HomeIn Dreams Begin Responsibilities: The Consequences of Gay Rights Without Social Justice in the Transnational Sphere

In Dreams Begin Responsibilities: The Consequences of Gay Rights Without Social Justice in the Transnational Sphere

Doing Gender 10 – Current Challenges of Feminisms, Thematic Symposia n°076

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Published on Friday, November 30, 2012


Historically, the Gay Liberation Movement emerged as a collective wish for social transformation regarding sexual practice, sex roles, gender prescriptions and the privitization/commodification of relationships. The movement was situated in a context of other movements for visionary social change regarding race, citizenship, women’s autonomy, children’s rights, national identity, regional self-determination and a revolution in the distribution of wealth. The AIDS crisis propelled a profound transformation of the LGBT community from a political movement to a consumer group. Abrupt changes in media representation, psychological consequences of the mass death experience, and the impact of widespread loss of generations and individuals in traumatic and sudden ways resulted in the grassroots Gay Liberation Movement fading into history, to be replaced by a Gay Rights Movement, controlled from the top down by national organizations with paid staff and LGBT individuals situated within ruling political parties, lobbying from within the cultural frameworks of those constructions. This confluence of Rights and Nation States, lead to what Rutgers Professor Jasbir Puar called “Homonationalism”, the granting of Gay Rights in the service of state interests rooted in supremacy ideology about race, gender, class and ethnicity.



Historically, the Gay Liberation Movement emerged as a collective wish for social transformation regarding sexual practice, sex roles, gender prescriptions and the privitization/commodification of relationships. The movement was situated in a context of other movements for visionary social change regarding race, citizenship, women’s autonomy, children’s rights, national identity, regional self-determination and a revolution in the distribution of wealth. The AIDS crisis propelled a profound transformation of the LGBT community from a political movement to a consumer group. Abrupt changes in media representation, psychological consequences of the mass death experience, and the impact of widespread loss of generations and individuals in traumatic and sudden ways resulted in the grassroots Gay Liberation Movement fading into history, to be replaced by a Gay Rights Movement, controlled from the top down by national organizations with paid staff and LGBT individuals situated within ruling political parties, lobbying from within the cultural frameworks of those constructions.

This confluence of Rights and Nation States, lead to what Rutgers Professor Jasbir Puar called “Homonationalism”, the granting of Gay Rights in the service of state interests rooted in supremacy ideology about race, gender, class and ethnicity. By definition, this unholy alliance only allows “Rights” to people who fit the dominant cultural national power structure. As a result we now see many examples in the world where white gay people, most often male but not always, who are within their nations’ religious profiles, lose their state of contradiction around homosexuality and join supremacy movements. This phenomena is most evident in Britain, The Netherlands, Germany and Israel. The United States, which does not have “gay rights” did trade the right to military service for LGBT identification with two wars against Muslims in Iraq and Afghanistan, in this way creating Homonationalism without having to create equality under the law. In a dynamic relationship, whose nature is still to be articulated, Queer movements have emerged in Latin America, the Arab World, China, Iran and Africa.

Very different from their western counterparts, these movements are often in explicit reaction to religious supremacy, rooted in communities that immigrate to the west, resistant to Occupation, and part of popular movements for social change. In a sense, the International LGBT has split into two distinct and profoundly different political entities: The Homonationalist LGBT Rights Movement on one hand, and the Anti-Imperialist Queer Movement on the other. In fact these two movements are so different in their goals, methodologies and analysis that one could argue that they are entirely separate and should be so.

In this Thematic Symposium for The 10th International Seminar Fazendo Gênero: Desafios Atuais dos Feminismos we, Felipe Bruno Martins Fernandes and Sarah Schulman, invite researchers from all over the globe and across fields of knowledge (with an emphasis on interdisciplinarity ) to present works on the dynamics between Gay Rights and the Queer Movement, internationally, especially in the national and transnational spheres. This will be a multi-language Symposium accepting presentations and papers in Portuguese, English, Spanish and French (we recommend all PowerPoint presentations to be written in English).

Scientific coordinators

  • FELIPE BRUNO MARTINS FERNANDES (Pós Doutor(a) - L'École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales/Toulouse),
  • SARAH SCHULMAN (Livre Docência - City University of New York/College of Staten Island)  


  • March 20, 2013 - Deadline for submission of papers (oral presentations in TS) and posters

  • May 30, 2013 - Announcement of papers selected for presentation in Thematic Symposia and of the list of accepted Posters

  • June, 2013 - Preparation of the programme brochure of the event
  • July 04, 2013 - Deadline for handing in the final copy of papers (oral presentations) for publication in the Proceedings
  • The international Conference will take place from 16th to 20th of September 2013 in Florianópolis/Brazil, Federal University of Santa Catarina

  • December 15, 2013 - Publication of the full texts presented in the Thematic Symposia (TS) on the website of "Fazendo Gênero 10". Only the papers effectively presented by the authors will be published.

Submission guidelines


In order to present papers in the Thematic Symposia, participants must hold at least a graduate degree;

Each participant may present only 1 (one) paper in 1 (one) Thematic Symposium. He or she must choose 3 (three) Symposia in order of preference. If not accepted in the first choice, the paper will be evaluated by the coordinators of the second option and, if necessary, of the third option;

The proposals must contain a title, an abstract and keywords (between 3 and 5, separated by semi-colon) both in English and in Portuguese (or Spanish);

The ST coordinators will be advised not to accept proposals that do not fulfill the above requirements.

Each author may submit only one proposal, either for Oral or for Poster presentation. Only the main author should submit it online. If there are co-authors who have not submitted another proposal as authors, they should also register, by the deadline, informing the paper code generated at the main author’s registration.

The evaluation and acceptance of proposals for Oral Presentations are made solely by the STs coordinators.

There are 20 openings for each TS. If a TS has fewer than 15 participants, the remaining openings may be completed with papers which could not be accepted by another TS, chosen among the participant’s second or third options. If the minimum of 15 participants is still not reached, the Symposium will be cancelled and those accepted will be redistributed, following the participant’s options. Should a paper fail to be placed in the third option, the scientific committee will be responsible for allocating it;

The authors are responsible for informing the TS coordinators about any eventual  impossibility of presenting their papers so that the program may be reorganized to accommodate others. Papers will be included in the final program only upon payment of the fee by the registration deadline. Certificates will be issued only if the paper is presented by the authors themselves.

Only the full texts of the papers presented in the TSs will be published.

Registration fees are not refundable. In case the proposal is not accepted, the participant will be automatically registered as an audit (“ouvinte”).

Co-authored papers

Co-authored papers should follow the rules below:

Each paper may have a maximum of 2 (two) co-authors, besides the main author;

When registering, the co-author will identify his/her paper by means of the code created at the time of registration of the main author;

Each registration must be made individually;

The main author of the paper is the one responsible for submitting it. If there are co-authors who have not submitted another proposal as authors, they should also register, by the deadline, informing the paper code generated at the main author’s registration.

A paper cannot be presented in more than one ST;

Only co-authors may register in more than one TS, provided they clearly indicate their condition as advisor of the main author.

Paper Publication

The complete texts of the papers presented in the TSs will be published on the site of Fazendo Gênero 10, on December 15, 2013. Only the papers effectively presented by the authors will be published. Please use the available form for sending the complete texts.

The complete texts should follow the following format: maximum of 22,000 characters, spaces included (or 12 pages including references), 1.5 line spacing, Times New Roman 12. Use footnotes, according to ABNT norms.

References should be indicated in parentheses, following the format (Author, year, page) when quotation is inlcuded in the text and (AUTHOR, year, page) for block quotations,

The abstract and keywords in Portuguese or Spanish should come right after the author’s name, before the beginning of the text.

Title, abstract and keywords in English should come after the Works Consulted.

The files must be in .doc or .rtf.

The complete texts of the Oral Presentations may be posted online from the date of their acceptance until July 8, 2013, through the Participant’s Area.

Registration fees




R$ 120,00


R$ 120,00

Graduate Student

R$ 70,00

Undergraduate Student

R$ 30,00


For further informations



  • Centro de Cultura e Eventos - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Campus Universitário
    Florianópolis, Brazil (88060-000)


  • Wednesday, March 20, 2013


  • lgbt, queer, mouvements sociaux


  • Felipe Fernandes
    courriel : complex [dot] lipe [at] gmail [dot] com

Information source

  • Felipe Fernandes
    courriel : complex [dot] lipe [at] gmail [dot] com


CC0-1.0 This announcement is licensed under the terms of Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal.

To cite this announcement

« In Dreams Begin Responsibilities: The Consequences of Gay Rights Without Social Justice in the Transnational Sphere », Call for papers, Calenda, Published on Friday, November 30, 2012, https://doi.org/10.58079/ma1

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