Sociology and Social Work: Theory and Practice
Sociology and Social Work: Theory and Practice
Published on Friday, January 13, 2012
Call for abstracts
International conference
Sociology and Social Work: Theory and Practice
Oslo, Norway
May, 30-31 2012
The second conference on Sociology and Social Work will be held in Oslo, Norway, May 30 and 31, 2012. The location will be Oslo University College in the center of Oslo, Norway. The first conference on Sociology and Social work was in Lisbon, May 2011.
Sociology and social work are two disciplines concerned with social problems, social structure and how individuals respond to and live within cultural and structural constraints. Delinquency, inequality, deviation and social exclusion as well as childhood, family and care are other examples of themes addressed by both disciplines. Both sociology and social work deal with the relationship between theory and practice. Theory and practice are often understood as being mutually exclusive. If one deals with theory, it might be interpreted as one cannot at the same time work practically. On the other hand, when we act in practical work, the theoretical background is often overlooked. We say: “This is theory “and the sentence: “that is not practice” does not even have to be added. Contrary to this dichotomized view, the expression: “…there is nothing as practical as a good theory” from Kurt Lewin, 1944, shows the intertwined positions between the two. This expression has entered our everyday language but without really making a difference in how we in our professional and everyday lives understand the relationships between the two concepts. The concepts interact and are related in many different ways. To place them as two separated areas easily leads to an oversimplification.
How do theory and practice interplay within the disciplines of social work and sociology? Social work is often viewed as a practical profession without a theoretical basis for action. And sociology is in the same one dimensional way understood as just a theoretical discipline. The question to be asked is how theory and practice interrelate in different ways.
We invite scholars from different backgrounds to submit both qualitative and quantitative contributions. The abstracts may focus on theoretical, empirical or methodological aspects.
Submission of proposals:
Submissions for this conference are now invited. Abstracts (maximum 350 words) should be sent by email to and/or
no later than the March, 1 2012.
Important dates:
- March 1 2012: Deadline for submitting abstracts to organizers
- March 15 2012: Notification of abstracts acceptance
- April 1 2012: Deadline for payment for participation
- May 1 2012: Deadline for sending full paper
Conference fee:
- 2000 NOK (ca $ 323) for participation without conference dinner
- 2500 NOK (ca $ 403) for participation including conference dinner
- 1800 NOK (ca $ 290) for student participation
The payment will be in NOK.
If you have any questions, please contact the organizing committee:
Local organizers:
- Professor, PhD Irene Levin
- PhD candidate, Aurelie Picot
- Research advisor, Hege Nedberg
- Oslo University College
Oslo, Kingdom of Norway
- Thursday, March 01, 2012
Attached files
- sociology, social work, theory, practice
- Aurelie Picot
courriel : Aurelie [dot] Picot [at] hioa [dot] no
Information source
- Aurelie Picot
courriel : Aurelie [dot] Picot [at] hioa [dot] no
This announcement is licensed under the terms of Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal.
To cite this announcement
« Sociology and Social Work: Theory and Practice », Call for papers, Calenda, Published on Friday, January 13, 2012,