Conference, symposiumEurope
Europe of the parliaments. The state of research in parlementary history
L’Europe des parlements. État des recherches en histoire parlementaire
Published on Wednesday, November 07, 2012
The Europe of Parliaments. Current Research in the Field of Parliamentary History, colloque international organisé par, réseau européen d'information et de recherche sur l'histoire parlementaire, jeudi 8 et vendredi 9 novembre 2012, Centre d’histoire de Sciences Po , 56 rue Jacob, 75006 Paris
prof. dr. Carla van Baalen, prof. dr. Jean Garrigues, dr. Frédéric Attal, Joris Oddens MA
En collaboration avec le Comité d’histoire parlementaire et politique, the Faculty of Arts of the Radboud University (Nijmegen), the Centre for Parliamentary History (Nijmegen), the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research, the Montesquieu Institute (The Hague) et le Centre d’histoire de Sciences Po (Paris).
jeudi 8 novembre
13.00-13.30 : Accueil par Jean Garrigues (Président du CHPP) et Carla van Baalen (Directrice du CPG)
13.30-15.00 : Approches artistiques
Présidence de session : Prof dr. Pasi Ihalainen, University of Jyväskylä
- Dr. Marij Leenders, Centre for Parliamentary History Nijmegen, Picturing Conventions of Parliament. Parliamentary Photojournalist Erich Salomon in The Hague 1936-1940
- Prof. dr. Remieg Aerts, Radboud University Nijmegen, The Architecture of Political Representation : Parliamentary Buildings in Europe, 19th-20th centuries
15.15-17.00 : Le modèle britannique
Présidence de session : dr. Adéla Gjuricová, Czech Academy of Sciences
- Dr. Henry Miller, History of Parliament London, The British Parliament and the Representation of Public Opinion before Democracy, c. 1800-1914
- Dr. Kálmán Pócza, Pázmány Péter Catholic University Budapest, The British Model of Parliamentarism in Hungary
17.15-18.30 : Les expériences du XIXe siècle
Présidence de session : prof. dr. Jean Garrigues, University of Orléans
- Dr. Jonas Harvard, Södertörn University / Mid Sweden University, Parliament as the Source of Public Opinion: Pre-Polling Politics in 19th-Century Sweden
- Dr. Valeria Ferrari, University of Rome La Sapienza, Between Myth and Reality: The Changing Fortunes of Parliament in 19th-Century Italy
- Dr. Franz Adlgasser, Commission for the History of the Habsburg Monarchy, Some Aspects of a Collective Biography of the Austrian Parliament, 1848-1918
Vendredi 9 novembre
9.30-10.45 : Parlements en transition
Présidence de session : prof. dr. Andreas Schulz, Kommission for the History of Parliamentarism and Political Parties Berlin
- Dr. Adéla Gjuricová, Czech Academy of Sciences, The Professionalization of a Parliament in Democratic Transition: Continuities and Contrasts in the Czechoslovak Case
- Dr. Bettina Tüffers, Kommission for the History of Parliamentarism and Political Parties Berlin, The Professionalization of a Parliament in Transition - Learning to be an MP: The 10. People's Chamber of the GDR
11.15-13.00 : Le Parlement européen
Présidence de session : prof. dr. Carla van Baalen, Centre for Parliamentary History Nijmegen
- Dr. Ann-Christina Lauring Knudsen, Aarhus University, Transnational Pathways. Patterns of Recruitment and Circulation among the First Cohort of British and Danish Members of the European Parliament
- Prof. dr. Sandro Guerrieri, University of Rome La Sapienza, The European Parliament: From an Unidentified Historiographical Object to a Relevant Topic Of Research
- Dr. Rinna Kullaa, University of Jyväskylä, The European Parliament in the 20th Century: Challenges in Legitimacy and Prospects for Future Influence
13.00-14.45 : Déjeuner
14.45-16.00 : Recherches dans l’Europe méditerranéenne
Présidence de session : dr. Paul Seaward, History of Parliament
- Prof. dr. Mikel Urquijo and Prof. dr. Joseba Agirreakuenaga, University of the Basque Country, Current Research on Parliamentary History in Spain
- Prof. dr. Jean Garrigues, University of Orléans, The Rebirth of French Parliamentary History
16.15-18.00 : Table ronde : opportunités de collaboration future
- Europe (Main category)
- Society > Political studies > Political science
- Society > Political studies > Political history
- Society > History
- 56 rue Jacob
Paris, France (75006)
- Thursday, November 08, 2012
- Friday, November 09, 2012
Attached files
- histoire parlementaire, histoire politique, parlement, Euparl
- Frédéric Attal
courriel : attal [dot] frederic [at] free [dot] fr
Reference Urls
Information source
- Alexandre Borrell
courriel : alexandreborrell [at] hotmail [dot] fr
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To cite this announcement
« Europe of the parliaments. The state of research in parlementary history », Conference, symposium, Calenda, Published on Wednesday, November 07, 2012,