HomeDfD – Design for Desertification

HomeDfD – Design for Desertification

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Published on Friday, April 19, 2013


The main aims of this International Conference are to gather articles and presentations that can contribute to enrich the debate on territorial consequences of rural-urban migration, depopulation and desertification. One of the consequences of several years of migration from rural to urban areas in Portugal, as it leaves the villages in the interior of the country depopulated, is cultural genocide. Design for Desertification is a research project that contextualises these issues within the Portuguese territory showing how economic decline, desertification and depopulation are interconnected and how rural development could present a solution to economic decline.



The main aims of this International Conference are to gather articles and presentations that can contribute to enrich the debate on territorial consequences of rural-urban migration, depopulation and desertification. One of the consequences of several years of migration from rural to urban areas in Portugal, as it leaves the villages in the interior of the country depopulated, is cultural genocide. Design for Desertification is a research project that contextualises these issues within the Portuguese territory showing how economic decline, desertification and depopulation are interconnected and how rural development could present a solution to economic decline. Idanha-a-Nova Borough was chosen as case study in order to illustrate the issues above more successfully and to use a real context for debate and analysis. During the last four years DfD contributed to the creation of a collection of works/data that register local traditions to feature in a Museum which originated the itinerary exhibition titled '21st Century Rural Museum',currently touring several cities across the world to show the rural ethnogenesis of these people. The aim of this 'travelling museum' is to encourage people to build more intimate relationships with their own region and to be more confident in communicating their cultural memories to a broader audience. What is the '21st Century Rural Museum'? It is an itinerary exhibition taking the Portuguese rural world to major cities in Portugal and other countries also affected by the phenomena of depopulation, environmental desertification and economic decline. This exhibition grew out of the research project DfD coordinated by the senior architect and curator Cristina Rodrigues and presents the borough of Idanha-a-Nova as a case study. This borough is located by the border with Spain in an area known as Raia. Selected Portuguese and British artists were invited to create artwork about the Portuguese rural world and about the reality of Idanha-a-Nova in particular. The exhibition encapsulates their vision in a physical space where narratives and issues are brought to life in an attempt to engage the public in the debate about the importance of rural regeneration. This exhibition has been designed for the general public with the aim of renewing the sense of citizenship and to involve everyone in the debate. A series of dislocated exhibitions of the '21st Century Rural Museum' will take place at the same time as the Conference.


Abstracts can be submitted in Portuguese or English.

The abstracts should have a maximum of 300 words. Any abstract that exceeds the stipulated amount of words will be excluded.

The successful applicants will be informed via email on the second week of May 2013.

The selected speakers to present at DfD - Design for Desertification International Conference will have their flights to Portugal and accommodation sponsored by PARCNorthWest and Idanha-a-Nova Municipality. PGR Students and Researchers from Art & Design, Architecture, Landscape Architecture, Planning, Museum Studies and Anthropology are welcome to apply.

Dealine: 29th April

Conselho Científico

  • M. Phill. Cristina Rodrigues - Arquitecta Sénior/Investigadora da MMU - Manchester Metropolitan University
  • Paulo Longo - Antropólogo/Museólogo do CCR - Centro Cultural Raiano
  • Dr. Myna Trustam - Estudos Museológicos/Investigadora Senior MMU - Manchester Metropolitan University
  • Prof. David Haley - Artista Ecológico/Investigador Sénior MMU - Manchester Metropolitan University
  • Dr. Tongyu Zhou - Curadora/Investigadora Sénior MMU - Manchester Metropolitan University
  • Prof. Meihong Zhao - Arquitecta Paisagista/Investigadora Sénior ZUT - Zhongyuan University of Technology
  • Dr. João Neves - Director da Escola Superior de Artes Aplicadas do Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco


Centro Cultural Raiano, Idanha-a-Nova, Portugal 24 to the 28 of June



  • Centro Cultural Raiano
    Idanha-a-Nova, Portugal


  • Monday, April 29, 2013

Information source

  • Marta Maia
    courriel : martamaia72 [at] yahoo [dot] fr


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To cite this announcement

« DfD – Design for Desertification », Call for papers, Calenda, Published on Friday, April 19, 2013, https://doi.org/10.58079/n9k

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