HomeA three year post-doc position in the Department of Sociology, University of Geneva (80%)

A three year post-doc position in the Department of Sociology, University of Geneva (80%)

Un poste de post-doctorat de trois ans au département de sociologie, université de Genève (80%)

*  *  *

Published on Friday, May 17, 2013


Le/la post-doc que nous recrutons sur un poste à 80% participera durant 3 ans au projet financé par le fonds national Suisse de la recherche scientifique (dirigé par la prof. Mathilde Bourrier): « Organizing, Communicating, and Costing in Risk Governance: Learning Lessons from the H1N1 Pandemic ». Il/Elle travaillera plus particulièrement sur les deux composantes du projet portant sur les facteurs organisationnels et communicationnels de la gestion de la pandémie, en Suisse, aux États-Unis et au Japon. La personne recherchée a obtenu son doctorat en sociologie ou en anthropologie depuis moins de 3 ans, d'excellentes capacités à mener des terrains de recherche dans plusieurs pays, et d'un intérêt marqué pour les questions de santé globale (global health).



The postdoctoral fellow will participate to the project « Organizing, Communicating, and Costing in Risk Governance: Learning Lessons from the H1N1 Pandemic », funded by the Swiss National Foundation for Scientific Research.
He/she will be in charge of the research components dedicated to organization and communication around H1N1. This comparative study will involve qualitative fieldwork in three countries, namely Switzerland, the United States and Japan.
He/she will collaborate with a doctoral student focusing on issues related to costing. He/she will be supervised by Mathilde Bourrier (professor in sociology) for organizational issues and Claudine Burton-Jeangros (professor in sociology) for issues related to communication.

  • Entité organisationnelle : Faculté des sciences économiques et sociales
  • Section / Division : Instituts et Fonds de Recherche SES
  • Fonction : Post-doctorant-e (9) - Fonds National
  • Code fonction : PD9-FN
  • Classe maximum : 9
  • Corps : Assistant - maître assistant
  • Taux d'activité : 80%
  • Lieu de travail : Uni Mail
  • Délai d'inscription : 31-05-2013
  • Référence : 864


  • The project and the position is funded for three years.
  • Private law contract for 1 year, twice renewable.

Required qualifications and experience

  • Recent Phd in sociology or anthropology (less than 3 years)
  • Areas of expertise: Global Health and Risk Issues
  • Empirical research experience
  • Skills in qualitative methods, in particular interviewing (preparation, conduct and analysis) and documentary analysis
  • International experience, especially in North America and/or in Asia
  • Demonstrated experience in comparative and transnational research
  • Excellent scientific writing
  • Promising publication record
  • Languages: Excellent oral and written skills in English and French are required, some knowledge of Japanese appreciated

Starting date

September 1st 2013


Applications, including a motivation letter, a curriculum vitae, a list of publications, copies of diplomas and work certificates

can be submitted exclusively online, by clicking on the button « Postuler/Apply now »
For further information, please contact: Mathilde.bourrier@unige.ch


  • UniMail - Faculté des Sciences Économiques et Sociales - Bd. du Pont-d'Arve 40
    Geneva, Switzerland (1211)


  • Friday, May 31, 2013


  • emergency preparedness, organizational decision making, risk communication, cost-benefit analysis, global health, pandemic response


  • Mathilde Bourrier
    courriel : mathilde [dot] bourrier [at] unige [dot] ch

Reference Urls

Information source

  • Blaise Dupuis
    courriel : blaise [dot] dupuis [at] unige [dot] ch


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To cite this announcement

« A three year post-doc position in the Department of Sociology, University of Geneva (80%) », Scholarship, prize and job offer, Calenda, Published on Friday, May 17, 2013, https://doi.org/10.58079/njy

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