Venue: Faculty of Letters, University of Lisbon
Date: 10-11 July 2013
Call for papers
Translation takes place in an international field strongly marked by power relations between dominant and dominated national languages and cultures. In order to understand each translation, it is necessary to take into account the positions of both source and target languages as well as the standing of a wide range of possible intervening agents – author, translator, editor, publishing houses, television channels, distributors, academia and industry, to name but a few – within national cultures and the international cultural market.
This conference offers a forum for the joint discussion of the concepts of voice and indirect translation. Voice is a frequently used concept since Schiavi and Hermans used it to study translation in terms of the presence of the translator’s voice in both text and paratext (Target 8:1. 1996). Indirect translation is defined as “based on a source (or sources) which is itself a translation into a language other than the language of the original, or the target language” (Kittel and Frank eds. 1991. Interculturality and the Historical Study of Literary Translations. Berlin: Erich Schmidt. 3).
Research on indirect translation and voice has focused mainly on interpreting (relay interpreting) and literary translation. However, indirect translation is a phenomenon verifiable in other areas such as scientific, technical and audiovisual translation, always involving the negotiation of a plurality of voices, be they textual, paratextual or contextual.
We invite proposals for 20-minute papers offering case studies various text types, language pairs and translation directions as well as theoretical, methodological and terminological oriented studies.
Suggested topics include but are not restricted to:
- Mapping intercultural transfers
- The analysis of voice(s) in (in)direct translation
- Indirectness in interpreting, literary, technical, scientific and audiovisual translation
- The role of agents, their choices, and interventions
- The consecration of languages, cultures, genres, authors
- Profiling a (trans)national literature (in periodicals, volumes, film, radio, TV)
- Presenting a (trans)national literature (in prefaces, collections, anthologies national historiography, literary historiography)
- Theoretical, methodological and terminological issues in researching indirect translation
Keynote Speakers
Conference Languages
Papers may be presented in English and Portuguese.
Submissions (in English) for double-blind vetting should be sent to and they should include:
- Title of Paper
- Name
- Institutional Affiliation
- Abstract (500 words in English)
- Bio-Note (max. 100 words, mentioning main research interests, projects and selected publications)
- Audiovisual Requirements
- Language of Presentation (English or Portuguese)
- 5 Keywords
Deadline for proposals: 30 May 2013
Communication of Acceptance: until 11 June 2013
Website: www.etc.ulices/jet
The organization plans to publish a volume of selected papers to be submitted for publication in a peer-reviewed or special issue collection by an international publisher. Following the conference, the organization will issue an open call for papers for which conference participants will be invited to submit a proposal.