HomeCreative technologies
Creative technologies
Tecnologias criativas
Published on Monday, February 13, 2012
Tema: "Tecnologias Criativas"
Editores: Nelson Zagalo e Pedro Branco
Abstract (250 palavras): 28 Fevereiro 2012 Notificação de aceitação: 15 Maço 2012Centro de Estudos de Comunicação e Sociedade (CECS), Universidade do Minho, Portugal
"As pessoas querem expressar-se, querem ser ouvidas, querem participar na criação da sua envolvente."Desde o início da humanidade temos desenvolvido tecnologias criativas, ferramentas que suportam a nossa expressão, como as tintas, as ferramentas de esculpir, objetos sonoros. As tecnologias criativas foram sempre a base da expressividade humana; para suportar a realização pessoal; para aumentar a autoestima; para aumentar os laços comunitários; para criar sociedades melhores. Quanto mais nos expressamos, mais nos sentimos vivos.
Os últimos 30 anos providenciaram desenvolvimentos culturais e tecnológicos que levaram à democratização do acesso a estas tecnologias. Estas novas Tecnologias Criativas estão a promover a criação de experiências interativas e a criar a base para um novo movimento cultural, capaz de dar forma àquilo que até agora apenas podíamos criar na nossa imaginação. Acreditamos que estas novas experiências serão largamente determinadas pelos utilizadores finais, eles próprios serão capazes de desenhar, construir e partilhar as suas criações.
Os artigos devem abordar um destes tópicos:- Fundamentos das Tecnologias Criativas
- Inovação democratizada
- Movimento DIY
- Ferramentas de Convivialidade
- Processos Expressivos
- Tecnologias e Cultura
- Brincar Criativo
- Jogos Criativos
- Ferramentas de Authoring e Participação
- Novos Paradigmas de Tecnologias Criativas
- Alterações económicas devido às TC
- Comunidades criativas
- Novos autores
- Criatividade
Todos os trabalhos serão submetidos à apreciação de dois editores e classificados de acordo com o mérito académico, a originalidade e a relevância relativamente aos objectivos e temática deste número. Os originais devem ser enviados em formato Word para: creativetechnologies@engagelab.org.Línguas aceites: Português, Castelhano, Francês e Inglês.
Propostas no formato de Abstract (250 palavras): 28 Fevereiro 2012Notificação de aceitação: 15 Maço 2012
Artigo completo: 30 de Abril 2012
Notificação com revisões: 30 Maio 2012
Versão final formatada: 30 Junho 2012
Publicação: 2º Semestre de 2012
Mais Informação em: http://creativetechnologies.engagelab.org
Journal of Communication and Society
Issue on Creative Technologies
Issue 22, to be published during the 2nd semester of 2012
Published by: Centro de Estudos de Comunicação e SociedadeISSN: 1645-2089
Volume Number: 22
Editors: Nelson Zagalo and Pedro BrancoPresentation
Since dawn of humanity we developed creative technologies, tools such as ink, carving tools, or sounding objects that support manifestations of creativity. Creative Technologies (CT) have always been the ground for human expressivity; to sustain self-realization; to raise self-esteem; to increase community bonds; and to create a better society.
In the last 30 years the development and convergence of a series of technologies lead to phenomenon that is different from anything Humanity has witness before. The online sharing, the free, the opensource, the accessible technological tools for creation, all enabled many more people to create and express themselves through digital media, leading to massive amounts of rich media content creation by the curious hobbyist all the way to the artists and professionals.
We believe that there is a new cultural movement taking shape. This movement is providing a “voice” through which anyone can express to everyone whatever their imagination can create. At the core of this emerging cultural movement are digital technologies that enable the access to sophisticated tools for rich media content creation, interactive content, sharing of ideas, discussion and distribution.
In this special issue we are looking for contributions to the discussion that approach this phenomenon from a wide variety of perspectives and knowledge areas, ranging from the communication field, to the technological aspects.
We call for position papers in the following (non-exclusive) list of topics:
- Fundaments of creative technologies
- Democratizing innovation
- DIY movement
- Tools for Conviviality
- Expressive processes
- Technologies and Culture
- Creative Play
- Creative Games
- Tools for Authorship and Participation
- Technological paradigms for CT
- Communication paradigms for CT
- Media business changes because of CT
- Creative Community
- The new authors
- Creativity
Authors are asked to submit first an abstract proposal of 250 words that will be reviewed for acceptance. After that authors will then be requested to submit full papers which will go through peer-review process. Final papers must be formatted with CECS publication guidelines. Submissions and any question, or doubts should be sent to: creativetechnologies@engagelab.org
Accepted languages: Portuguese, Spanish, French and English
Abstract proposition of interest (250 words): 28th February 2012
Notification of acceptance: 15th March 2012
Full paper submission: 30th of April 2012
Revisions Notification: 30th May 2012
Camera Ready: 30th June 2012
Journal Publishing: 2nd Semester of 2012
About the Editors
Nelson Zagalo is Assistant Professor at the University of Minho (UM) - Portugal. He got his PhD on Communication Technology from the University of Aveiro about new interaction paradigms in virtual environments. He is director of the Master on Interactive Media and part of the board direction of the Master on Technology and Digital Art. He co-chairs the research group engageLab at Computer Graphics Center and chairs the Portuguese Society of Videogame Sciences. He has more than forty peer-reviewed publications in the fields of videogames, film studies, interactive storytelling and emotion. He is author of the book "Interactive Emotions, from Film to Videogames" (2009) and editor of the book "Virtual Worlds and Metaverse Platforms: New Communication and Identity Paradigms" (2011).
Pedro Branco is Assistant Professor in the Department of Information Systems at University of Minho and co-chairs the research group engageLab. He worked as researcher at the Fraunhofer Center for Research in Computer Graphics and later at IMEDIA in Providence, RI, USA in the areas of human-computer interaction. He received his doctorate degree in Information Systems from University of Minho in 2006 on facial expression analysis for assessing user experience. His research interests spans several areas of human-computer interaction such as interaction design, novel interfaces, and the intersection of those with interactive art. He is currently director of the Master Course in Technology and Digital Art at University of Minho. He works closely with students from a wide range of backgrounds developing interactive systems that explore a synergy of technology and aesthetics, exploring future directions for our interaction with technology.
- Information (Main category)
- Society > Sociology
- Mind and language > Information > Information sciences
- Tuesday, February 28, 2012
- CECS #
courriel : CECS [at] ics [dot] uminho [dot] pt
Reference Urls
Information source
- Marie Pellen
courriel : marie [dot] pellen [at] openedition [dot] org
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To cite this announcement
« Creative technologies », Call for papers, Calenda, Published on Monday, February 13, 2012, https://doi.org/10.58079/k7d