HomeIndividual itineraries and the circulation of scientific and technical knowledge in East Asia (16th-20th centuries)

Individual itineraries and the circulation of scientific and technical knowledge in East Asia (16th-20th centuries)

Itinéraires individuels et circulation des savoirs scientifiques et techniques en Asie orientale (XVIe-XXe siècle)

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Published on Tuesday, October 02, 2012


How did individuals' geographical mobility contributed the circutation of  knowledge in East Asia (16th-20th centuries)? In China, Korea and Vietnam, the bureaucratic systems dictated a specific mode of mobility of the elites. But the ways in which individual itineraries shaped the circulation of knowledge need to be studied not only for civil servants, but also for various socio-professional groups, such as the scholars privately employed by high officials, craftsmen, medical doctors, traders, Buddhist monks, and emperors themselves. To these groups should be added the actors of the globalisation of knowledge during this period.


Individual itineraries and the circulation of scientific and technical knowledge in East Asia (16th -20th centuries) 

ICCM ANR-09-SSOC-004, Final Conference, University Paris Diderot, Bat. Condorcet, Amphithéâtre Pierre-Gilles de Gennes, 4 rue A.Domont et L. Duquet, 75013 Paris


Monday 26 November

9.00 Opening

9.30-12.30 Chair: Françoise Sabban (EHESS, Paris)

  • Caroline Bodolec (CNRS, UMR8173, Paris), Miaofeng 妙逢, a monk-architect: geographical and social itinerary
  • Catherine Jami (CNRS, UMR7219, Paris), Imperial mobility and information networks: the Kangxi emperor’s Collection of investigation of things in leisure time
  • Zhao Bing (CNRS, UMR 8155), Tang Ying 唐英 (1682-1756) between the Palace and Jiangnan: the exceptional itinerary of an imperial bondservant
  •  Discussant: Dagmar Schäfer (University of Manchester)

14.30-17.30 Chair: Christian Jacob (EHESS, Paris)

  • Mau Chuan-hui (National Tsing-Hua University, Hsinchu), Qing local officials and the circulation of wild silkworms breeding
  • Delphine Spicq (Collège de France, Paris), From fieldwork to handbook production: Linqing’s experience in water conservancy
  • Frédéric Obringer  (CNRS, UMR8173, Paris), Views of the human body: geographical and intellectual mobility of a physician and a literatus
  • Discussant; Pierre-Etienne Will (Collège de France, Paris)

Tuesday 27 November

9.30-12.30 Chair: Marie-Noëlle Bourguet (University Paris Diderot) 

  • Antonella Romano (European University Institute, Florence), In the wake of a revolution: Martino Martini between the Chinese and the Manchu
  • Beatriz Puente Ballesteros (Catholic University Leuven), Bernard Rhodes (1646-1715), imperial physician
  • Wu Huiyi (ICT, University Paris Diderot), The ‘provincialism’ of F.-X. Dentrecolles’ (1664-1741) translations: locality and configurations of knowledge
  • Discussant: Nicolas Standaert (Catholic University Leuven)

14.30-17.30 Chair: Rafael Mandressi (CNRS, CAK, Paris)

  • Florence Bretelle-Establet (CNRS, UMR7219, Paris), Human mobility and the book trade: the circulation of medical knowledge in the Far South
  • Emmanuel Poisson (University Paris Diderot, UMR7219), Circulation and production of knowledge in 18th century Viêt Nam: Lê Quy Dôn’s itineraries
  • Lim Jong-tae (Seoul National University), Astronomers in tributary missions: institutionalized travels of Korean court astronomers to Beijing in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries 
  • Discussant: Kim Daeyeol (INALCO, Paris)

17.30-18.30 Presentation of database and GIS

Wednesday 28 November

9.30-12.30 Chair: Marwa Elshakry (Columbia University)

  • Aurélien Laroulandie (EHESS, UMR8173, Paris), Circulation of knowledge in its institutional context: officials and experts networks in 17th century Korea
  • Andrea Bréard (University of Lille 1), Meng Sen and Shen Linyi, two careers in modern statistics in the late Qing
  • Aleksandra Majstorac-Kobiljski (CNRS, UMR8173, Paris & Needham Research Institute, Cambridge), Japanese engineers and coking technologies in early twentieth century Manchuria
  • Discussant: Annick Horiuchi (University Paris Diderot)

14.30-17.30 Chair: Isabelle Landry-Deron (EHESS, Paris)

  • [To be confirmed] Joachim Kurtz (University of Heidelberg), Missionary itineraries and the circulation of knowledge in 19th century China: Young J. Allen, Li Di, and their networks
  • Christian Lamouroux  (EHESS, UMR8173, Paris), Between archives and fieldwork: Mr. Liu Guoliang’s business in Beijing
  • Lucia Candelise (UMR 7219, University Paris Diderot), Diplomacy, empire and medicine: the construction of French traditionalist acupuncture
  • Discussant: Rui Magone (Berlin)

17.30-18.00 Conclusion


  • Universita Paris Diderot, Bat. Condorcet , Amphithéâtre Pierre-Gilles de Gennes - 4 rue A.Domont et L. Duquet
    Paris, France (75013)


  • Monday, November 26, 2012
  • Tuesday, November 27, 2012
  • Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Attached files


  • Asie orientale, histoire des sciences et des techniques, mobilité, dynamique spatiale, mondialisation


  • Catherine Jami
    courriel : jami [at] univ-paris-diderot [dot] fr

Information source

  • Catherine Jami
    courriel : jami [at] univ-paris-diderot [dot] fr


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To cite this announcement

« Individual itineraries and the circulation of scientific and technical knowledge in East Asia (16th-20th centuries) », Conference, symposium, Calenda, Published on Tuesday, October 02, 2012, https://doi.org/10.58079/lqg

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