mudanças políticas ocorridas no arquipélago, nomeadamente a mudança do regime de partido único para o multipartidário. De 1975 a 1991, o PAIGC, depois PAICV foi o único partido no poder. Em 1991, com a mudança para o multipartidarismo, o MPD venceu as eleições e desde 2001 o PAICV voltou a subir ao poder. Tendo já realizado um estudo sobre o recrutamento ministerial no arquipélago, interessar-nos-á igualmente proceder a um estudo comparativo sobre os critérios de recrutamento de todas estas elites políticas desde a independência até à actualidade.
(workshop falado em português - workshop in Portuguese)
4 de Julho de 2011
17:00-18:00 · Sala 1.04 Ed. ID
O percurso dos diplomados empreendedores: um estudo sobre inserção profissional de diplomados portugueses
Rachel Almeida, Investigadora de Pós-Doutoramento no CESNOVAEste projeto de pesquisa se insere no âmbito do estudo “Percursos de inserção dos licenciados: relações objectivas e subjectivas com o trabalho” (CESNOVA-UNL - PTDC/CS-SOC/104744/2008); estudo que almeja, em linhas gerais, construir um modelo de análise e desenvolver instrumentos metodológicos que permitam às instituições de ensino superior portuguesas avaliar de forma sistemática as trajetórias profissionais dos seus diplomados. Ancorando-se no modelo citado e na base de dados (ambos em construção), este projeto de pós-doutoramento tem como objetivo central compreender em profundidade o percurso percorrido, atualmente, por parte dos jovens diplomados portugueses, aqui denominados como diplomados empreendedores. Nesse percurso encontram-se tanto profissionais autônomos, quanto gestores que ocupam altos cargos em grandes empresas, como também pequenos empresários, tradicionais ou empreendedores sociais. O que os une nesse conjunto é justamente aquilo que diferencia este tipo de percurso dos demais percursos trilhados pelos outros diplomados, ou seja, a incorporação de forma muito latente do chamado novo espírito do capitalismo e de um habitus empreendedor.
(workshop falado em português - workshop in Portuguese)
11 de Julho de 2011
17:00-18:00 · Sala 1.04 Ed. ID
Walking to school? Top-down and bottom-up structures of civic participation for sustainable development.
Francisco Lima da Costa, Investigador Ciência no CESNOVA, Márcia Ferreira e David Carvalho, Bolseiros do Projecto A Pé para a Escola (financiado pela Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, através do Programa Ambiente)The lack of embeddedness of locally active institutions and the inability to gather all local segments of the population around a collective endeavour are among the major problems facing sustainable development (SD) policies. Why is it so difficult to get people to collaborate in processes in which they are ultimately the main beneficiaries? How can participation in city sustainability initiatives be enhanced? Will State intervention fostering structures of participation be a solution? How relevant are those structures, particularly in a weak civic participation context?
In this workshop we will present the research-action sustainable mobility project ‘Walking to School’. The project aims at fostering institutional conditions to develop sustainable mobility, in particular by promoting walkability conditions in public space and develop cognitive orientation and autonomy within students of primary school. The project is being developed in six school communities in the municipalities of Loures and Barreiro in the Lisbon Metropolitan Area and pretends to create a replicable model that helps fostering behavioural changes toward SD.
This workshop in particular sets out to question the role of State and local administrative institutions in the implementation of sustainable development policies. Although the Portuguese State defines politics, plans and strategies toward SD, studies done and under way refers that there is generally a lack of institutional awareness and capabilities to cope with the implementation of those politics, plans and strategies.
We also note that, even when there is a receptive institutional framework and local institutions are developing new capabilities toward SD, it is difficult to involve civil society and to foster civic participation, making the efforts and resource allocation of local institutions less cost-effective. In fact, besides top-down institutional strategies, some notes are required on the approach to the bottom-up processes. This is particularly significant in order to allow new ways of organizing human and social structures that harmonize interests and dynamics from above and from below.
Nevertheless, and because new mentalities and behaviours have immense inertia, new institutional capabilities are considered as essential to create the basis for new participatory structures and dynamics. We also explore the idea of leadership behavioural change as a meso-level relevant to the study of the dynamics between institutions and agency. Finally, the project intends to make a research programme driven by policy-making concerns toward local communities’ capabilities building, namely concerning the need for new institutional structures of civic participation that foster behavioural change for SD.
(workshop falado em português - workshop in Portuguese)
5 de Setembro de 2011
Window-shopping among European Union Countries. Understanding the intra-European migration flows of Romanian citizens
Ruxandra Ciobanu, Investigadora Ciência no CESNOVA
Much of the literature on international migration looks at rational and socialized subjects and the decisions they take to migrate comparing the country of origin and of destination. Such socialized rational actors evaluate costs and benefits and choose to migrate to a destination or another. The present paper aims to show that in many cases the choice of a migration destination is a trial and error exercise. Moreover, in many cases migrants are changing destinations. The novelty of this paper is twofold. First, while the literature on international migration abounds with studies looking at one origin and one destination, there are very few studies looking at the “windowshopping” done by international migrants. Second, there have been done no previous studies on Romanian migrants and their multiple migrations within the European Union. The new questions to address are: how does such a migration pattern emerge?, what variables might explain them?, what are the political contexts allowing for such migration patterns?, what social networks are migrants using in these cases of re-migration?’ or more concretely, what is the difference between Italy and Spain for a migrant from a remote village in Eastern Europe? The analysis is based on fieldwork research in Portugal (this being just one stop in the migration sequence of many respondents). I conducted interviews with key informants on migration – such as the Orthodox priests and Romanian cultural attachés in Portugal. I also conducted biographical narrative interviews with current migrants in Portugal (in the area of greater Lisbon, the Setubal Peninsula and the Algarve). I had two main entry points in the field: the Romanian Cultural Institute and the Romanian Orthodox Church in Lisbon. However, I also interviewed Romanians I met outside of these contexts. I conducted extensive participant observation at the Romanian Orthodox Church and the Romanian school in Lisbon. The fieldwork research has been taking place from 2010 to 2011. The methodology and the time of the fieldwork allow capturing longitudinally the history of migration of the respondents, and also shed light on the impact of the EU enlargement and the financial crisis on the emergence of new patterns of migration. To delve on these new patterns of migration, the paper employs system theory and social network analysis. The main variables – whose interaction appears to influences Romanian’s window-shopping migration – are social networks, migration policies, and type of professional activity at the destination.
(workshop falado em inglês - workshop in English)
- Sociology (Main category)
- Av. de Berna, Edifício FCSH-ID (CESNOVA)
Lisbon, Portugal
- Monday, September 05, 2011
- Monday, July 11, 2011
- Monday, July 04, 2011
- Monday, June 27, 2011
- Paula Bouça
courriel : cesnova [at] fcsh [dot] unl [dot] pt
Reference Urls
Information source
- Marta Maia
courriel : martamaia72 [at] yahoo [dot] fr
This announcement is licensed under the terms of Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal.
To cite this announcement
« CESNOVA Workshops », Seminar, Calenda, Published on Wednesday, June 22, 2011, https://doi.org/10.58079/iqb